Marilyn Manson


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Originally Posted by dcoyle11
hey journeyman can i e-mail you a question since its seems i may have offended?
You didn't offend me at all, just trying to keep things civil around here


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Originally Posted by Oceanists
WScuba it sounds likeyou arent pro choice n religion .... what your saying is you would rather somebody be force fed a religion so they dont have different views or morals than you. Doesnt sound very christian like.
Quite to the contray. I don't care if folks go home and worship their dog...chanting my dog is my god while striking themselves in the head with a bat.
I'm disagreeing with the MESSAGE being sent by MM.
I recognize his right to promote his views...and my right to thanks and call it as I see it.
If others see it differently no problem.
His music is different ....and let those that enjoy it do so.
I have my opinion of him...and I don't expect anyone to agree with me.
MM is free to practice whatever his twisted or regular belief is....whether it be worshipping Satan, God, Richard Simmons or his dog.


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Originally Posted by 1journeyman
You didn't offend me at all, just trying to keep things civil around here

Never noticed you were from TX. Are you a Cowboy Mouth fan? They have a huge following in Texas. They are from NO, LA and really rock the house live.
Outside of LA TX is their second biggest fan base.
Just curious. No, they are not a COUNTRY band.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
i have seen Cowboy Mouth... the drummer is freakin great!!!
Get your butt down to the Tempe Music Fest in Phx area mar 31 and you can meet the band. Hit me up if you can make got my home email.
Drummer is Fred LeBlanc and he is amazing. They put on a great show.


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Originally Posted by ruaround
i have seen Cowboy Mouth... the drummer is freakin great!!!
Run....I was chatting with the manger last week. The tornados that hit New Orleans just missed the drummers house (fred) by a couple blocks. A few of the band memebrs lost everything in Katrina. They had to finish their last release in Atlanta after katrina hit.
Fred is a geat guy.


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"It is sad to think that the first few people on earth needed no books, movies, games or music to inspire cold-blooded murder. The day that Cain bashed his brother Abel's brains in, the only motivation he needed was his own human disposition to violence... When it comes down to who's to blame for the high school murders in Littleton, Colorado, throw a rock and you'll hit someone who's guilty. We're the people who sit back and tolerate children owning guns, and we're the ones who tune in and watch the up-to-the-minute details of what they do with them.... Responsible journalists have reported with less publicity that Harris and Klebold were not Marilyn Manson fans -- that they even disliked my music. Even if they were fans, that gives them no excuse, nor does it mean that music is to blame... I think that the National Rifle Association is far too powerful to take on, so most people choose Doom, The Basketball Diaries or yours truly... In my work I examine the America we live in, and I've always tried to show people that the devil we blame our atrocities on is really just each one of us. So don't expect the end of the world to come one day out of the blue -- it's been happening every day for a long time."



Originally Posted by Oceanists
WScuba it sounds likeyou arent pro choice n religion .... what your saying is you would rather somebody be force fed a religion so they dont have different views or morals than you. Doesnt sound very christian like.
Their is much worse out their than Manson ..... take Slayer for example.
Woah woAH WOAH there..... What? You say "There (spelled correctly) is much worse
out there (spelled correctly again) than Manson..."
Sounds like you just LOWERED Manson down quite a bit... saying there are WORSE? And comparing them to Slayer?
At first it sounded like you were implying there was "nothing wrong" with Manson... now you are saying there are "worse".

So which is it?

And regarding this comment you made about WScuba... "what your saying is ".... No, he didn't say anything like that. You are mis-quoting and putting your own words in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
"It is sad to think that the first few people on earth needed no books, movies, games or music to inspire cold-blooded murder. The day that Cain bashed his brother Abel's brains in, the only motivation he needed was his own human disposition to violence... When it comes down to who's to blame for the high school murders in Littleton, Colorado, throw a rock and you'll hit someone who's guilty. We're the people who sit back and tolerate children owning guns, and we're the ones who tune in and watch the up-to-the-minute details of what they do with them.... Responsible journalists have reported with less publicity that Harris and Klebold were not Marilyn Manson fans -- that they even disliked my music. Even if they were fans, that gives them no excuse, nor does it mean that music is to blame... I think that the National Rifle Association is far too powerful to take on, so most people choose Doom, The Basketball Diaries or yours truly... In my work I examine the America we live in, and I've always tried to show people that the devil we blame our atrocities on is really just each one of us. So don't expect the end of the world to come one day out of the blue -- it's been happening every day for a long time."
he is right there with everything except the NRA.....the NRA is no more responsible for gun violence than MM or the Basketball Diaries or anything else. he would've seemed a lot smarter if he wouldn't have said it's not entertainment's fault followed by 'it's the NRA's fault'. at the end of the day, people are responsible for their own actions and parents should be responsible for their own children, not rock stars or other celebrities.
around 1996, at the height of his controversy, the colesium in Columbia, SC cancelled a MM show (actually, a lot of venues across the country did too). MM came out and said, "I wouldn't expect anything less from a state that still flies a confederate flag on top of their statehouse." I found the comment more than a little ironic considering he wrote a song called "Rock & Roll Ni**er".
I think he's a hypocrite and maybe not quite as intelligent as he seems, just maybe well thought and playing the part well. again though, I don't think there's much musical talent in that band and I thing the controversy is just one thing to take away from the lack of talent.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Agent707
Woah woAH WOAH there..... What? You say "There (spelled correctly) is much worse
out there (spelled correctly again) than Manson..."
Exactly... .peeple need 2 realeyes not everything is Mansons fault .... Being a bad parent is worse than anything Manson will ever do.
Sounds like you just LOWERED Manson down quite a bit... saying there are WORSE and comparing them to Slayer?
How did I lower him down. Thats not what I did at all , my words were meant as ... Why are people protesting a Manson concert, when theyre arr artists out theier rambling about killing people , drugs , robbing .... Slayer, Snoop Dog , Chingy, Ludacris, Machine Head, X Raided, Dr Dre, Eminem, Dying Fetus, Killswitch engage.
Because people are foolish and are always quick to point the fingers at everybody but themselves especially when it has to do with something they dont agree with.
Take you for example...... by the way i fixed your sentence for you. As you can see by all of my posts ..... I dont rilly cair about my grammer and sometimes a word slips in place of another word because Im not trying to right an editorial and couldnt care enough about grammar on a message bored enough too spell check. But thank you Mr. Agent707 Im happy you have enough intellegence to get what i was saying regardless , even though you interperated ronge
HTML Code:
[pre]At first it sounded like you were implying there was "nothing wrong" with Manson... now you are saying there are "worse". :flamed:
So which is it?[/pre]
Yeah and your right I did say their is nothing wrong with Mansons beliefs , because there his and hes entitled to them.

And regarding this comment you made about WScuba... "what your saying is ".... No, he didn't say anything like that. You are mis-quoting and putting your own words in.

Acctually, that is exactly what that meant to a "T"



Active Member

Originally Posted by Agent707
Woah woAH WOAH there..... What? You say "There (spelled correctly) is much worse
out there (spelled correctly again) than Manson..."
Exactly... .peeple need 2 realeyes not everything is Mansons fault .... Being a bad parent is worse than anything Manson will ever do.
Sounds like you just LOWERED Manson down quite a bit... saying there are WORSE and comparing them to Slayer?
How did I lower him down. Thats not what I did at all , my words were meant as ... Why are people protesting a Manson concert, when theyre arr artists out theier rambling about killing people , drugs , robbing .... Slayer, Snoop Dog , Chingy, Ludacris, Machine Head, X Raided, Dr Dre, Eminem, Dying Fetus, Killswitch engage.
Because people are foolish and are always quick to point the fingers at everybody but themselves especially when it has to do with something they dont agree with.
Take you for example...... by the way i fixed your sentence for you. As you can see by all of my posts ..... I dont rilly cair about my grammer and sometimes a word slips in place of another word because Im not trying to right an editorial and couldnt care enough about grammar on a message bored enough too spell check. But thank you Mr. Agent707 Im happy you have enough intellegence to get what i was saying regardless , even though you interperated ronge
HTML Code:
[pre]At first it sounded like you were implying there was "nothing wrong" with Manson... now you are saying there are "worse". :flamed:
So which is it?[/pre]
Yeah and your right I did say their is nothing wrong with Mansons beliefs , because there his and hes entitled to them.

And regarding this comment you made about WScuba... "what your saying is ".... No, he didn't say anything like that. You are mis-quoting and putting your own words in.

Acctually, that is exactly what that meant to a "T"



Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
This is Mansons whole point. I have seen christianity do this to a couple of friends of mine ...... seriously worshiped so much that he acctually started to think god and the devil were speaking to him in his head. Everything was the bible with this guy..... diagnosed with "religious schizophrenia" and "religious fanaticism"..... really messed his life up , he has been in and out of inpatient facilities. The guy was an awesome drummer , and one day stopped playing because "god told him to to" .... later believed the guy in murder by numbers is the anti christ.... because "god told him"
I was talking about non-main stream views like Manson.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanists
What CD is mansons best CD.... I like mechanical animals ... "Great big white world" is my favorite song followed by "The Nobodies"
All of his cd's currently buried at various landfills would be the best.


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Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
All of his cd's currently buried at various landfills would be the best.
Not the first ignorant post , Wont be the last.
Whats irritating is he is starting his tour out of the united states , but you cant blame him when everybody in the US is gauranteed to open their dirty little fascist mouths and start protesting.....
Pick up Mansons live DVD and listen to the Scripture he qoutes at the end of the concert during the credits....... then tell me who the hell has a right to protest


I just thought I would post this. I was working as a sub in our middle school today and a poster was on the wall from the diversity club. It stated "You laugh at us because we are different. We laugh at you because you are all the same" There was no harm intended other than kids wanting to not be the same as everyone else. Those about to argue that Manson or any other music is responsible for this "rebellious" quote, step back. It isn't about rebellion, it is about people wanting to be seen for who they are. No sterio-types (which is exactly what you all think happens when someone sings certain lyrics or puts on makeup) or living within the "box" that society and others says we should live in. Act a certain way, dress a certain way, conform to what people want you to be. These were sixth grade children. I am guessing maybe 1 out of the 128 students even knows who Marylin Manson is. These are KIDS! So what drove them to step outside of the box and say I am who I am? Must have been some other bad role model right? Someone anti-christian? Or a christian who doesn't "act" christian? Maybe it was yet another group of young people that are tired of conforming to what some people deem to be right. These were not drug doing high schoolers. They were 11 year old kids. And there is a program at our school called the diversity club. Where kids can be who THEY want to be without preasure. That was the slogan that they came up with. I find it very relevant to this thread. So Marilyn Manson dresses a certain way or acts a certain way. Who is he a bad influence on? Certainly not the kids that I help teach. There is nothing wrong with being outside of the norm. How people express themselves is up to them.


Active Member
i just cant believe this has gone to 2 pages, i find that really amusing. he thinks marilyn manson is a great perfromer/buisness man and a genius with music. he knows what sells...he sells end of discussion for crying out loud


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Originally Posted by sepulatian
...These were sixth grade children. I am guessing maybe 1 out of the 128 students even knows who Marylin Manson is. These are KIDS! ....
Sep, I suspect you would be terrified to leanr what these "kids" know in the 6th Grade.
I worked with Youth for the last 13 years. One of the area middle schools (6-8th grades) have caught 7th graders having --- on three occasions that I know of (in two of the cases there were 3 "kids" involved at one time)
The Middle School is in one of the afflluent suburbs of Fort Worth.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Sep, I suspect you would be terrified to leanr what these "kids" know in the 6th Grade.
I worked with Youth for the last 13 years. One of the area middle schools (6-8th grades) have caught 7th graders having --- on three occasions that I know of (in two of the cases there were 3 "kids" involved at one time)
The Middle School is in one of the afflluent suburbs of Fort Worth.
No journey, I know what can and does go on with kids of this age group. My son is in 6th. I just firmly believe that what a particular vocalist does on stage is not the cause for the decay of society. Kids in your middle school are having ---, ok well where are the parents at? Why do these children not have morals? I just cannot see blaming what anyone does on a single icon. I have heard so many times how music or violent movies are the reason for how people behave. I completely disagree. I grew up listening to metal music and I still do. I have never sacrificed an animal or cut my skin open for the fun of it because I heard a singer that I like does it. I see nothing wrong with how people act on stage. It is all just part of the show. Just as when an actor kills someone in a movie. Does that mean that he goes home at night and stabs someone for the heck of it? NO. It is all just an act. My brother-in- law goes on stage wearing a jail suit. He played a psycho clown at a haunted house for the month of October. Is he a bad role model? Absolutely not. It is all just an act for entertainment. I can't make others see this as I do, but I realy think that the acts of people should be looked at from a realistic perspective.