
Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Reporter to McCain Advisor
Q: Do you think another September 11th style attack would help McCain's chances in November.
A: Yes
How stupid is that guy. Although there was nothing wrong with his answer being a member of the campaign it's a question he can't answer. McCain should fire the guy. Not for what he said but because he didn't have enough sense to know it's one of those things you can't say.

I agree and I am shocked he said it. What scares me is that it puts out the idea to terrorists that they can shape our elections. It's bad enough that there are terrorist organizations supporting a candidate to weaken their campaign and position. I think we would all agree that our enemies in the middle east would prefer to have McCain elected over Obama.


Active Member
I hope that the stories you fine ladies have will help some folks understand what healthcare not of your choosing means.
It is that same type of healthcare that is proposed by the Left as their Golden Goose. Too many of the uninformed buy into it like..."I think it's cool that every person will have Health Care". And they have no friggin' idea what it will cost EVERYONE to be on it.
Personally, I like my Doctors. I would like to continue to see the Doctors of my choice. That choice is stripped with Nationalized health care.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I agree and I am shocked he said it. What scares me is that it puts out the idea to terrorists that they can shape our elections. It's bad enough that there are terrorist organizations supporting a candidate to weaken their campaign and position. I think we would all agree that our enemies in the middle east would prefer to have McCain elected over Obama.
It shaped Spain's.
Enemies in the ME prefer McCain over Obama????? Pass the joint around, your Bogarting.
i dont like the drs on post, i liked the one er dr i saw (kinda creepy he looked like an ex-boyfriend though) but he was nice and tried to fake like he cared. i completely forgot this one i needed an iv and my veins look fine to stick but they roll and you cant get a vein on my right side to save your life and i told the nurses that when they came in one stuck me 4 times and got blood everywhere before he handed it off to the next nurse who i told ok try here and she got it first try. at herman they knew when i came in to get the "expert" at iv's and stick me. im terrified to have to take my son in for just check-ups. hes very healthy but if something comes up i can see that wait. i dont wish this type of healtcare on anyone.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
It shaped Spain's.
Enemies in the ME prefer McCain over Obama????? Pass the joint around, your Bogarting.
LOL, I think they'd eat up 4 more years of Bush. Not sure if you realize this or not but we have other tools at our disposal that can be as effective as the military. Do you think someone like Ali Khamenei would really want to sit down with our leader to hammer out deals? Of course not, he and many of the leaders in the region want their people to see us as the devil/evil empire to help strengthen their position and what better way then to have McCain as the next pres who would rather bomb. Also, globally this would put pressure on them to work with us. U like many, have been duped into thinking that war is the only way to solve our issues. That said there is a time and place for military action but there is also a time for talks and other tools.
If you were to sit down and think about it, I think you'd see my point.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
LOL, I think they'd eat up 4 more years of Bush. Not sure if you realize this or not but we have other tools at our disposal that can be as effective as the military. Do you think someone like Ali Khamenei would really want to sit down with our leader to hammer out deals? Of course not, he and many of the leaders in the region want their people to see us as the devil/evil empire to help strengthen their position and what better way then to have McCain as the next pres who would rather bomb. Also, globally this would put pressure on them to work with us. U like many, have been duped into thinking that war is the only way to solve our issues. That said there is a time and place for military action but there is also a time for talks and other tools.
If you were to sit down and think about it, I think you'd see my point.

Where has talking got before this?? Seriously, you need to sit and think. These folks DO NOT LIKE YOU OR I. We are all too consumed by treating them nicey nice..Poor buggers have it bad in Guantanamo, we ripped their humanity from them in Abu Grahib...(sarcasm).
They are ripping heads off on TV and hanging bodies from Telephone wires....
Hardly seems fair, don't it?
I'm not saying every Muslim, so please do not try to construe it that way.


Originally Posted by Jmick
he and many of the leaders in the region want their people to see us as the devil/evil empire to help strengthen their position and what better way then to have McCain as the next pres who would rather bomb.
If you were to sit down and think about it, I think you'd see my point.
Well this thread is taking the usual... where it goes way over my head. and I don't know who or what anyone's talking about.
But I "think" jmicks point was more this conspiracy theory, than that talks would work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
Where has talking got before this?? Seriously, you need to sit and think. These folks DO NOT LIKE YOU OR I. We are all too consumed by treating them nicey nice..Poor buggers have it bad in Guantanamo, we ripped their humanity from them in Abu Grahib...(sarcasm).
They are ripping heads off on TV and hanging bodies from Telephone wires....
Hardly seems fair, don't it?
I'm not saying every Muslim, so please do not try to construe it that way.
If I am not mistaken, the IRA blew up buses that had babies and children on it and attacked other civilian targets. Did the troubles end because people sat down and in part worked things out or was it ended with military action? Who would have thought things would ever be worked out and that IRA would become a political force and not a paramilitary organization?
On a side note, I don't feel the vast majority of the people in the Middle East hate us and I firmly believe they want peace and good relations with the west. Having a government who wants to bomb and kill rather then use diplomatic or economic sanctions only helps those who want to portray as the hated west. We need to use good will to gain more support worldwide and in countries like IRAN to help weaken our enemies and force their leaders to work with the west.
Tizzo, where is the conspricy theory? Are you suggesting I was implying that McCain is going to work with terrorisst to plan another attack to secure his nomination? If so, that is really funny! That was not my point, keep reading it till it makes sense...I don't think it's that outlandish.


Originally Posted by Jmick
Tizzo, where is the conspricy theory? Are you suggesting I was implying that McCain is going to work with terrorisst to plan another attack to secure his nomination? If so, that is really funny! That was not my point, keep reading it till it makes sense...I don't think it's that outlandish.
Where have you been lately. (OK, that is supposed to be said/read playfully) I don't imply anything. If that's what I thought, that's what I woulda said.
It doesn't matter how I interpret what you said. I was telling grouper that I believed your point to be...that theory you mentioned.
That's it. Nothing more.
What you said was... hold on I hafta quote so I don't mess it up...
what better way then to have McCain as the next pres who would rather bomb.
whether what you think is true or not makes no matter. Right now, right this minute, it's a conspiracy theory by definition.
If I get it, if I understand it, if I believe it, it doesn't matter. It is what it is.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I think we would all agree that our enemies in the middle east would prefer to have McCain elected over Obama.
Where's you get that? A Hamas official spokesman came out and said he was rooting for Obama. I wouldn't assume who they really would want to win. They already know they can sway elections. They swung the Spanish election to the Socialists when they bombed the train.


Active Member
You hear who just increased sanctions on Iran? Hint: It wasn't the US. How far do you think they could be pushed with sanctions before they pulled something like blockading a port or mining the straits if the US force wasn't near? The Iranian economy is getting bad, sooner or later they are going to have to blink on the nuke deal

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
If I am not mistaken, the IRA blew up buses that had babies and children on it and attacked other civilian targets. Did the troubles end because people sat down and in part worked things out or was it ended with military action? Who would have thought things would ever be worked out and that IRA would become a political force and not a paramilitary organization?
On a side note, I don't feel the vast majority of the people in the Middle East hate us and I firmly believe they want peace and good relations with the west. Having a government who wants to bomb and kill rather then use diplomatic or economic sanctions only helps those who want to portray as the hated west. We need to use good will to gain more support worldwide and in countries like IRAN to help weaken our enemies and force their leaders to work with the west.
JMick I can see why you would think that however you are wrong because of two key points regarding the IRA.
1st and for most the were an organizations of citizens from country that wanted a governmental change in THEIR OWN country. Much different from the terrorists that flew planes into the WTC towers. Those were not citizens of the U.S.
2nd, The IRA in 2005 chose to stop all violent attacks and do things diplomatically. It was not because the "military campaign" against them was abandoned and the leaders decided to talk. The IRA saw that their violence was getting nothing done and saw diplomacy and elections was the most efficient and safe way to bring about the changes they desired.
So in effect the "Terrorists" changed their tactics and became politicians...
Can you seriously see Bin Laden as a U.S. citizen and deciding to run for office instead of instituting Jihad. That reminds me...the IRA were not religiously based militant terrorist group. They were an idea driven organization.....not religious.
The IRA and Al Qaeda type terrorists are not even remotely similar.


Originally Posted by reefraff
You hear who just increased sanctions on Iran? Hint: It wasn't the US. How far do you think they could be pushed with sanctions before they pulled something like blockading a port or mining the straits if the US force wasn't near? The Iranian economy is getting bad, sooner or later they are going to have to blink on the nuke deal french to me.

Laymens terms please!
And ummm, what's IRA?
I got a long way to go, but I'm trying.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
.... I think we would all agree that our enemies in the middle east would prefer to have McCain elected over Obama.
Why in the world would you assume we would agree to that?
Our enemies in the Middle East, like Hamas, have endorsed Obama...
Talking never works... How many times has Israel sat down with Hezbollah and Hamas? President Clinton sat down with North Korea. We gave into their demands, gave them food and oil, and now we have a nuclear armed N. Korea demanding more food and oil...
Obama will cut R&D research spending for the military (our huge advantage over terrorists) and withdraw from Iraq (where the terrorists are losing). McCain will continue to advance military technology and continue to be a presence in the ME. McCain supports Israel, Obama calls our relationship with Israel a "constant sore".
Sorry, they don't want McCain.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
http:///forum/post/2660252 french to me.

Laymens terms please!
And ummm, what's IRA?
I got a long way to go, but I'm trying.

No Tizzo, I won't make it that easy for you. Google "Ireland IRA"...and start reading up on one of the oldest "terrorist" organization created within the free world.


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
No Tizzo, I won't make it that easy for you. Google "Ireland IRA"...and start reading up on one of the oldest "terrorist" organization created within the free world.

Oh my gosh I feel like I just got a new piece of technology!
I googled, and just like here, to understand one thing you have to know another. This is the worse homework I ever had!!

Lemme see what I can do with this tangled up ball of info string.


Active Member
I've noticed that people only hear what they want to about their candidate. We all know what McCain meant by his statement and the same with Michelle. I just think the whole thing is silly... and is the reason why Obama has backed out of the Campaign Public Finance... look at all the ridiculous claims, attacks, and photos Obama has to deal with... Why do we have to question how the Obama's got to and paid for college... any african american who has attended Harvard or Princeton is a great feat by itself especially for people Obama's age... the fact that Michelle's father was able to send her despite his own background and handicap it's tremendous and should be seen as a positive.... this family has never had anything handed to them...but they have accomplished much and that should be respected.. despite who you decide to vote for... This is a family who has shown they are hard workers, who are well educated, successful, and are good parents..
As far as flip flopping... I can't understand how people give McCain a pass on flip flopping... he has done it consistantly... on issues such as immigration, the environment, public financing, he's already spending $ he doesn't have w/ this $300 million car battery idea which smells like "pork"
My point is that you'll never find everything you want in a candidate... much of what is said will turn out to be just lip service... but for 2009 we need change from the current adminstration... McCain doesn't offer that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Why in the world would you assume we would agree to that?
Our enemies in the Middle East, like Hamas, have endorsed Obama...
Talking never works... How many times has Israel sat down with Hezbollah and Hamas? President Clinton sat down with North Korea. We gave into their demands, gave them food and oil, and now we have a nuclear armed N. Korea demanding more food and oil...
Obama will cut R&D research spending for the military (our huge advantage over terrorists) and withdraw from Iraq (where the terrorists are losing). McCain will continue to advance military technology and continue to be a presence in the ME. McCain supports Israel, Obama calls our relationship with Israel a "constant sore".
Sorry, they don't want McCain.
Talking never works... is that what you will tell your kids?
Anytime you have a problem w/ someone fight them...

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Talking never works... is that what you will tell your kids?
Anytime you have a problem w/ someone fight them...

Are you going to teach your kids to work hard, get a good job then give half their money away?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
any african american who has attended Harvard or Princeton is a great feat by itself especially for people Obama's age...

See, this is what pisses me off about Obama and his supporters. You guys claim it is media and us that are making it a race issue. Yet it is him and his supporters that constantly make statements like this. Race doesn't matter, attending Harvard and Princeton is an accomplishment for ANY AMERICAN! Stop bringing up race.....
Originally Posted by Rylan1

This is a family who has shown they are hard workers, who are well educated, successful, and are good parents..
See this is also a problem I have. You say this as if it is an accomplishment. THAT IS WHAT EVERY AMERICAN SHOULD DO AND BE! It is nothing special.
Success is the only accomplishment and what defines success....I have yet to hear of anything great he did as a representative for the south side of Chicago. Nothing changed for his constituents while he represented them...In fact the south side declined further.....