
Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Talking never works... is that what you will tell your kids?
Anytime you have a problem w/ someone fight them...

I still am not understanding how Bush didn't "talk to Sadaam." For almost 20 years we negotiated and negotiated with the guy, and he just screwed with us. So finally he said enough is enough, went to the UN, went to congress not once but twice to get permission. Then called him up and said, hey moron we are going to destroy you if you don't leave. Sadaam said oh yeah, prove it and then we did...
We are letting the EU take the lead in negotiating with Iran, and it isn't getting us, lot of good it is getting us. We negotiated with NK gave them all sorts of stuff, they haven't kept their end of the bargan. To name a few. There are ALOT of countries we are diplomating, and 2 we went into but yet, we don't talk at all. Bush is a war monger. Doesn't make any sense.


Originally Posted by Rylan1
Talking never works... is that what you will tell your kids?
Anytime you have a problem w/ someone fight them...

Talking is a means of prevention. I can see that. But what action should be taken as a consequence? Not for stuff in the past, but rather if they start talking about bombing say...Akron Ohio.
And as I read these threads, democrat "vs" republican, I am learning first hand that "talking" isn't accomplishing anything.
So, what's the next step? Can't be more talking. We've done this at least 5 times.
So Rylan, you are the leader. And right now in this moment, while you're talking and trying to be rational with the republican DarthTang, His supporters are getting frustrated and gathering outside, plotting against you and your family. Not cause he told them to, but because they think they will help him. They are mad at you for what you believe. They will come Rylan, what now. DarthTang cannot control his people. He tells them not to attack, but they see him as being a sissy and "conforming" to the democrats ways. So now these "self appointed" organizations are wanting to attack YOU, your family and they aren't to happy with their own leader.
You still wanna talk to them? And who do you talk to?
Talking is not as cut and dry as what we see in our lives.
Sometimes, as seen here, you cannot get everybody on the same page. And if you, your family or your country's safety is in jeapordy as a result of that, then you WILL take more drastic measures.
I mean if you hear, at a bar, 2 guys plotting a murder or even a robbery at your address, your not gonna go over and TALK to them.
I would hope you'd be waiting in your driveway with a shotgun!
And under those circumstances, yes, that's exactly what I'd teach my kids to do.
If they ran, or stayed in a hotel, or tried some sort of reasoning with those men, I'd be sorely disappointed in them

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Talking is a means of prevention. I can see that. But what action should be taken as a consequence? Not for stuff in the past, but rather if they start talking about bombing say...Akron Ohio.
And as I read these threads, democrat "vs" republican, I am learning first hand that "talking" isn't accomplishing anything.
So, what's the next step? Can't be more talking. We've done this at least 5 times.
So Rylan, you are the leader. And right now in this moment, while you're talking and trying to be rational with the republican DarthTang, His supporters are getting frustrated and gathering outside, plotting against you and your family. Not cause he told them to, but because they think they will help him. They are mad at you for what you believe. They will come Rylan, what now. DarthTang cannot control his people. He tells them not to attack, but they see him as being a sissy and "conforming" to the democrats ways. So now these "self appointed" organizations are wanting to attack YOU, your family and they aren't to happy with their own leader.
You still wanna talk to them? And who do you talk to?
Talking is not as cut and dry as what we see in our lives.
Sometimes, as seen here, you cannot get everybody on the same page. And if you, your family or your country's safety is in jeapordy as a result of that, then you WILL take more drastic measures.
I mean if you hear, at a bar, 2 guys plotting a murder or even a robbery at your address, your not gonna go over and TALK to them.
I would hope you'd be waiting in your driveway with a shotgun!
And under those circumstances, yes, that's exactly what I'd teach my kids to do.
If they ran, or stayed in a hotel, or tried some sort of reasoning with those men, I'd be sorely disappointed in them

Analogy of the year!!!!
Tizzo I am so


Active Member
So John McCain responds to the public outrage over the immigration bill, Allows a little thing like 4 dollar a gallon gas change his position on off shore drilling and say that if he had it to do over again he would still vote against Bushes tax cuts but still thinks they should be permanent and the little minions still follow the DNC talking point and try to paint them as flip flops,
I notice they finally gave up on trying to redefine the meaning of recession.
And how about Obama breaking his word on public financing. He said the reason for that was the "evil" 527's that were going to attack him. Will at last look the Republican 527's had raised 24 million, the Democrats over 80 million. Obama said McCain wouldn't stop the 527's. So far the only attack ad I've seen is the baby Alex ad from the 527 for the FCME union Obama just spoke at. Did the Obus say anything to them?
Obama 08. Change for the worse


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Talking never works... is that what you will tell your kids?
Anytime you have a problem w/ someone fight them...

Foreign policy in the 21st century is hardly comparable to raising children... How many kids do you know that went to kindergarten with Uuday and Kusay?
That said, I'll teach my kids to learn history and learn from the mistakes others have made. I'll teach my children the history of this great country, to ignore skin color, to research a topic before they try to argue it, and to do whatever they can to spread freedom throughout the world.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
to research a topic before they try to argue it, and to do whatever they can to spread freedom throughout the world.
That is a must, considering I can argue the left side of the aisle better than the left does usually.
Are you saying McCain have money,I mean Cindy, so he can give it away, are you saying Hillary is a thief, I belief a motivational speech could be good for a homeless person. Was'nt even funny, try again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
Are you saying McCain have money,I mean Cindy, so he can give it away, are you saying Hillary is a thief, I belief a motivational speech could be good for a homeless person. Was'nt even funny, try again.

Tizzo and ReefRaff seem to think so.

The actual concept behind it has more to do with the parties they represent rather than the people and no, your interpretation isn't what it means nor what I was trying to say. I haven't quite figured out what Obama represents. Oh, and that is just my opinion which I think I'm still entitled to have as are you. Obviously you like Obama. I don't. Looks like we will cancel out each others vote come November.
Fair enough?
This cannot be about difference in parties if theres two democrat and one repub. It has to be about about each individual. BTW.. You are entitled to your own opinion I was just stating mines.


Originally Posted by TangMan99
The actual concept behind it has more to do with the parties they represent rather than the people

Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy

This cannot be about difference in parties if theres two democrat and one repub. :

I'm gonna go read Obama's website and see what I can learn.



Active Member
I agree, the joke (and that is all it is whether funny or not) is about the individuals. I said the actual concept behind it has to do with the parties, granted from a republican point of view which I happen to share. The direct and pointed version is republicans believe in helping to a point but the power of helping people long term is to create a strong economic base for growth and job opportunities. Democrats believe more in social programs with no long term solution except to take money from those that work hard to earn it to give it to someone who isn't highly motivated to work. It's an opinion that most republicans share. Democrats have their own opinion that I'm sure to them makes just as much sense. How, I have no idea.

Now before anyone labels me as being some old guy with lots of money who sits around smoking expensive cigars and drinking topshelf liquor who doesn't care for people less fortunate than me, well I'm not old. Just kidding. Well, not kidding about not being old.
Seriously though. I have a very good life due to a lot of hard work and I'm sure a little luck along the way and I do believe in giving back. Unlike many who donate to their church, I'm not religious at all so I don't give to any church. Instead, there are several charities that I believe go to great lengths to help people really in need and I donate a good amount of money to them every year and my wife donates about the same amount I do to the charities of her choice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TangMan99
I agree, the joke (and that is all it is whether funny or not) is about the individuals. I said the actual concept behind it has to do with the parties, granted from a republican point of view which I happen to share. The direct and pointed version is republicans believe in helping to a point but the power of helping people long term is to create a strong economic base for growth and job opportunities. Democrats believe more in social programs with no long term solution except to take money from those that work hard to earn it to give it to someone who isn't highly motivated to work. It's an opinion that most republicans share. Democrats have their own opinion that I'm sure to them makes just as much sense. How, I have no idea.

Now before anyone labels me as being some old guy with lots of money who sits around smoking expensive cigars and drinking topshelf liquor who doesn't care for people less fortunate than me, well I'm not old. Just kidding. Well, not kidding about not being old.
Seriously though. I have a very good life due to a lot of hard work and I'm sure a little luck along the way and I do believe in giving back. Unlike many who donate to their church, I'm not religious at all so I don't give to any church. Instead, there are several charities that I believe go to great lengths to help people really in need and I donate a good amount of money to them every year and my wife donates about the same amount I do to the charities of her choice.
So you decide what charities you give your money to? Where the hell do you get off!!! How dare you think you are a better judge of who to give YOUR money to than the government.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
So you decide what charities you give your money to? Where the hell do you get off!!! How dare you think you are a better judge of who to give YOUR money to than the government.
Yeah, I figure people who have just lost everything they own to a disaster or the parents who are dealing with a child being treated for cancer that have traveled hundreds of miles to be treated here in our childrens' hospital and need a place to stay while here need the money more than anyone the Government is going to give it to. Unfortunately they still take it from me and hand it out.


Active Member
What Obama meant by change is coming is after the government gets through with the 20 dollars Hillary confiscated for him the guy will be lucky if he gets a couple quarters.


Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
If the joke had left off the last piece about "barack giving him nothing" and left out the part about "the difference" then it would have been funny.
But then it wouldn't have had a punchline.
So, not only would it not have been funny, it wouldn't even have been a joke.

Just take it in stride. If we take our candidates all serious, we'lll stress ourselfs out.
Just relax, it was just a joke.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
But then it wouldn't have had a punchline.
So, not only would it not have been funny, it wouldn't even have been a joke.

Just take it in stride. If we take our candidates all serious, we'lll stress ourselfs out.
Just relax, it was just a joke.

Humor is funniest is when it had an element of truth in it.