
Originally Posted by reefraff
You're alright Tizzo. Whoever you vote for at least it sounds like you will do a little homework and decide based on the facts rather than the rhetoric.

Well thanks.
I do know that whatever whoever tries to do, there will be consequences. I wanna know which ones will directly affect me and my family and if it truly is for the best.
Things as vague as "government healthcare" seem like a great idea til you can no longer pay your bills cause we have one more tax.
Stuff like that.

I just don't like that were told we are given a choice, but in reality, having only 2 true candidates, how much of a choice is that really...
That's what we should write on the ballot.
Originally Posted by reefraff
You're alright Tizzo. Whoever you vote for at least it sounds like you will do a little homework and decide based on the facts rather than the rhetoric.

This is funny stuff
. If you are voting for Obama, you did not do your home work
, did not decide based on facts only rhetoric


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
This is funny stuff
. If you are voting for Obama, you did not do your home work
, did not decide based on facts only rhetoric

Did I say that? I will say this, I am amazed how ignorant a great number of Obamites are of his record. If someone supports him because they favor left wing or at least very liberal policies more power to them. What I object to is people trying to paint him as some kind of a centrist uniter. His record and past rhetoric demonstrate he is a partisan.
Originally Posted by reefraff
Did I say that? I will say this, I am amazed how ignorant a great number of Obamites are of his record. If someone supports him because they favor left wing or at least very liberal policies more power to them. What I object to is people trying to paint him as some kind of a centrist uniter. His record and past rhetoric demonstrate he is a partisan.
The word Ignorant can be used on the other side also. So that everyone know Iam a democrat have always been and will always be. Every body has right to vote for who they want. Good for you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Well thanks.
I do know that whatever whoever tries to do, there will be consequences. I wanna know which ones will directly affect me and my family and if it truly is for the best.
Things as vague as "government healthcare" seem like a great idea til you can no longer pay your bills cause we have one more tax.
Stuff like that.

I just don't like that were told we are given a choice, but in reality, having only 2 true candidates, how much of a choice is that really...
That's what we should write on the ballot.

If there was ever a year for a third party this was it. Bushes approval rating looks fabulous compared to the Democrat controlled congress. A group called Unity 08 was planning on putting together a ticket with a centrist Republican and Democrat and seemed to be gaining momentum. Suddenly McCain comes back from the dead and Obama hammers Hillary on Super Tuesday. So you end up with a Maverick and a outsider leading the races and the momentum for a third party dies. Sometime I wonder if the powers that be aren't playing us to keep this a two party system.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Did I say that? I will say this, I am amazed how ignorant a great number of Obamites are of his record. If someone supports him because they favor left wing or at least very liberal policies more power to them. What I object to is people trying to paint him as some kind of a centrist uniter. His record and past rhetoric demonstrate he is a partisan.
What kind of record can one accumulate in 2.5 years in the Senate?


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
The word Ignorant can be used on the other side also. So that everyone know Iam a democrat have always been and will always be. Every body has right to vote for who they want. Good for you.
Oh I will conceed the fact there is plenty of ignorance to go around "Obama's a Muslim" etc. I have a Republican friend that forwards me every conspiracy theory against Democrats that comes along. Being a "Real Republican" she also forwarded all the McCain isn't really an American citizen crap to.

I more people would look beyond the initial after a person's name we would have a lot better class of elected officials.


Active Member
Did you see the glee in the "unbiased" reporter when reporting that McCain said something like I really loved my country when I was deprived of it. The guy practically peed himself he was so excited.


Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
This is funny stuff
. If you are voting for Obama, you did not do your home work
, did not decide based on facts only rhetoric
OK, I have read, read and reread that statement, and I have "misread" things in the past and I assume that's what I'm doing now...
What I am reading is... If I DO vote for Obama, I didn't do my homework?? And did not come to that conclusion based on facts??
Am I reading that correctly?
Strange considering your avatar.


Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
What kind of record can one accumulate in 2.5 years in the Senate?

I think his wife's perspectives, his choice of teacher/preacher, and him deciding to "choose" a race to fit in with (growing up) are all included in this statement.
Originally Posted by Tizzo
OK, I have read, read and reread that statement, and I have "misread" things in the past and I assume that's what I'm doing now...
What I am reading is... If I DO vote for Obama, I didn't do my homework?? And did not come to that conclusion based on facts??
Am I reading that correctly?
Strange considering your avatar.
My post was a reply to reef. I thought that was what he was implying. I am voting for Obama.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
My post was a reply to reef. I thought that was what he was implying. I am voting for Obama.
I was remarking to Tizzo saying (Gads don't know of Tizzo is a he or she
) they didn't know who they were voting for yet, or at least that was the way I took it.


Active Member
Reporter to McCain Advisor
Q: Do you think another September 11th style attack would help McCain's chances in November.
A: Yes
How stupid is that guy. Although there was nothing wrong with his answer being a member of the campaign it's a question he can't answer. McCain should fire the guy. Not for what he said but because he didn't have enough sense to know it's one of those things you can't say.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Reporter to McCain Advisor
Q: Do you think another September 11th style attack would help McCain's chances in November.
A: Yes
How stupid is that guy. Although there was nothing wrong with his answer being a member of the campaign it's a question he can't answer. McCain should fire the guy. Not for what he said but because he didn't have enough sense to know it's one of those things you can't say.

But it is the truth...I feel McCain, or yes..even Hillary, would do more to protect this country. I SERIOUSLY and SINCERELY think that Obama would do nothing to retaliate. Almost to the point of allowing it to happen.
Do we as Americans not see what the far Left is after??? Pure Socialism.
National healthcare---sounds good...ask the other folks around the world how they like it. Call your Dr. and wait 3 months for your appt.
Al Gore and Carbon credits---WTH are you paying for??? Sounds like the intro to allowing each individual only a certain amount of fuel, electricity, land usage,.....Very Castro if you ask me.
Now they want to Nationalize the Oil Companies??? Hmmm.. Hugo Chavez maybe??
Rome wasn't built in a day...but it was destroyed this way.


Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
National healthcare---sounds good...ask the other folks around the world how they like it. Call your Dr. and wait 3 months for your appt.

Ya know, this is off topic, but I wanna say it. Eons ago, I read a case in Canada where a young boy kept having chest pains. Mom took him to the doc, docs kept sending him home. They did no tests. After incredible persistance, they ran some tests, end of story was that the kid needed a new heart. But being the healthcare system that it is, the doctors decided when you should be put on the list. They said that you, being in pain, are not rational enough to make your own decisions as to how crucial your care should be. Same if your the parent, your simply not rational. The kid kept complaining, but the docs kept thinking he was simply whiny. The boy ended up dying and he was never even put on the list!
I like the first come first serve we have here.
I like being able to say, run the tests even if my insurance won't cover it.
The military is a form of socialized healthcare, and for sneezes and coughs. Even healthy pregnancies I'm all for it, but when my son, who never complains, is fussing of something I think is serious, I like having options.
I don't know where the candidates stand on this issue. This is one topic I will learn more about as we get closer to the election though.


Originally Posted by gonefishcrazy
My post was a reply to reef. I thought that was what he was implying. I am voting for Obama.
I gotcha. I didn't sense the sarcasm, the first time I read it.
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Ya know, this is off topic, but I wanna say it. Eons ago, I read a case in Canada where a young boy kept having chest pains. Mom took him to the doc, docs kept sending him home. They did no tests. After incredible persistance, they ran some tests, end of story was that the kid needed a new heart. But being the healthcare system that it is, the doctors decided when you should be put on the list. They said that you, being in pain, are not rational enough to make your own decisions as to how crucial your care should be. Same if your the parent, your simply not rational. The kid kept complaining, but the docs kept thinking he was simply whiny. The boy ended up dying and he was never even put on the list!
I like the first come first serve we have here.
I like being able to say, run the tests even if my insurance won't cover it.
The military is a form of socialized healthcare, and for sneezes and coughs. Even healthy pregnancies I'm all for it, but when my son, who never complains, is fussing of something I think is serious, I like having options.
I don't know where the candidates stand on this issue. This is one topic I will learn more about as we get closer to the election though.

i know me personally i hate the military healthcare system its seriously flawed. for one example i am pregnant. with my son i was in and out of herman hospital once or twice every month from 5 weeks until 7 months. i have hypoglycemia where if i dont eat my blood sugar drops dangerously low and i can pass out. i also had an emergency c-section with him because of complications. that was on individual healthcare i was technically high risk.
i was in the er at 7 weeks with this pregnancy for vomiting for 1 week straight and not being able to hold anything down for 3 days and i have a 2 year old so this is a problem. when i followed up with my ob/gyn and i offered my past records he said no they dont need them and im fine said he would give me b6 vitamin and a sleeping pill for the rest of the pregnancy!
not to mention on this post the largest military post in america there are 7 ob/gyns where there should be no less than 15, i had to wait 6 hours to be seen by a dr. (not at the er that was only 1 hour)


Whoa! There's a wake up call!
I had my son at Tripler Army Medical, and they were awesome, but then again, my pregnancy was very healthy!
I don't wanna think about if I had complications.
I do remember feeling like a number, but I kinda figured it was military. I mean, real docs don't really have all that much compassion either (sorry oscardeuce and Al Mc
) but I used to work in an ER too!
Anyway they have to at least ACT like they do. The military docs had no reason to care. They were there to pay off their college debt I guess.


Originally Posted by reefraff
I was remarking to Tizzo saying (Gads don't know of Tizzo is a he or she
) they didn't know who they were voting for yet, or at least that was the way I took it.
You know now

Sometimes...not often, but sometimes, we put our pics in the user profile. I wish everybody did it.
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Whoa! There's a wake up call!
I had my son at Tripler Army Medical, and they were awesome, but then again, my pregnancy was very healthy!
I don't wanna think about if I had complications.
I do remember feeling like a number, but I kinda figured it was military. I mean, real docs don't really have all that much compassion either (sorry oscardeuce and Al Mc
) but I used to work in an ER too!
Anyway they have to at least ACT like they do. The military docs had no reason to care. They were there to pay off their college debt I guess.

this dr was a major and a complete @$$ until i told him i had previously been seen at herman by the head of ob/gyn who is a family friend then he changed his attitude and wanted to be the greatest dr. gave me the meds i need so i dont end up in the hospital in a few days ready for the reason........................................................................................
he's applying to work at herman hospital next year under that family friend!