67 demon
My how we have progressed in this thread..... or is it regressed????? Anyway emmitt, you are absolutely incorrect in saying someone's attacks are racist in nature. It is not a race issue, but more like a socio-economic issue that Niger is referring to. Actually the way i see it, if you are automatically associating the words "ghetto, thug, and run down areas" as a race issue, you may want look deep inside and ask yourself why you feel a socio-economic issue is automatically related to race. Last time i read this thread, no one mentioned anything about race or anyone's skin color. My how we have deep, hidden assumptions about people.......
Anyway SugarFox, i really hope that the march goes better than you expect. I truly admire your efforts and drive.
And to think i started to feel good because i planned on purchasing some cat litter this week and donating to the local animal shelter.
Anyway SugarFox, i really hope that the march goes better than you expect. I truly admire your efforts and drive.