Luv-A-Bully March in S. FL Oct 28!


Originally Posted by hartman413
yea and as they are home alone and some petofiler breaks in the poms will just drown out the kids scream for help with their useless barking
Oh, so the pit is for home protection??? I thought yours was the most gentle thing imaginable, wouldnt hurt a flea EVER???? So now it will attack a pedophile and protect kids, right?? somehow it knows the difference between pedophiles and other people???
Every word of yours proves my point Hartman. You know your dog is a bada$$ and would tear apart someone that came in your house and tried to hurt you so dont act like it is harmless and could never attack.


u know at this point i only said it was to shut u up.
u think u know everything how many post before hand did i post telling u to drive on up here witness my pit in my front yard with no leash and then call animal control u knw u r a some kind of person u think u know it all. and the fact is u dont know anything. u wanna scold us for the dogs we own well i scold u for owing poms and being a closet gay. cause the only guys i have ever seen that own poms are gay. like i said anytime u wanna come over and put those palms to a obidence test just let me know as a matter of fact i will even put cold hard cash on it. and if my pit ever did attack anyone i can only hope and pray it is u


Oh, so the pit is for home protection??? I thought yours was the most gentle thing imaginable, wouldnt hurt a flea EVER???? So now it will attack a pedophile and protect kids, right?? somehow it knows the difference between pedophiles and other people???
Every word of yours proves my point Hartman. You know your dog is a bada$$ and would tear apart someone that came in your house and tried to hurt you so dont act like it is harmless and could never attack.
dont the majority of people own dogs for some small amount of home protection or at least a deturrent. and yes i hope that if someone ever was truly hurting my family my fiance my mom or my dad or my lil sister even maybe the neighbors kid tht my dog would protect. and no my dog isn't bada$$ i dont think he is bada$$ i just know what the breed it capable of. Like i said before i have never ever stated that the breed is not dangerous. NEVER. And i said it would never attack for no reason. man u are a typical

only hear what u want or in this case read what u want. and no the pit is not for home preotection. cause in all honesty i dont need a dog for protection that is what smith and wesson is for. i am guessing you have a thing aganist guns also.. who knows maybe your life is so meaningless that you need something to give it meaning. i wonder if u even have kids or a wife or even better yet a life all we have is a pick of some furballs and a kankel


Originally Posted by hartman413
u know at this point i only said it was to shut u up.
u think u know everything how many post before hand did i post telling u to drive on up here witness my pit in my front yard with no leash and then call animal control u knw u r a some kind of person u think u know it all. and the fact is u dont know anything. u wanna scold us for the dogs we own well i scold u for owing poms and being a closet gay. cause the only guys i have ever seen that own poms are gay. like i said anytime u wanna come over and put those palms to a obidence test just let me know as a matter of fact i will even put cold hard cash on it. and if my pit ever did attack anyone i can only hope and pray it is u

Finally the truth comes out!!
As, ive said from the 1st, the only reason you own the pit is to stroke your ego!! The only way to feel tough and like a big man is to walk down the street with your big bad pitbull. Man, youre tough with your dog!!! LMAO
Try acting tough walking down the street with 2 little fluffballs skirt!!!. I dont need a DOG to make me a man, i'm a man on my own unlike YOU. Maybe you should have been a little tougher in high school or whatever trauma happened to you that you need a DOG to feel like a man or to affirm your sexuality. Some of us are secure enough that we dont need to risk KILLING innocent children to feel like a man or straight.
You are typical of pit owneres and the exact reason why they should be banned! It would almost be worth it for me to be attacked if that meant it wasnt a poor defenseless child

You showed your true colors just like i knew you had deep down. Laughable, pathetic but laughable

p.s- 2 things, 1)my gun wont run out a open fence and kill someone 2) with the schnoz on that fiancee, i wouldnt be so quick to talk about anyones wife


Originally Posted by emmitt2
Really, this is pathetic. Get your story straight. You just admitted a few posts ago that it was breaking the law to have him unleashed. Now all of a sudden you knew it wasnt breaking the law, which is it???
If it is legal for you to to have a pitbull unleashed in a open front yard around children, then i feel sorry for your neighbors and will definitely put money, time and energy into trying to change that before there is another pit(or other dangerous breed)fatality. Yeah, you KNOW it cant kill. I wonder if thats what that dead 12 year olds parents tell themselves to get to sleep at night.
Again, I hope its worth it to own your pits, the only consequence to them being legal to own is kids dying, no biggie, right??? but hey, you guys like pits enough to have that on your conscience and still sleep at night. My hats off to ya
I guess(as you say Hartman) we can have your pits when we pry(literally) them from another cold dead victim, right??
I did get it straight. Did you not see the part where I just got off the phone with Animal Control? I thought it was illegal to be off-leash, they told me it was not illegal on the owners property and even walking down the street if the owner has strong voice command over the dog. I made a mistake and assumed it was all illegal, BUT, instead of making an ass of myself, I did the research and got the correct information.


can u please point out to me exactly where i was stroking my ego AS you put it. u know your not worth this anymore man.. i never said you weren't a man with poms i merely stated u were a gay man thats all. and for your info i boxed for ten years is h/s took martial arts for 15, have been scuba diving for about 12 years and far be it from me to own a pitbull to make me feellike a man. because i was one way before i ever owned a pit. you know what is really pathitic. that we let this forum go from something good to something bad yea i told u iwas breaking the law to shut ur stupid

up. cause all u do is rant and rave and think u know it all. u wanna make a stand start your own thread about why u hate pits or and bully breed and we will see who joins you.. try to start a march to ban bully breeds and we will see how strong it becomes. u know i went through alot of your post and it seems that u just like to add your 2 cents in everywhere u possibly can. well i dont need the change. do u even own a salt water tank???? or do u just go on forums to try and cause probs


at least i am proud and in love with my finace. i will post a pic of her she can change her nose with out surgery but ur wife sure can stop from shoveling food in her mouth


Active Member
Emmitt, why do you seem to think every pitbull alive is a killer? They are the second most populated dog in shelters, that would mean thousand of pitbull attacks every year. There's more than a few examples of people who have kept these dogs their entire life without a single problem. Every breed has a few that are mean and will bite or attack. You can't always predict it but it's a very low percentage. Do you honestly believe anyone would own a large breed dog if they thought it would ever hurt them or their family?
No one has denied that there are pitbull attacks but it's not every pitbull. Not every priest is a molester either. Dangerous dogs should be put down no one has disputed that, but it's a little harsh to suggest every pitbull out there is a natural born killer because of it's breed. My sister adopted a dog and it tried to bite their toddler, it got put down. It was a lab by the way.
However if you read into shelters like SugarFox's you would know they are very strict about the dogs they adopt out. Some of the test they must pass to be adopted would have many dogs failing. They are tested around kids, other dogs, other animals sometimes. There's a large difference between a dog with proper care and training and a dog that's kept chained up in a backyard that isn't neutered and cared for. In fact a lot of pitbull in shelters are there because they wouldn't fight so they were used as bait and thrown out.
Also, it's a little deragatory to assume every pitbull owner wants to look like a bad@ss. Personally I don't think they look mean with the exception of the steriod 100 pound pitbull that were bred for size, not temperment and health. Those are scary. :scared:
P.S. Let's stop with the personal attacks, this is supposed to be positive pitbull press, some people will learn some won't. I originally thought everything I'd heard was true until I met one and started looking online for more info.


Originally Posted by hartman413
at least i am proud and in love with my finace. i will post a pic of her she can change her nose with out surgery but ur wife sure can stop from shoveling food in her mouth
LOL, when you grow up a little and move out of daddies house you may realize it isnt the smartest thing to post pics of your wife and kids on a public forum. There are a lot of sick people out there who may use that info in a bad way.
By the way, from what i can see in that pic, your fiancee is doing plenty of shoveling. My wife is 32 and has had 2 kids, she does pilates 3x a week and spinning 2x a week and i assure you is SLAMMING!

Enjoy, i'm done in this thread, i want it to stay open so i can post the article when the next pit fatality happpens in florida so i can see hopw you guys explain that one away.


Apparently, some people need a big bad dog to stroke their ego, while others prefer mudslinging
. Insulting someone's fiance or wife certainly isn't a way to win an argument.

67 demon

If my ego wasn't stroked enough with my dear American Bulldog, the purchase of this dog breed should do the trick:



Active Member
Originally Posted by emmitt2
You people are pathetic! you're double talk is so rampant you dont even know. You are applauding KILLING a pomeranian because it was supposedly aggressive??!?!?! How pathetic are you that you couldnt train a pomeranian to the point that you KILLED it. You keep saying only bad owners have mean dogs, dogs arent born mean. Then why was your pom so aggresive, oh yeah, must be your PATHETIC ownership and parenting!!!
You cant keep a pom from being so aggressive that you KILLED it but you own PITBULLS. That is scary and i pray for your neighbors!
You talk of loving your dogs and them being your children but applaud KILLING a dog that is harmless at 5 lbs. What if your child has mental problems or retardation and is violent, should you have it humanely KILLED or try to help or train it or make sure it is never in a situation to hurt. Nope, easier for you to kill a harmless 5 lb dog. And you talk of valuing dogs lives??? Its one thing to euthanize a dog that could kill and is a menace but to euthanize a pom for aggresssion is RIDICULOUS. Its weird how you guys have never seen, heard or imagined a pit being aggressive but youve seen and know of all these incredibly dangerous and aggressive poms and labs, weird! :notsure:
I do thank you though. Now knowing how scary and irresponsible pit owners thinking is i will take your advice. I'm going to start donating not only my money but my time and energy to getting pits BANNED like they should be.
The Pom was put down because of City Oridance..It as was mentionied attacked a child.."Poms cant do damage.." Tell that to the girl that lives down the street from me that had a nice portion of her nose almost ripped completely off...I had a Corgi.."Nice and small "unaggresive dog"..It would attck my bully daily..Doom would just stand there waiting on me to remove the Corgi from his NECK..never once snapped back..My mother in law had to come get her vicious dog back..Labs are great family dogs...never said they were not...But the do attack just as any other dog will...All dogs bite..(maybe not princess my greyhound) but you are defending poms just as much as we defend our bullies, but we are wrong for some reason..


Then how exactly can you own a pitbull?!?!?! If dogs arent born mean and its the owner, what does that say about you letting a pom be so aggressive it had to be put down. You are so irresponsible you let your Pomeranian bite part of girls nose off and now you have a PITBULL??? But i should trust you with a PITBULL!!! :scared: Or that wasnt your pomeranian? You somehow live on a street filled with killer POMERANIANS?!?!?!

Clearly, you cannot argue with people that honestly try to compare POMERANIANS and PITBULLS when it comes to likelihood of attacking people and the damage they can cause, UNREAL!!! :notsure:


Originally Posted by 67 Demon
If my ego wasn't stroked enough with my dear American Bulldog, the purchase of this dog breed should do the trick:

Why not just buy yourself a dingo. They make great family pets, and maybe your family can all buy matching shirts:


being 5'10" and 150 pounds makes u fat wow. u know in all honesty this is old and i am sure no matter what anyone says or does they are wrong and u r right. poms dont attack the can't break skin but they sure can chew food. whatever man. this is insane i am argueing with a polock. i guess all and all it just gives me motivation that when i do have kids i will encourage them to have their own beliefs and own whatever breed they choose. and as fo your wife being slamming apicture is worth 100000000 words. so emmit i am guessing u r to scared to take my obidence bet. maybe 10k was out of your budget.... even 100 bucks would be worth it to laugh in ur face........ so if ur ever feel like shutting ur mouth and letting the actions take over be my guest until then in reality go to hell. your worthless. and yea i am living with daddy until i get married.. so when i do i can have a nice house not have to live in a neighborhood filled with idiots like you.


Lol, i never said they wont bite, i said they cant break the skin when they do!
I notice it didnt do any damage at all, see if you can find an article about a PITBULL atacking something and doing no damage whatsoever.
I guess you guys are right, POMERANIANS are more dangerous around kids and people than PITBULLS

Lol, some kid still living in his bedroom from high school wants to bet me 10k