Lionfish jaw


Active Member
So I should worry that one day he will eat all the fishes in my tank? Currently I have 3 damels (that I hate and I don't care if he eats those) 2 clowns, one coral beauty, one lemonpeel angel, one Fridmani and one redlip blenny. Also I have one BCS, one cleaner shrimp and 8 peppermint shrimp. Will they be ok or I have to get rid of him?


Active Member
haha i dont know bout all your fish, but they LOVE live slatwater fish..i had three damsels for cycling and i bought a baby russels lion . The damsels where pretty large and he made quick work of them, they were all gone in under 2 weeks. Two of them were gone the first two days i had him but the third one was a bit smart, although he did sucomb to my little beast!!


Active Member
Well there is always the possibility that anything that can fit into the lion's mouth, will. Not always, but sometimes.


Active Member
But I never saw him going after any of the fishes. His body is around 4". How big will he get. He's an antennata. Also I wish he eats my damsels.


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
haha i dont know bout all your fish, but they LOVE live slatwater fish..i had three damsels for cycling and i bought a baby russels lion . The damsels where pretty large and he made quick work of them, they were all gone in under 2 weeks. Two of them were gone the first two days i had him but the third one was a bit smart, although he did sucomb to my little beast!!

can you build me a tank like your?

long time ago I had built a 10 gallon but it cracked.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Also, it is in my belief that a lion who is fed live fish will be MUCH MORE prone to eating other fish than a lion that has not been fed live fish. It's all in the state of mind. If you give him live fish as food, you are teaching the lion that it is okay to eat other fish. If you do not ever do this, he never is told eating fish is okay. Basically, what I am saying is by feeding a lion live fish, it makes them more aggressive.
Agreed. When I had cichlids, I got in the habbit of feeding them guppies every now and then but when i purchased new fish, they would think they are just superdsized guppies and would kill and eat them too. With your stocking list Crox, I wouldn't feed any live fish. And yes your lion will eat some of your fish and shrimp fo sho!!!


Active Member
i do not disagree with your logic on aggressive from feeding live foods but if thats all you can get them to eat with until they get used to frozen or point about ghost shrimp is plain and simple its not a salt water shrimp ,guppies are also not sw .goldfish are the worste for the simple fact they are waste eaters they have a mud vein that harbors the waste (ever eat a carp?)ack,however damsels and sailfin mollies are both found in the marine enviroment.not all mollies are brackish and then move to the full sw.if you cant find it in the natural sea enviroment its not meant for your fish to consume as a well balenced source of are not taught to eat fish it is there natural instinct to survival(hense the term predator)if you skip a feeding of prepared foods and he gets hungry he will eat whatever he can fit into its mouth you cannot teach a fish not to eat what it is meant to eat.thats like telling a shark hes a vegetarian and expecting it to learn not to eat meat.please dont take this the wrong way lion_ but didnt you just lose your lion?because he stopped eating?im not saying i know it all but when it comes to feeding all of my fish im very picky on what i feed my fish to the point my fish eat better than i do.i will stop at no expence to try my best to mimic each of my fishes dietary needs.when i can no longer afford to feed my fish properly I will get rid of them even if it means spending 3 bucks and up for sw feeders.i have 10s of thousands invested in my tanks throughout the past 4 1/2 yrs t me and my fish its well worth the small cost to keep them healthy.JMO


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crox
I was feeding my lionfish with a ghost shrimp and when he tried to eat it his jaw got stuck.
He couldn't close his mouth. Now i tried to feed him again but he looks afraid to bite at anything. :mad: Is he ok? Is that something that happens with lionfishes? I guess he has a dislocated jaw?

:help: :help: :help: :help: :help:
is he eating yet?


Active Member
He's eating like a pig. I just went to the fishmarket and I got some shrimp, squid and scallops. How can I make him eat that? Should I blend it in my food processor? Or should I just give him small bite pieces at the time?
Thanks Unleashed.


Active Member
Well, I am not going to argue any longer with you. We simply having differing views on this issue and it's not worth arguing about. I have never had problems with ghost shrimp, or have ever heard of problems with ghost shrimp. The only thing I want to add is that I never lost a lion to starvation.


Active Member
He is probably still in the frozen phase where you need to slowly ween him from ghost shrimp to frozen food. This is why I recommended silversides and krill because they actually look like they could be alive.


Active Member
I'll try with the silversides. What if I'll but some small fishes like baby anchovies? Will that be ok?


Active Member
But I have a question.
Aren't silversides too big for my antennata? What should I do? Split them in half? :help:


Active Member
Yeah, you can split them. That is what I do with smaller lions. Krill is also nice because it is already pretty small too.


Active Member
Well I just give it to them by hand. They seem a little less weary this way, but do whatever makes YOU feel comfortable, because I do not want to see you get stung. That is a tad painful lol.


Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Well, I am not going to argue any longer with you. We simply having differing views on this issue and it's not worth arguing about. I have never had problems with ghost shrimp, or have ever heard of problems with ghost shrimp. The only thing I want to add is that I never lost a lion to starvation.
If it floats your boat than that's alright. There are many strategies in this hobby for keeping all kinds of fish. Some people totally disagree with others yet both aquarists are successful.