I am not going to let money make this decision. the longer I look the more baseball games I work, the more money I make, that will give me enough time to search for the best option to find what will work best my canister.
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thank God, I was thinking to myself pretty much ALL but a few expensive hang on backs pretty much suck. Some skim well but have problems with micro bubbles,overflowing, finicky ect (most octopus). Some are problem free but dont skim great (remora, bakpak...yeah I know many think they're great...until they get a real skimmer).
How much money do you plan on spending?
How much footprint room are you working with?
without this suggestions are pretty useless. I will suggest what I run since the footprint is small and it is more than adequate for a 65g though I dont know what you plan on spending: SWC 160 cone. One of the best all around skimmers out there for the money for tanks under 120g (there are a few higher capacity options close in price better for larger tanks ex: octopus/SWC extreme 200). octopus SRO XP1000 SSS would be the closest competitor in price/size/capabilities to the SWC and can be bought alot more places (still think the SWC is better feature wise). Bubble Magus NA7 too but dont know why anybody would buy it over the SWC cone except to save $25. there are some other good options for less ($200 range) but they arent cones, dont dis-assemble, may not skim quite as well ect: Bubble Magus NAC6, Octopus NWB-150, Vertex IN-100 Generation III.
in my order of preference/consideration (really 1&2 are a toss up. I got the SWC because it was $250 when I got it and the XP-1000 wasn't yet available. cant go wrong with either)
SWC-160 cone $275:
Octopus SRO XP1000SSS $295:
Bubble Magus NAC6 $200:
Bubble magus NA7 $250 (same pump as SWC 160and NAC6, simular size, everything else inferior to SWC 160 cone: pump wheel, intake valute, bubble plate, cone taper, neck transition. not worth $50 over the NAC6 IMO)
Vertex Generation III IN-100 $200 (least reliable of them all BUT it is generation III so they should have it right by now. way better performer than the NWB octopus series):
Octopus NWB-150 $195 (weakest performer of them all listed still good enough and better than redsea/coralife/marineland ect). my SWC 160 replaced a simular octopus. they dont compare.
that should get you started unless you are looking to high roll or go really cheap