
I didn't love this country til I served either.

You cannot. You take it for granted. It's given to you, you do nothing for it, it's just here.
When you serve and swear to protect it, is when you realize the fullness of the what this country is...
Most people don't even know what it is they love about this country if anything at all.
Take our military away for a year and people will remember real quick what's to love.


I didn't see the interview w/ Obamas wife, but "why" did she say she's proud for the first time?? What just happened to make her all of a sudden proud?


Active Member
Huffington post is the worst radical far left rag-tag ala daily kos, media matters or move on, they are masters of the cut and paste and out of context "quotes". There is zero moderation and they even said they hoped Tony Snow's cancer spread, got worse and hoped he died! Im not kidding. Who in their right mind would give them any sorts of credibility?


I'm proud of my country because people are hungry for change and hope is making a comeback??!!"
That doesn't even make any sense!!!!
Oh well, I guess that's another thread.
But I can definitely see the similarities to compare THAT, and McCain being away from the luxuries and benefits of the USA, while being a friggin POW to redefine his feelings for this country!



Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround

I think I just found a new avatar

Perhaps if McCain hung out with a bunch of people with long records of anti American statements like the Obamas have it would mean something. No, actually it wouldn't. McCain came to love his country because he was deprived of all the liberties we take for granted. Mrs' Obama first became proud of her country when it started looking like she might become first lady.


Originally Posted by reefraff
Mrs' Obama first became proud of her country when it started looking like she might become first lady.
No no, get it right. She's now proud cause HOPE is making a comeback. Other than being incredibly redundant, does she even know the definition of Hope??
I never lost hope. Didn't know that a short while ago, things were HOPELESS. Stupid. Didn't they ban her from speaking? She's a moron, and even if I were an Obama fan, I would advise him to shut her up.
This is rediculous. To slam McCain for what he saiid, sure I can see that, it's what the opposing sides do, but to compare it with what she said,
apperantly CONTEXT is not even a word anymore.


Active Member
"I didn't really love America until I was deprived of her company." ...
To try to equate that statement, when discussing being held as a POW and being routinely tortured by the enemy, to saying you've never been proud of america in your adult life... please.


Active Member
Can't you Obama Haters just combine these useless threads? This looks like nothing but a re-hash of the Obama Wins thread. You people have WAY too much free time on your hands. Hope you're doing your civic duty and actually going out to drum up votes for your candidate. The only people you're impressing or influencing on this board are yourselves.


Active Member
If you have an issue with the subject of the threads why don't you quit reading them? Most people are smart enough to avoid a bee hive if they don't want to get stung.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
If you have an issue with the subject of the threads why don't you quit reading them? Most people are smart enough to avoid a bee hive if they don't want to get stung.
Why don't you find something more productive to do with your life than sit on some saltwaterfish forum bashing presidential candidates? Instead of ranting your disdain for Obama here, go out and recruit votes for McCain. To tell you the truth, neither of these candidates impress me. The only reason I may vote now is just knowing I'll cancel out yours. What are you going to do if Obama wins? Journey may need a room mate in Australia...


Active Member
I have plenty of time to do both
I haven't voted FOR a presidential candidate since Reagan but I do make a point of voting for the lesser of two evils. Very easy choice in this case.


Originally Posted by bionicarm
Can't you Obama Haters just combine these useless threads?
I don't hate Obama...
I hear he's a pretty nice guy. Kiki said he's nice, and I believe her. (It's all I have since I never met him myself).
This thread, thus far, to me, had nothing to do with Obama.
"I" was addressing the link above.
But I guess to support one single sentence by McCain makes me an Obama hater...

Obama supporters keep opening threads. Not threads to say why they like their candidate, but rather threads to insult the other side. Those are 2 seperate issues to me. If you all wanna rally together and say why you think Obama will work, then I will most likely read and stay quiet. And maybe even learn some stuff. But to use a fragment of a sentence as a candidates guillotine, is, IMO, a discussion to be had.