Lionfish jaw


Active Member
to lion crazz
I would like to offer my apology in one of my above post in reguards to losing a lionfish recently.It was meant as a question not an accusation. After doing alot more reading I realized I was mistaken in naming you as the person that had the problem with a lionfish death recently.His nic was very simular to yours and had almost exact problem as crox.which we all see alot of .I just wanted you to know it wasnt meant as a personal attack to prove whos right or wrong .hes asking for different oppinions and options which hes getting and he will go with what he thinks best .one thing i do know we may have all different aproaches with how we do things doesnt make any of us accually wrong.just wanted you to know.sorry if i ruffled any feathers unintentionally


Active Member
Also shoud I give him some ghost shrimp or just wait 'till he accepts a silversides?


Active Member
Originally Posted by unleashed
to lion crazz
I would like to offer my apology in one of my above post in reguards to losing a lionfish recently.It was meant as a question not an accusation. After doing alot more reading I realized I was mistaken in naming you as the person that had the problem with a lionfish death recently.His nic was very simular to yours and had almost exact problem as crox.which we all see alot of .I just wanted you to know it wasnt meant as a personal attack to prove whos right or wrong .hes asking for different oppinions and options which hes getting and he will go with what he thinks best .one thing i do know we may have all different aproaches with how we do things doesnt make any of us accually wrong.just wanted you to know.sorry if i ruffled any feathers unintentionally
Apology accepted. It did seem a little bit like an attack, but there are no problems now! Thank you for clearing up what you meant.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crox
Where can I buy a a clear acrylic hollow stick?
most LFS sell them in various sizes look for the thinest one they work the best


I agree that moving the frozen fish around by hand making it look alive and give a little bit of a chase is what got my lion around to eating frozen. It did take a couple weeks for him to come around so don't get discouraged if it doesn't work the first time. Good Luck.


Active Member
Well I got an acrilyc stick but still no luck. In the meanwhile I'll send a few pics of King Arthur.



Active Member
hes definately a handsom boy.while hes still working on the feeding routine i suggest adding the garlic extreme 1 drop per every 10 gal of tank water per day untill he starts eating then just add it to the food (also do this when trying to feed(2 drops only ina cup of water with food to thaw in) and other vitemins liquid form such as trace elements ,selcon, or a vita drop along with the selcon and garlic this is to make sure he doesnt get malnurished from lack of feeding.if your working on mysis shrimp(please dont use brine) add it near a powerhead so it will blow around a bit you can also try this with a chuck of mysis and let it thaw in the water flow.keep trying a couple times per day. I do find my fish especially the lions to have a better appetite in the pm (they are nocturnal predators) use various aproaches until he finally gets the idea ,hes bound to eventually its just a matter of time and keeping up in nutrition by other means such as suppliment in the water may be helpful in building up his imuse system until then.again good luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crox
BTW I think he's also afraid of the acrilyc prong!!

it will take him a bit to get used to the stick and you another small food you can use is frozen phlankton its small like mysis
I use kents garlic extreme for now add the garlic directly to the tank 1 drop per every 10 gal


Active Member
Originally Posted by unleashed
it will take him a bit to get used to the stick and you another small food you can use is frozen phlankton its small like mysis
I use kents garlic extreme for now add the garlic directly to the tank 1 drop per every 10 gal

Thank you. I'll buy the Kent garlic extreme. :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
King Arthur finally started eating frozen krill!!!!! I am so happy so I can stop buying him ghost shrimp.


Active Member
congradulations :cheer: ,do try and introduce him to other meaty foods as well such as scallops small siverslides or small fish protions(sw species only) and squid,also if you have not done so yet add the selcon this will help reduce the risk of him getting lock jaw again.feed him daily he will do much better this way regular daily feeding in smaller portions are much easier to digest than gorging a fish every few days