
So there was 3 guys...
A priest, a rabbi and a construction guy who all walk into a bar...
The priest want wine cause his religion approves.
The rabbi wants kosher pickle juice cause it gives him the giggles.
that's it.

It just don't work without the punchline.


well you got half right, they do ask for change.
But if they feel "hope"less, that is their problem and no political figure can change that!
This is the USA where widows and single moms with no degree can make ends meet!
you got a guy with no responsibilities and your gonna tell me he's hope less!
I just don't care.
And if I did, I would ask you...
what change does he have for them that's not gonna inconvenience you?
honestly, what can he do that's bigger than their piss poor excuses as to why they won't work?
Homeless men don't want change and hope. They want handouts and booze, or they give you attitude.
Originally Posted by Tizzo
well you got half right, they do ask for change.
But if they feel "hope"less, that is their problem and no political figure can change that!
This is the USA where widows and single moms with no degree can make ends meet!
you got a guy with no responsibilities and your gonna tell me he's hope less!
I just don't care.
And if I did, I would ask you...
what change does he have for them that's not gonna inconvenience you?
honestly, what can he do that's bigger than their piss poor excuses as to why they won't work?
Homeless men don't want change and hope. They want handouts and booze, or they give you attitude.
I thought it was a joke, its not my joke by the way.
I think you describing bums. Alot of people who are homeless are not bums, but are just down on their luck. There are so many situations.


Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
I thought it was a joke, its not my joke by the way.
I think you describing bums. Alot of people who are homeless are not bums, but are just down on their luck. There are so many situations.
You are correct, and there is a system in place for those individuals.
My own brother is homeless and took full advantage of the system while he could, and he had plenty of time to get a job, but he CHOSE not to. He actually believes that to have a rent/

payment, and have bills like utilities, you are tying yourself down and not enjoying life.

I worked security in the ER in Charlottes biggest hospital and I met just about all of the city's homeless. They are nice, that's true, but they like what they have.
A guy that has a bad circumstance has...
Unemployment benefits
Homeless shelters
Salvation Army helps more than you know!
And others I don't know about...
You can only help a person so much.
Giving them checks weekly for life is nothing less than stupid.


Active Member
I think we should just ship off all the bums, unwed mothers and any one who lives under the poverty line and leeches off our hard earned money to an island to fend for themselves. What a drag on our society these people are...if only all of our hard earned money could go into making bombs, guns and other instruments of death and destruction the world we live in would be so much better


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I think we should just ship off all the bums, unwed mothers and any one who lives under the poverty line and leeches off our hard earned money to an island to fend for themselves. What a drag on our society these people are...if only all of our hard earned money could go into making bombs, guns and other instruments of death and destruction the world we live in would be so much better

Gads, that makes more sense than anything else you've ever posted

So as long as we are on the subject of the homeless,
Have any of you ever had some homeless person knock on your door and ask if there was some yard work or something they could do to earn a little cash?
Not all people with a cardboard sign are homeless or poor. Only panhandler I ever gave money to was holding a sign that said "why lie, I need a beer" Don't know if he was really going to use the money for beer but the laugh was worth a couple bucks.
Originally Posted by reefraff
Gads, that makes more sense than anything else you've ever posted

So as long as we are on the subject of the homeless,
Have any of you ever had some homeless person knock on your door and ask if there was some yard work or something they could do to earn a little cash?
Not all people with a cardboard sign are homeless or poor. Only panhandler I ever gave money to was holding a sign that said "why lie, I need a beer" Don't know if he was really going to use the money for beer but the laugh was worth a couple bucks.
you rewarded honesty! good job
Originally Posted by Jmick
I think we should just ship off all the bums, unwed mothers and any one who lives under the poverty line and leeches off our hard earned money to an island to fend for themselves. What a drag on our society these people are...if only all of our hard earned money could go into making bombs, guns and other instruments of death and destruction the world we live in would be so much better

or you could give it to the military, everyone knows they get paid crap.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I think we should just ship off all the bums, unwed mothers and any one who lives under the poverty line and leeches off our hard earned money to an island to fend for themselves. What a drag on our society these people are...if only all of our hard earned money could go into making bombs, guns and other instruments of death and destruction the world we live in would be so much better

Jmick, you find time to make little snippets here and there, but yet you don't find time to debate in the McCain thread you started. This tells me you truly do not understand politics and just repeat the mantra of what ever radio/TV program you enjoy.
Basically what I am saying, until you debate something you started in full your opinion is worth the change in the local bum's pocket....
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Jmick, you find time to make little snippets here and there, but yet you don't find time to debate in the McCain thread you started. This tells me you truly do not understand politics and just repeat the mantra of what ever radio/TV program you enjoy.
Basically what I am saying, until you debate something you started in full your opinion is worth the change in the local bum's pocket....
thats why he only puts his 2 cents worth in


Active Member
Originally Posted by armywife1314
or you could give it to the military, everyone knows they get paid crap.

Especially since they OWN you.
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW

Jmick, you find time to make little snippets here and there, but yet you don't find time to debate in the McCain thread you started. This tells me you truly do not understand politics and just repeat the mantra of what ever radio/TV program you enjoy.
Basically what I am saying, until you debate something you started in full your opinion is worth the change in the local bum's pocket....
yawn, when are you going to learn libs only repeat what the sorosdamas says for them to repeat very few can actually argue their position. And those end up being republicans by the time they are 40.


Originally Posted by Jmick
I think we should just ship off all the bums, unwed mothers and any one who lives under the poverty line and leeches off our hard earned money to an island to fend for themselves. What a drag on our society these people are...if only all of our hard earned money could go into making bombs, guns and other instruments of death and destruction the world we live in would be so much better

Instead of dogging the perspective, answer the question.
what could possibly be done, that wouldn't be at the expense of feeding your own family that's not already being done?
what possible change can be made?
I don't really expect an answer. You can't.
So go ahead and throw another jab.
I'm getting used to the punches from the left. Its all I've seen from that direction.
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Especially since they OWN you.
ya at the very least for the next 5 years!
but my hubby's applying to fly so a little pay increase wont be too bad, it wont be great either, unless they let us go to hawaii, then it wont be so bad


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I think we should just ship off all the bums, unwed mothers and any one who lives under the poverty line and leeches off our hard earned money to an island to fend for themselves. What a drag on our society these people are...if only all of our hard earned money could go into making bombs, guns and other instruments of death and destruction the world we live in would be so much better

I won't comment on your choice to lump unwed mothers in with "bums"...
"Guns and other instruments of death" gave us the United States, ended Nazism, ended Fascism, ended Imperialism, freed 100 million from Communism, ended slavery, and presently holds in check radical islam.
So, ya, I'd say they do make the world "so much better".


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I won't comment on your choice to lump unwed mothers in with "bums"...
"Guns and other instruments of death" gave us the United States, ended Nazism, ended Fascism, ended Imperialism, freed 100 million from Communism, ended slavery, and presently holds in check radical islam.
So, ya, I'd say they do make the world "so much better".

They can make the world a better place when it's the righteous and the good who possess them. Looking at history, this often isn't the case.
Journey, who are you to comment? You are currently making your living as a contractor in Iraq where a few hundred thousand people have died since this war has begun and somewhere in the range of 4 million people in Iraq have been displaced either to neighboring countries or within Iraq.


Active Member
Originally Posted by armywife1314
or you could give it to the military, everyone knows they get paid crap.

I agree that pay and benefits could be better but your husband did make a choice to enlist.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I agree that pay and benefits could be better but your husband did make a choice to enlist.
I agree the homeless could have a place to live, but they chose the road that made them homeless as well.....
See how that response can be twisted.
A single studio cost 250 a month. McDonalds will pay the starting employee about 600 a month.......
The homeless do not get my sympathy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
...if only all of our hard earned money could go into making bombs, guns and other instruments of death and destruction the world we live in would be so much better

Originally Posted by Jmick
They can make the world a better place when it's the righteous and the good who possess them. Looking at history, this often isn't the case.
I'm confused...
Originally Posted by jmick

Journey, who are you to comment? You are currently making your living as a contractor in Iraq where a few hundred thousand people have died since this war has begun and somewhere in the range of 4 million people in Iraq have been displaced either to neighboring countries or within Iraq.
I'm just someone willing to put my feet where my mouth was. Weren't you one of the folks 6 months ago telling me to go to Iraq if I supported this war so much?
Few hundred thousand people have died since the war began? How about giving a source for those numbers and we can discuss it.
I'm here working with the guys/gals with guns, making Iraq better place. What are you doing?