
Active Member
Wow, can't really add much to this as it has been throughly and appropriatly torn apart....Well done

are you around, that picture is priceless
Thanks for all the posts. You missed the point. I believe McCAIN loves America. My point was saying people say things that gets taken out of context.As usual, I knew you guys would see it just like that talk show host on the video. The video was from MSNBC. God Bless America.
Originally Posted by Tizzo
No no, get it right. She's now proud cause HOPE is making a comeback. Other than being incredibly redundant, does she even know the definition of Hope??
I never lost hope. Didn't know that a short while ago, things were HOPELESS. Stupid. Didn't they ban her from speaking? She's a moron, and even if I were an Obama fan, I would advise him to shut her up.
This is rediculous. To slam McCain for what he saiid, sure I can see that, it's what the opposing sides do, but to compare it with what she said,
apperantly CONTEXT is not even a word anymore.

Did somebody say MORON?
Michelle Obama is very intelligent woman. She is an excellent mother. An excellent wife. To come from a family who did not have much to be where she is now is called a MORON?
Imagine if she had the background like Cindy McCain. Nice lesson to teach your kids. I see my time on this website is nearing an end.
Laura Bush must be the voice of reasoning for your America. Even my child's doll knows what Michelle meant. Michelle Rocks.
I hope my daughter sees Michelle as a roll model.


I don't do politics.
But again, every time I see a clip of something she says, it's not suitable for the occasion.
That sentence she said makes no sense at all yet she was comfortable to say it in front of thousands.
I don't know what she did. I only know the little tidbits I see here.
It doesn't take very much intelligence to know that, as a potential first lady, saying things like... "You can get shot going to the gas station" is inapropriate.
I don't even care about the "black man" part of the saying. Just to use that analogy...
Maybe she is intelligent, but her use of words is not at all thought out.
And again, I call her a moron, and instead of telling me why she's not, you say...
Laura Bush must be the voice of reasoning for your America
And please! By all means, I'm open minded. What did she mean??
For reference...
"I'm proud of my country because people are hungry for change and hope is making a comeback"
I'm still learning both sides, so please, since your childs doll knows what it means, explain it to me so that it makes sense.
Cause as far as I can tell, it doesn't.


Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
Michelle Obama is very intelligent woman. She is an excellent mother. An excellent wife. To come from a family who did not have much to be where she is now is called a MORON?:
I know lots of excellent mothers and wives that started with nothing. She can still be a moron.
Riding the right coat-tails, doesn't make you all of a sudden intelligent.
I quoted Laura Bush because in an interview she understood what Michelle meant and that people tend to take your words out of context.
If she had said this is the first time Im proud of my country I would understand your argument. She said "really proud". When the republicans run their smear ads they take really out of her sentence.Maybe her sentence could have been worded differently. Really Proud and Proud have a different effect.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
I quoted Laura Bush because in an interview she understood what Michelle meant and that people tend to take your words out of context.
If she had said this is the first time Im proud of my country I would understand your argument. She said "really proud". When the republicans run their smear ads they take really out of her sentence.Maybe her sentence could have been worded differently. Really Proud and Proud have a different effect.
Listen carefully please.....she CLEARLY says "first time".


Just to clarify. As I have said over and over. I don't do politics. I don't turn it on CNN, or go you-tubing looking for stuff. All I have, are what's brought up here.
I have also defended Obama as best as I know how when people are just wrong. His school, his grandparents, etc...
I have never revealed who I will vote for and nobody will ever know.
This entire thread, I am addressing ONLY the issue posted. That MSNBC guy holds no credibility to me based on his opening statements that they were "looking for something". I'm not a nit picker and I could care less about "what" they say.
Trying to attain the highest possible position in our country, one needs to be careful with what they say. It's sad that they can't speak freely and honestly. But they can't.
They know that going in. They know their sentences will get edited/cut/ and critiqued by all the lesser intelligent people.
That's true for both sides. They both should have enough sense to not only say what they feel, but know how to say it. That being said...
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
My point was saying people say things that gets taken out of context..
How in the world would we know that?
My position, in a nutshell, on this particular topic.
I totally understand McCains perspective having served myself.
And I don't agree with Michelle's choice of words in the above clip.
That's it. Nothing more.
I don't care who did what, who married who, what they did in the past, how far they've come, or any of that. I haven't research it, nor will I.
If I see it posted, then I will look and give my "humble" opinion.
I will not throw jabs or insults, or whine like a big baby. I will state my opinion, state WHY it's my opinion, and leave it at that. Until the next "topic".
But what I wish...what I really that a thread will get started about a candidate that doesn't include bashes at the other as a point of reasoning.
Michelle said what she said. That's it. You (not YOU, the media) don't have to go digging through old tapes to find SOMETHING that McCain said too, that's childish.
Same the other way around.

McCain changed his perspective on a few issues. So be it. I'm not gonna try to dig up contradictions that Obama said because to me, they are not even remotely related. If I wanna dig up stuff, I'll do it without being prompted as needing it for ammo.
OK, I'm done, were good.
You STILL don't know who I'm voting for...


OK, I looked. What she MEANT was...
For the first time, she's proud of AMERICANS. (the people and their current actions)
Not america. (The country, and how it came to be what it is, and what it is today)
See... BIIIG difference there.

The woman need to learn to communicate what she means.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
Michelle Obama is very intelligent woman. She is an excellent mother. An excellent wife. To come from a family who did not have much to be where she is now is called a MORON?
Imagine if she had the background like Cindy McCain. Nice lesson to teach your kids. I see my time on this website is nearing an end.
Laura Bush must be the voice of reasoning for your America. Even my child's doll knows what Michelle meant. Michelle Rocks.
I hope my daughter sees Michelle as a roll model.

If you knew Mrs. Obama well enough to make an intellegent assessment of her parental skills I would assume you would know something about her upbringing. Did not have much? Her father had enough to send her and her older brother to Princton University
Her upbringing wasn't privilaged but it wasn't bad. If her dad made enough to pay tuition I seriously doubt they did without.


Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
You are voting for Bob Barr
Awe geez there's ANOTHER one!!

No, I learned my lesson when Perot ran.

Which reminds me... If 20% percent voted for Ross, 35% voted for Bush, and 45% voted for clinton, then wouldn't that stand to reason that overall, MORE americans DIDN"T want Clinton??
I know between the 3, he got the most, but more people voted against him than for.

See, politics. Way to complicated for me.
Originally Posted by reefraff
If you knew Mrs. Obama well enough to make an intellegent assessment of her parental skills I would assume you would know something about her upbringing. Did not have much? Her father had enough to send her and her older brother to Princton University
Her upbringing wasn't privilaged but it wasn't bad. If her dad made enough to pay tuition I seriously doubt they did without.
Your resource says she had to take out loans to pay her way. Obama and Michelle just finished paying off their college loans two years ago.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
Your resource says she had to take out loans to pay her way. Obama and Michelle just finished paying off their college loans two years ago.

Maybe for Harvard law school.
Read her own words about her dad paying the princton tuition.
"Michelle Obama also spoke about growing up with a father who suffered from multiple sclerosis and worked a blue collar job to support his family. Through his “sacrifice and hard work,” she said, he was able to send both of his children to Princeton University"
Her dad was supposedly making in the 40's back in the 1980's. That was pretty good money. The dude also had MS but held down his job. Sounds like a very good man.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Can't you Obama Haters just combine these useless threads? This looks like nothing but a re-hash of the Obama Wins thread. You people have WAY too much free time on your hands. Hope you're doing your civic duty and actually going out to drum up votes for your candidate. The only people you're impressing or influencing on this board are yourselves.

Sometimes it pays to read the subject before you post just off of the title.
This thread was posted by a supporter of senator Obama, trying to bash Senator McCain.
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Sometimes it pays to read the subject before you post just off of the title.
This thread was posted by a supporter of senator Obama, trying to bash Senator McCain.
I see you did not read my thread either. I posted it not to bash McCain,but to show you guys that sometimes people words get taken out of context. I know McCAIN loves his country just like I know OBAMA AND MICHELLE loves their country. So that between now and November I don't have to read any post on here about what Michelle said.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
... She said "really proud". When the republicans run their smear ads they take really out of her sentence...
Wrong, wrong, and wrong again.
I have posted a link, on more than one occasion, explaining this. Michelle obama spoke twice the same day. The first speak, she did not use the word "really". The second speech is the one where she used the word "really".
She spoke in Madison and Milwaukie. Watch both clips before you accuse anyone of taking her out of context...


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
I see you did not read my thread either. I posted it not to bash McCain,but to show you guys that sometimes people words get taken out of context. I know McCAIN loves his country just like I know OBAMA AND MICHELLE loves their country. So that between now and November I don't have to read any post on here about what Michelle said.
The problem is, thus far, you have not accurately posted what she said the first time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Just to clarify. As I have said over and over. I don't do politics. I don't turn it on CNN, or go you-tubing looking for stuff. All I have, are what's brought up here.
I have also defended Obama as best as I know how when people are just wrong. His school, his grandparents, etc...
I have never revealed who I will vote for and nobody will ever know.
This entire thread, I am addressing ONLY the issue posted. That MSNBC guy holds no credibility to me based on his opening statements that they were "looking for something". I'm not a nit picker and I could care less about "what" they say.
Trying to attain the highest possible position in our country, one needs to be careful with what they say. It's sad that they can't speak freely and honestly. But they can't.
They know that going in. They know their sentences will get edited/cut/ and critiqued by all the lesser intelligent people.
That's true for both sides. They both should have enough sense to not only say what they feel, but know how to say it. That being said...
How in the world would we know that?
My position, in a nutshell, on this particular topic.
I totally understand McCains perspective having served myself.
And I don't agree with Michelle's choice of words in the above clip.
That's it. Nothing more.
I don't care who did what, who married who, what they did in the past, how far they've come, or any of that. I haven't research it, nor will I.
If I see it posted, then I will look and give my "humble" opinion.
I will not throw jabs or insults, or whine like a big baby. I will state my opinion, state WHY it's my opinion, and leave it at that. Until the next "topic".
But what I wish...what I really that a thread will get started about a candidate that doesn't include bashes at the other as a point of reasoning.
Michelle said what she said. That's it. You (not YOU, the media) don't have to go digging through old tapes to find SOMETHING that McCain said too, that's childish.
Same the other way around.

McCain changed his perspective on a few issues. So be it. I'm not gonna try to dig up contradictions that Obama said because to me, they are not even remotely related. If I wanna dig up stuff, I'll do it without being prompted as needing it for ammo.
OK, I'm done, were good.
You STILL don't know who I'm voting for...

You're alright Tizzo. Whoever you vote for at least it sounds like you will do a little homework and decide based on the facts rather than the rhetoric.