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Can't you Obama Haters just combine these useless threads?
I don't hate Obama...
I hear he's a pretty nice guy. Kiki said he's nice, and I believe her. (It's all I have since I never met him myself).
This thread, thus far, to me, had nothing to do with Obama.
"I" was addressing the link above.
But I guess to support one single sentence by McCain makes me an Obama hater...
Obama supporters keep opening threads. Not threads to say why they like their candidate, but rather threads to insult the other side. Those are 2 seperate issues to me. If you all wanna rally together and say why you think Obama will work, then I will most likely read and stay quiet. And maybe even learn some stuff. But to use a fragment of a sentence as a candidates guillotine, is, IMO, a discussion to be had.