Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Talking never works... is that what you will tell your kids?
Anytime you have a problem w/ someone fight them...
I still am not understanding how Bush didn't "talk to Sadaam." For almost 20 years we negotiated and negotiated with the guy, and he just screwed with us. So finally he said enough is enough, went to the UN, went to congress not once but twice to get permission. Then called him up and said, hey moron we are going to destroy you if you don't leave. Sadaam said oh yeah, prove it and then we did...
We are letting the EU take the lead in negotiating with Iran, and it isn't getting us, lot of good it is getting us. We negotiated with NK gave them all sorts of stuff, they haven't kept their end of the bargan. To name a few. There are ALOT of countries we are diplomating, and 2 we went into but yet, we don't talk at all. Bush is a war monger. Doesn't make any sense.
Talking never works... is that what you will tell your kids?
Anytime you have a problem w/ someone fight them...

I still am not understanding how Bush didn't "talk to Sadaam." For almost 20 years we negotiated and negotiated with the guy, and he just screwed with us. So finally he said enough is enough, went to the UN, went to congress not once but twice to get permission. Then called him up and said, hey moron we are going to destroy you if you don't leave. Sadaam said oh yeah, prove it and then we did...
We are letting the EU take the lead in negotiating with Iran, and it isn't getting us, lot of good it is getting us. We negotiated with NK gave them all sorts of stuff, they haven't kept their end of the bargan. To name a few. There are ALOT of countries we are diplomating, and 2 we went into but yet, we don't talk at all. Bush is a war monger. Doesn't make any sense.