Luv-A-Bully March in S. FL Oct 28!

67 demon

My how we have progressed in this thread..... or is it regressed????? Anyway emmitt, you are absolutely incorrect in saying someone's attacks are racist in nature. It is not a race issue, but more like a socio-economic issue that Niger is referring to. Actually the way i see it, if you are automatically associating the words "ghetto, thug, and run down areas" as a race issue, you may want look deep inside and ask yourself why you feel a socio-economic issue is automatically related to race. Last time i read this thread, no one mentioned anything about race or anyone's skin color. My how we have deep, hidden assumptions about people.......
Anyway SugarFox, i really hope that the march goes better than you expect. I truly admire your efforts and drive.
And to think i started to feel good because i planned on purchasing some cat litter this week and donating to the local animal shelter.


I will take your challenge any day of the week. i have a 8 yr old sister who is around my dog constantly and my 9 yr old cousin and they have their lil play dates with their school friends and they come over and they wrestle and roll all over the ground and play and tackle and get really rough ( my lil sis is a tom boy and a half) and do you know who is right there playing with them through all the tackles and yelling and screaming and yes the kids even tackeling my dog. kids he may have never seen or never known.... i mean rough housing with him bringing him down to the ground and tugging on his ears. my fiance's sister in law brought her 9 month old baby over and laid it on the floor and o u know which animal laid right next to the baby when it was on the floor my pit. and even when the baby started crying do u know who the first one was to console the baby my pit. YES pits are dangerous, just like guns are dangerous in the wrong hands. If you train your pit or any dog for that matter it will know it's role in the family. so dont give me any bs about them being extremely aggessive or evil or any bs when u can leave a 9 month baby on the floor with a 65 lb pit and not even worry a bit that has to say something. i say this yes pits are dangerous, they can kill. just like guns are dangerous and they can kill. when they are in the hands of the irresponsible, the careless, the wrong crowd. yes they are dangerous, but they are also loyal and protecting when in the right hands... and just for the kicks of it, my parents carin terrier has bit me 3 times my lil sister 4 times and my dad once. my lil sister had to get 6 stiches from the one bite and that is why they no longer have the dog but now guess what they own.... a PIT.


i forgot to say great vid sugar. i saaw that a while back and use to have it on my myspace page but i lost the source code :( it is sad what happens to these dogs but the video is right . they do what ever their owner asks of them.


You people are pathetic! you're double talk is so rampant you dont even know. You are applauding KILLING a pomeranian because it was supposedly aggressive??!?!?! How pathetic are you that you couldnt train a pomeranian to the point that you KILLED it. You keep saying only bad owners have mean dogs, dogs arent born mean. Then why was your pom so aggresive, oh yeah, must be your PATHETIC ownership and parenting!!!
You cant keep a pom from being so aggressive that you KILLED it but you own PITBULLS. That is scary and i pray for your neighbors!
You talk of loving your dogs and them being your children but applaud KILLING a dog that is harmless at 5 lbs. What if your child has mental problems or retardation and is violent, should you have it humanely KILLED or try to help or train it or make sure it is never in a situation to hurt. Nope, easier for you to kill a harmless 5 lb dog. And you talk of valuing dogs lives??? Its one thing to euthanize a dog that could kill and is a menace but to euthanize a pom for aggresssion is RIDICULOUS. Its weird how you guys have never seen, heard or imagined a pit being aggressive but youve seen and know of all these incredibly dangerous and aggressive poms and labs, weird! :notsure:
I do thank you though. Now knowing how scary and irresponsible pit owners thinking is i will take your advice. I'm going to start donating not only my money but my time and energy to getting pits BANNED like they should be.


You're a narrow minded person, emmit. Would you allow your children to play at a friends house who owned an aggressive pom? Knowing that dog was aggressive, would you allow your children to possibly be bitten by that dog, thinking, "oh, its only 5 lbs, it won't hurt them that much." Its scary to think that people in this day & age can be so closed minded. I'm almost postive that Niger thought long & hard about the right decision to make. And the vet evidentally thought it was the right thing to do also, because a good vet wouldn't put a mentally stable dog down. Again, re-read my posts, as this has been mentioned before, yet again, you failed to understand it (I see a pattern here) :notsure: "Poor breeding causes poor dogs, whether in temperament or type." You know nothing of Niger, the dog they had, or that dogs parents, so you cannot say anything about why they chose to have the dog put down. I would NEVER come down on someone who did the right thing by being responsible. If my dogs ever bit someone, you better be sure I'd have them thoroughly evaluated and health tested (sometimes diseases cause aggressiveness also) and if there was no other reason than pure aggression, I'd have to make the hard decision to have them euthanized, and that goes for all 3 of my dogs, including my non-bully, my 20 lb shiba inu. My dogs are my life, but I would not put someone at risk of injury by owning a known aggressive dog.
Do these dogs really look that dangerous to you?



wow emmit u got something up ur butt man go back through any of my post and show me where i said "good job way to kill the pom for being aggressive" you ust stabbing to try to save face. if u still wanna challenge obidence let me know. i think it is a shame when any dog has to be put down. but when was the last time u ever saw a responsbile pit owner on the news saying wow i dont know what happened my dog was soo good anf loving and blah blah blah..... you wont. it is amazing people have lots to say u didn't respond anything to my last post. but u still harp on the pom thing. and yes if i had a pit that was known to be aggressive and was biting people i would put it down. because it is the responsible thing to do rather than trying to keep the animal around a risk it attacking some yougn child and being that irresponabile pit owner on the news saying. " i dont know what happened he was such a good dog?" i will SAY THIS and i might catch hell for it but any dog no matter the breed that is known for biting and constantly biting and acting aggressive all the time then yes appropiate matters need to be takin. and if that means putting the animal down then it must be done. you know emmit you have selective post reading. your wife must be real happy. like i said bring your pom on over and we will see who has put more time and love into their dog. i let my dog roam in the front yard when i am working on my truck or doing the lawn. and i live in a nieghborhood where people ride bikes with their kids and walk thier dogs every hour of every day. and do u wanna know how many times my unleashed "killer" pit has left my front yard thats right emmit 0 ZERO times. because he knows his limits and he knows his boundries. He has been trained by a responsible pit owner. so take your money dump it into ingornace of people wanting to ban pits. so ahead and waste your time and money. you like so many others who have in the past will fail. because there are more of us who are willing to speak our minds than one who are willing to keep a blind eye.


Originally Posted by hartman413
wow emmit u got something up ur butt man go back through any of my post and show me where i said "good job way to kill the pom for being aggressive" you ust stabbing to try to save face. if u still wanna challenge obidence let me know. i think it is a shame when any dog has to be put down. but when was the last time u ever saw a responsbile pit owner on the news saying wow i dont know what happened my dog was soo good anf loving and blah blah blah..... you wont. it is amazing people have lots to say u didn't respond anything to my last post. but u still harp on the pom thing. and yes if i had a pit that was known to be aggressive and was biting people i would put it down. because it is the responsible thing to do rather than trying to keep the animal around a risk it attacking some yougn child and being that irresponabile pit owner on the news saying. " i dont know what happened he was such a good dog?" i will SAY THIS and i might catch hell for it but any dog no matter the breed that is known for biting and constantly biting and acting aggressive all the time then yes appropiate matters need to be takin. and if that means putting the animal down then it must be done. you know emmit you have selective post reading. your wife must be real happy. like i said bring your pom on over and we will see who has put more time and love into their dog. i let my dog roam in the front yard when i am working on my truck or doing the lawn. and i live in a nieghborhood where people ride bikes with their kids and walk thier dogs every hour of every day. and do u wanna know how many times my unleashed "killer" pit has left my front yard thats right emmit 0 ZERO times. because he knows his limits and he knows his boundries. He has been trained by a responsible pit owner. so take your money dump it into ingornace of people wanting to ban pits. so ahead and waste your time and money. you like so many others who have in the past will fail. because there are more of us who are willing to speak our minds than one who are willing to keep a blind eye.
WOW, how pathetic!! you talk of responsible ownership being the key? Your a very responsible owner. Ever heard of leash law buddy???? Not only do you willingly violate them by allowing your known dangerous breed dog loose in a neighborhood, you are proud of and bragging about breaking those laws?!?!? What allows you to play god with your pit? oh i forgot you KNOW your DOG could never hurt anyone. What if god forbid you are wrong and something happens while you proudly have it running free??? I look forward to you being prosecuted fully if that god forbid happens. You are the reason pits cant be trusted. You are lucky i dont live in your neighborhood cus i would call animal control in 2 seconds if you had a pit loose in my neighborhood.


Active Member
Ive personally seen a Pit Bull jump a 4FT fence and chase down a kid on his bike. If this would have been a Dachsund I doubt the dog could have jumped the fence or inflicted the same wounds. The potential damage a Pit Bull can inflict is what makes them a dangerous breed. I know you love your dogs and they probably wouldnt attack someone, but all it takes is once and you and your dog are done. I guess this is a gamble some folks are willing to take.


you know this thread is ruined. it was started to let those who own pits to know about a march to help awareness of the breed. to come together to enjoy our choice of breed. And we have guys like emmit who have think that they watch a few news reports and they know everything about the breed. Go buy a book. written by professionals, dont listen to us cause lord knows we have no clue what we are talking about. right emmit. even though we have read the books and are only stating what we have read which was written by professionals. i bet u didn't even take the time to watch the video sugar posted. probably not you have already made up your mind and there is no point in trying to futher the convo with you.. it is a waste of time and quite frankly so are you. If you wanna call animal control come on over and knock on my neighbors door. she works for them. she knows my Dangerous Pit and her grand kids come over all the time and play with him. Yea she is scared to death that he will maul the kids that she leaves them in the front yard and just enjoys talking with my mom and fiance. very dangerous. come on emmit. like i said bring your pom over. enough talkin lets see whose is really right bring some kids over and lets just see how deadly my pit is. come to the bully march protest. idont care u r a waste of time and i feel horible for anyone here who has read this thread and had to read your closed minded thoughts. God won't allow anything bad to happen. and dont even think about getting going on the god thought either. here is how dangerous my pit is. i take him with me when i go with the church to visit the retirement home even the old folks are rolling away as fast as they can... wait that never happens. get over it. seriously message me wew can compare dogs stop talking start walkin


I guess you are right, i am close minded because for the life of me i cant figure out what would be missing from someones life that they would be willing to risk the lives of kids to stroke their own ego by owning a dangerous breed , much less letting it run free(knowing god will keep the neighborhood kids safe, smart thinking!!). Oh wait i forgot, you dont like small dogs. Guess thats worth risking the lives of innocent neighbors.
The many deaths and attacks at the hands of pits are just irresponsible owners so who cares if a few hundred more people are killed and mauled because pits keep being bred and put in neighborhoods, right? You like big dogs and have the right apparently to keep a dangerous breed around kids. I pray you are never wrong and maybe YOU wont be BUT someone somewhere very soon will have their pit attack and seriously injure or kill a child. So i guess be proud when that happens since you guys have done so much and are so pround to own a dangerous breed.
Again, i guess you guys are right. Pomeranians and labradors are dangerous but pitbulls are harmless family dogs that should allowed to run free in our neighborhoods while we euthanize our pomeranians. BRILLIANT


again i never said pits weren't dangerous. and i dont recall saying i didn't like small dogs either. .
yes thats a mini dotty. that hangs out with a pit. again u open ur mouth u incert foot. read my post in full. we have gun laws why to stop the wrong people from owning them. if u want pits laws that do the same fine by me.


Man, every homeowners dream! Spend hundreds of thousands$(you're in WPB) for this great house in a nice neighborhood and then have some 24 year old kid next door who is just so smart that he KNOWS FOR A FACT that his PITBULL could never have an accident so he lets it sit loose in the front yard unleashed around my kids! :scared: PERFECT!


now age is a factor.. get a life man, i work just as hard as the next guy. i am not a kid and i am pretty sure that @ 24 i have accomplished far more than you. and if u were in my neighborhood u would have no problem with my dog. again i say any time u wanna put him to any type of test let me know


Great, you work hard so now you get to make the rules and break the laws designed for our safety! Trust me, i would have a very big problem with your dog and would immediately call animal control anytime i saw it unleashed. I have young kids and am not willing to risk their lives just because you are and think you KNOW FOR A FACT how a potentially LETHAL ANIMAL will act in any given situation


Like i said, i'm glad YOU get to make the decision for everyone in your neighborhood that YOU dont need to follow the law and can let your PITBULL unleashed in your neighborhood. It's great that you get to put all of their lives and safety in your hands. Very responsible ownership! Is this the type of responsibility you guys preach to all pit owners?? Between this and the Pit owner who couldnt keep his Pomeranian from being so aggressive that he had to euthanize it, I'm starting to think maybe you guys are right, it is just bad pit owners


Just an update on the march! The local paper, The Palm Beach Post, wants to do an article on the march!!! I will be speaking with Liz today, a columnist. I'm very excited about this. It's finally a chance for some positive pit bull press to be covered. When it's published, I will post it here or post a link to the online article.
:joy: :jumping: :cheer:
hartman lives in my neighborhood, I've never had a problem with his dog.
But what do we know, evidentally owning one and doing YEARS of research and work with them doesnt even COMPARE to the holy grail of media knowledge emmitt possesses

hartman, that guys a joke. he has nothing better to do with his life (if he has kids, why would be spend so much time here arguing? why not spend time with the kids?) Let him ramble. He's shown his ignorance, its completely clear how knowledgeable of pit bulls he is. We know the truth, thats all that matters. The march this weekend will be a lot of fun and very informative for people.


Glad to see you have also made the decision to allow Hartman to break the law and leave his pit unleashed! Very responsible!
You know what is a joke and what is funny? I didnt notice before but you talk about dedicating your life to helping pits and changing their image.... but like most pit owners you really just want the ego stroke! I see from the pics that you decided to put spiked leather collars on your pits. Does that help to change their image as mean aggressive dogs or help to perpetuate it? Why is it that mainly only dangerous breed owners want spiked metal collars for their dogs? It certainly doesnt help their image but it does help to stroke your ego(which is why you got a pit in the 1st place) when you walk down the street with your big, bad PITBULL doesn't it?. Arent you tough?
You talk of a responsible owner but feel after observing a DANGEROUS ANIMAL for a few years you can break laws designed for the publics safety and decide what is best for your community and let your pit loose. If you were any type of owner or pit advocate you would admonish Hartman and tell him to always have his pit leashed in public(as the law requires) but no, you know more than the law and can break them when you and your precious pits want to!
I think i'll call the PBP and see if they want to run a counter article about the damage these dogs do and maybe forward them your stance on how pits dont need to be leashed.
Funny how now all of a sudden you know Hartman, his neighborhood and his Pit...

p.s.- i actually looked at some of those websites. Funny! Pits are great dogs, how uninformed we are. By your own sites words it said the pit and pit mix didnt kill the 80 year old woman as the news reported... they only CHEWED her up after she died!!! GREAT DOGS!!!