Lots to ID please, no rush


Active Member
Just found this little guy in the DT. I know I have a much smaller version of this guy in the fuge. What kind o snail is this and should I be worried?


Aiptaisa X works just as well. IMO, it works better than Joe's Juice. You can also look up how to use Kalkwasser and make a paste, that is by far the most effective.
I'm on my phone right now I'll have to look at the pic later.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///forum/thread/380512/lots-to-id-please-no-rush/20#post_3312250
I need a closeup picture of the other side of that snail to ID it. My first guess is a Buccinid Whelk but it's a poor ID as best.
As tiny as he is, I dont think he will cooperate to turn around for me. I couldnt get him out of the tank due to where I found him. I'll look again tonight.
edit: found this on the whelk - True whelks are carnivores and scavengers. They feed on clams, carrion and sometimes even on detritus. Their sense of smell is very well-developed; they can sense chemical signals from their prey from a considerable distance with their osphradium. Many whelks are capable of boring through the shell of bivalves, and because of this some species cause much harm in oyster farms. True whelks can even attack fish caught in a net extending their proboscis to twice the length of their own bodies.
So should i worry if it is one of those? I will try to find it and get a better picture.
edit: from mevlev - Whelks act like snails, and tend to be on the glass or rockwork. They will move across the sand when necessary, but never submerge themselves beneath the surface of the sand. Their main activity can be observed at night by flashlight, as they are nocturnal creatures. They eat clams, so if you have clams you don't want whelks! Even though they were in my tank for over a year, they never bothered a single item and were excellent as part of the clean-up crew. However, one day I added a new clam and overnight they killed and consumed the entire thing in a few hours. I want to keep clams too, so they must go.


Active Member
We have the snail confined to a specimen cup at the top of the tank. Going to keep it there until my daughter sees it and the vote for its life is over. I need a majority vote on the snail, save or flush?
Meanwhile, looking in my sump, I found this :

second shot, maybe better or it maybe worse :

What is it? Clam or oyster? Filter feeder? Go into DT or stay in sump?

bang guy

Originally Posted by Monsinour http:///forum/thread/380512/lots-to-id-please-no-rush/20#post_3312485
Ok, best we could do for pics. Foot is white. Snout is all black. We put him in a beer stein glass :)
I had a lucky guess, I believe I was right.
They're not the terror many believe they are but I would not keep it in your display tank. They do some beneficial cleanup of dead critters and leftover fish food but if that's not available they will eat other mollusks.


Active Member
So my daughter was cleaning the glass and found this little, and i do mean little, guy clinging to the glass. The pics sux but I will describe what i saw after them.

pic 2

It was a white foot and white snout. The shell was conical in shape with a brown line following the spiral from the opening all the way to the tip. It didnt appear to have spots on the shell.

bang guy

Two Snails come to mind. Cerith or Pyramidellidae. One is awesome and one is terrible.
I can't tell which it is from the picture.


This is a pyramid


And baby ceriths...I can't find a picture right now.....LOL


Active Member
I would imagine that the Pyramidellidae is the bad one. How bad we talking cuz after we got the pics, my daughter proceded to knock it off the glass and onto the white sand on the bottom of the tank. I couldnt find it in there if my life depened on it.
edit : just got off wiki and its real bad. SO I guess I am on the hunt to try and find the needle in the haystack. $&!#


BAD...they eat clams......wait till dark..it will show up again....then toss it
rule of thumb...if questionable FLUSH :)


Active Member
Lets have more fun and ID other things. Lets start with a classic W T F is THAT?

I even have another one elsewhere

Whatever it is, it has the substrate stuck to it.


Active Member
For this thing, I have a guess, but I want to see just how off I am.



I think there was a full size one on the rock when we bought it, but we didnt pay extra to take it home. This might be a baby one. I am holding off my guess for now.