Meowzer's LED build


I see both sides of the coin because I wish I could have been out there hunting this year for bow season but don't have the time and yet I really wish I had my light and stand done....but don't have time for it all right now.
Does he have one that he is after or just out there for any that walk by?


LOL....Well he is always looking for the big buck, BUT will probably settle for a few others this year too....NO BABIES THOUGH


YIKES...Router just burnt up.....SIGH
ANYWAY SHAWN/COREY....we will have some #'s for you when I get home....Danny says they are CLOSE......we need to know how exact they have to be


Well-Known Member
Question: The blues, does each string start with a royal blue or blue? And what about the whites, is the first led in each string a cool white or neutral?


Well-Known Member
Strings 1 and 6 of the blues are the furthest out of balance. Swap the led in the 1st string that has the 3.34vF since that's the highest with the led in the 6th string with the 3.12vF since that's one of the lowest. The idea here is to try and equalize the resistance in each string to get the final current measurements in milliamps (mA) closer to the rest of the strings. As long as you're strings are within 50mA of eachother then that's good enough. Try that and then do the voltage drop test across the resistors for each string again and let us know what they read.

Current readings mA (milliamps) for each string.

For anyone reading this, we are only swapping leds of the same color with one another.


Well-Known Member
For the whites take the two leds in the 2nd string with the 2.95vF's and swap one with the 2.93fV in string 4 and swap the other 2.95fV with the 2.93vF in string 5.


Changed blue string 1 light 12 was 3.34 to string 6 light 3....was 3.12......then it tested at 3.32
AND the one he put on string one tested at 3.18
BUT!!!! THEN....The amps across resistors boggled Danny's mind when the 1st string went to 0.91 and the 6th went to 0.76
JUST Opposite of what he thought should have happened......Do not want to do the whites until we know why the blues did that


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///t/387353/meowzers-led-build/420#post_3431714
Changed blue string 1 light 12 was 3.34 to string 6 light 3....was 3.12......then it tested at 3.32
AND the one he put on string one tested at 3.18
BUT!!!! THEN....The amps across resistors boggled Danny's mind when the 1st string went to 0.91 and the 6th went to 0.76
JUST Opposite of what he thought should have happened......Do not want to do the whites until we know why the blues did that
Yeah that's a large difference in current and not the way we wanted it to go. I'd say put them back for now. The reason for the one led with the 3.34vf and why it was so much higher than the others was probably because of a solder joint that was less then optimal. Plus, risistance will change a little bit depending on how long the leds have been turned on for and how warm they're getting. You're strings really aren't that far out of balance as is. You only have a difference of 60mA on the blues and about 50mA on the whites. I think that's reasonably good enough to run for a while, as is. He can just use the meter anytime to do a quick voltage drop test across the resistors. I'd have him check that one a month for a few months. As long as everything stays about the same then you're good to go. Check a few times a year after that just to see how things are going.


OK....I think he is done for tonight....LOL....He will hunt in the morning....then look for a new router :( and probably tomorrow afternoon he will change the 2 back


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///t/387353/meowzers-led-build/420#post_3431721
OK....I think he is done for tonight....LOL....He will hunt in the morning....then look for a new router :( and probably tomorrow afternoon he will change the 2 back
Sounds good. Actually I just made a terrible error and gave you some backwards advice.
I was chosing the leds with the highest fV in the strings with the most current to swap with leds of a lower vF in strings with lower current. It's actually completely reversed. Current is higher in a string because it has the least amount of resistance. Therefore, in order to get more current through a string is to lower the resistance, and increase resistance for less current. Does that make sense? Forgive me, it's been a long week so far.


Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///t/387353/meowzers-led-build/420#post_3431726
Sounds good. Actually I just made a terrible error and gave you some backwards advice.
I was chosing the leds with the highest fV in the strings with the most current to swap with leds of a lower vF in strings with lower current. It's actually completely reversed. Current is higher in a string because it has the least amount of resistance. Therefore, in order to get more current through a string is to lower the resistance, and increase resistance for less current. Does that make sense? Forgive me, it's been a long week so far.
PHEW....LOL....Danny has been sitting here saying....BUT WHY did it do that....LOL......He says now that makes sense....haha
He will switch the 2 back tomorrow...HAHA....belive me he has A LOT of those moments