Hey Scotty, Andretti again. In regards to selling your stuff on that famous auction site, I found an alternative. I made about 150lbs (I "borrowed" some of your shapes)
Hope you don't mind. Anyway, I went to my lfs and said "Let's do some business." He was all over it! Now I have about $130 worth of store credit. If I can remember correctly, It cost me about $38.00 for supplies, plus I have about 1/4 of my stuff left (materials). He was selling my stuff (your design)
for $14-$30. I gave him a total of 12 pieces (uncured). I'm thinking about raising my prices (just a little) maybe an extra .25 per pound :thinking: because he can't keep these things in stock. My sons love helping me (I make them do the dirty work)
Anyway, you should do the same. Take a few examples and see what they say. He does not pay me and I don't pay him...we just trade. It works for the both of us. You should try it. And the rest of you out there, you try it too. It takes time, and LOTS of elbow grease, but it's worth it!:cheer: It's about time we get a break from all of these insane prices we have to pay for not just live rock, but supplies, filters, fish, corals, etc.
I sell them for $1.25 per lb. and he sells them for $3.00 per lb. They cost about a dime per-pound to make.