Lionfish jaw


Active Member
chases him around?? haha it will only be a matter of time befroe he gets his revenge and you have a missing shrimp!!!


Originally Posted by Crox
i hope because I hate that little f%^*$(.

I will take him
. Why do you hate your shrimp. They are cool.
KEep your lion stressed to a minimum even if he is crazy. Try some other foods too.


Active Member
But I have good news. King Arthur, my lionfish, is eating again. :jumping: :cheer:
:jumping: :cheer:


Active Member
Actually he's very hungry. He chased the shrimp as soon I put it in the tank. :happyfish


Active Member
What other live food can I feed him. I currently buy only ghost shrimp. Can I try guppies? :happyfish


Active Member
No, definitely no freshwater feeder fish, as these are high in fats and will cause fatty liver disease. Keep feeding him the ghost shrimp until he eventually gets weaned onto frozen food, and then you an feed him krill, silversides, squidd, etc.
I do not remember you saying, so what kind of lion is it?


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
No, definitely no freshwater feeder fish, as these are high in fats and will cause fatty liver disease. Keep feeding him the ghost shrimp until he eventually gets weaned onto frozen food, and then you an feed him krill, silversides, squidd, etc.
I do not remember you saying, so what kind of lion is it?
Second on that, never feed them any type of fatty fish


Originally Posted by Crox
Not even once in a while? Like once a week or other week?

Nope. It's not good for them. You want to replicate their natural enviroment as much as possible and in the wild Lion fish in my book don't come acorss gold fish.


Active Member
Besides not being natural, goldfish, rosies, guppies are one of the biggest causes of death for lion fish, like I said, because they promote fatty liver disease.


Active Member
anything that is from fw is not healthy for sw fish this also includes ghost shrimp.they lack the nessesary nutrients that sw species harbor from eating marine foods.the most common cause of lockjaw is malnutrition caused by improper diet,although lions and other aggressive carnivores mainly eat just fish and other type crustions ect.they get the rest of the dietary needs that omnivores and hebavores live on from eating them.your lion needs a varied diet of different meaty foods such as shrimp, krill, squid,silverslides,scallops,even raw fish such as bite sized chunks of marine fettlets(boneless)i also add 2 drops of extreme garlic to 1 cup of water when thawing the foods to boost imune system and it also entices the fish to eat better.if you insist upon feeding live foods as a once in a while treat break down and buy a few cheep damsels.costly yes but at least nutritous.


Active Member
He's still small to eat damels. I will love to feed him frozen food but I never tried. How or what should I do? Can I buy raw fish from the fishmarket (like squidd, clams and shrimp)?


Active Member
Frozen silversides, mysis shrimp, and krill should work just fine. Any LFS should have these types of food.
Unleashed, while I agree that frozen food is always better as far as nutrition, that was not my point in telling him to use ghost shrimp. Ghost shrimp are good to use because they wean the lionfish onto frozen foods without any negative effects. The same cannot be said about using freshwater feeders, like I said, because freshwater feeder fish promote fatty liver disease, whereas ghost shrimp do not. You can feed the ghost shrimp with nutrients and quality food in order to make them a little more nutritious, whereas, if you were to do this with goldfish or rosy reds or guppies, you would have a little nutrition but it would not change the fact that they are extremely high in fats. Using your theory of using damsels, you would first need to find damsels small enough, which is unlikely, and then find somewhere that sells them much cheaper than $3 a piece because that is just impratical.


Active Member
i do understand your point ut even though ghost shrimp can live for a short time in sw as nutritions goes its not just the fatty liver desease i worry about.i used to buy black mollies for mine when i first got him a as treat though mine was aleady captive and i purchased him from my lfs they got from another client as a trade in i acclimated them to sw and fed them the same foods i feed my sw fish then released them into my tank 50 would be eaten in less than 5 min .im not sure how big the new lion is we are discussing but i started my very tiny under 2 inch vol on mysis shrimp to start and chopped squid with feeding stick(hollow) the food drops out slowly from the tube if used in a slight current to help immitate life the lion may be more apt to go for far as very small damsels go I just purchased today some very small less than an inch long green chromis from my lfs for my reef(they will be lion food in the long run)if you cant get the foods near the fish try dropping it near the head of a powerhead soak in cup of water with 2 drops of garlic extreme b4 feeding .you realy would be amazed at the size fish these guys will accually swallow my smaller lion at 7 inches ate a 5 inch dragon wrasse and recenty ate a 4 inch sand sifting goby.i have always had lions my very first lasted me over 3 yrs.I have only been in this hobby for a little over 4 yrs. also if you cant find damsels at a reasonable price try for brackish mollies not fw(sailfin mollies move to the open waters of the ocean at adulthood making them part of a more natural diet)if you buy bulk you can get them at a bulk rate price.i piad 89 cents each 50 at a time


Active Member
That is all well and good, but tell me what the problem with ghost shrimp is. Essentially, I do the same thing with my ghost shrimp and I get them much cheaper than you get chromis or mollies. Thus, why would you recommend chromis or mollies over the more convenient way of feeding ghost shrimp? I am not seeing your logic...
Also, it is in my belief that a lion who is fed live fish will be MUCH MORE prone to eating other fish than a lion that has not been fed live fish. It's all in the state of mind. If you give him live fish as food, you are teaching the lion that it is okay to eat other fish. If you do not ever do this, he never is told eating fish is okay. Basically, what I am saying is by feeding a lion live fish, it makes them more aggressive.