Mixed Martial Arts... For Children? Unbelievable!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
they are children.
a few bloody lips and bruises abound.
Not enough power to break each others heads, not enough power to go for KO's so brain damage is not a factor as it is in adult fighting.
Leverage and perm damage is different, BUT the refs are close to monitor the situation so I say go get um.
I LOVE boxing and miss it dearly. Even in my prime I cherished ring time and knew it wouldnt last forever. I always defend fighters because it is not about hurting people. It is about locking horns with other young bucks and testing your abilities. Amazing personal growth for most people. Sure some dont know when to quit. Others are just testosterone freaks but by and large most are true athletes and gentlemen.
Honor among fighters is serious. Most of what people know are the idiots from TV with the attitudes and knuckles dragging on the ground.
watching small children fight is downright silly to watch in the first place but if it teaches at early ages how to be a good winner/loser then I say it is fantastic.
I guess you missed the part in the first video where the one kid picks the other up. He drops him and his head hits first even on a mat it can cause problems. If wrestlers and boxers that age have to wear gear it is rediculous these kids don't.

el guapo

Active Member
Kids are going to hit there heads . Its part of life . They can't wear a helmet for the first 13 years of their lives . Should kids have to wear a helmet on a trampoline ? A swing , a teater toter , merry go round, how about the little rocking horse with the spring that is concretted into the ground ? I have seen kids get plastered by all of those things . Should we have the Pea gravel removed from playgrounds because kids throw it and it hurts other kids ? Or should we just requier that kids wear helmets with face sheilds while on the play ground? Heck kids fall out of bunk beds , And thats a lot farther fall then the one kid that got "slammed on his head ". How many kids get slammed in a pee wee wrestling tournement ? Should we stop allowing that sport too ? Also just to point out on the head gear they wear in wrestling does nothing but protect the ears from damadge .
The point I am making is that kids are going to get hurt no matter what/where/who/how . Why not let them enjoy a sport with adult supervision? A sport that teaches honor, respect and physical agility . After all it really would be a shame for kids to do something that involves turning off the X box and actually learning some real life social skills .


Active Member
Thank you for making a good point. I do not want my child to get brain damaged by a sport but a child falling from six inches onto his head is very unlikely to give him brain damage. Don't be over dramatic. My son got knocked off of a bridge at a playground from 4 feet up by a 10 year old when he was only two. Scared the crap out of me because he landed on his head and his neck bent sideways. He cried and I cuddled him for all of two minutes before he pushed away from me and wanted to go play again.
Children are very resilient and a parent needs to be responsible and mature enough to understand if their child can participate or not or if maybe they need to be in a more noncontact sport like swimming or dance. There was just another thread on here by a member whos child won a huge trophy in martial arts. Everyone applauded that and congratulated her and her family. How could that be any different than this? I guarantee if that girl continues she will, at some point, get a bruise, bloody nose, broken bone, etc. And that is up to the individual parent to decide if their child should or should not continue in that sport. I suspect from the smile that she was pretty happy to do it though and her family was very proud of her success. I couldn't find the thread or I would give them credit. If the child enjoys it, is responsible with what they learn, and wishes to pursue it, even into a career, I say let them go for it and more power to them.


Active Member
You can't make a kid wear a helmet 24/7 but you can use a little common sense and make them wear protection when they are participating in a sport where being hit in the head is common.

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
You can't make a kid wear a helmet 24/7 but you can use a little common sense and make them wear protection when they are participating in a sport where being hit in the head is common.

Or say falling off a swing or other playground equipment ? A little common sense is right . We should take away sport because kids can get hurt but not playground equipment. Because after all playgrounds have been around a while just like traditonal martial arts . But this new MMA thing is new and dangerous .
On average pro football players with all their pads and protection recive more serrious and minor injuries than all the combined athletes of MMA. Does this some how change from adults to children ? I highly doubt it . How many blind hits do QB's take in a season ? How many torn ACL's are there ? How many fingers are broken ?


Originally Posted by hlcroghan http:///forum/post/2699571
Thank you for making a good point. I do not want my child to get brain damaged by a sport but a child falling from six inches onto his head is very unlikely to give him brain damage. Don't be over dramatic. My son got knocked off of a bridge at a playground from 4 feet up by a 10 year old when he was only two. Scared the crap out of me because he landed on his head and his neck bent sideways. He cried and I cuddled him for all of two minutes before he pushed away from me and wanted to go play again.
Children are very resilient and a parent needs to be responsible and mature enough to understand if their child can participate or not or if maybe they need to be in a more noncontact sport like swimming or dance. There was just another thread on here by a member whos child won a huge trophy in martial arts. Everyone applauded that and congratulated her and her family. How could that be any different than this? I guarantee if that girl continues she will, at some point, get a bruise, bloody nose, broken bone, etc. And that is up to the individual parent to decide if their child should or should not continue in that sport. I suspect from the smile that she was pretty happy to do it though and her family was very proud of her success. I couldn't find the thread or I would give them credit. If the child enjoys it, is responsible with what they learn, and wishes to pursue it, even into a career, I say let them go for it and more power to them.


el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
You can't make a kid wear a helmet 24/7 but you can use a little common sense and make them wear protection when they are participating in a sport where being hit in the head is common.

Originally Posted by reefraff

In yet another case of political correctness gone mad both dodgeball and kickball were banned at the schools in the area where I used to live
Insert social elitest snob tone "It's too much agression for the children to be exposed too"
Both were great fun. Especially when the ball would get serious air off a head shot

So getting hit in the head with a ball is ok ?
I really like this quote "It's too much agression for the children to be exposed to"


Originally Posted by EL GUAPO http:///forum/post/2699589
Hey thats no fair . I just went looking for it and come back and you beat me to it . https://forums.saltwaterfish.com/t/327840/we-have-a-world-champion-in-the-house

I noticed that about the Dodge ball/Kickball as well. It has been brought up before about those being removed from school because kids may get hurt. People on here were outraged by it. Most arguments for keeping it in school were that it is fun and promotes a sense of pride and skill, not to mention physical activity. Why is this then so bad?

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian

I noticed that about the Dodge ball/Kickball as well. It has been brought up before about those being removed from school because kids may get hurt. People on here were outraged by it. Most arguments for keeping it in school were that it is fun and promotes a sense of pride and skill, not to mention physical activity. Why is this then so bad?

Hey I for one am all for dodge ball kick ball . This is just an instance of the pot calling the kettle .


Active Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
Or say falling off a swing or other playground equipment ? A little common sense is right . We should take away sport because kids can get hurt but not playground equipment. Because after all playgrounds have been around a while just like traditonal martial arts . But this new MMA thing is new and dangerous .
On average pro football players with all their pads and protection recive more serrious and minor injuries than all the combined athletes of MMA. Does this some how change from adults to children ? I highly doubt it . How many blind hits do QB's take in a season ? How many torn ACL's are there ? How many fingers are broken ?
Are these MMA fighters such sissys that they can't hit as hard as boxers or wrestlers their age? Again, if wrestlers and boxers are required to use the gear there is no reason why these kids shouldn't. How is that taking away their sport?


Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
Hey I for one am all for dodge ball kick ball . This is just an instance of the pot calling the kettle .
That is what I am saying. The same people that have a problem with this sport have a problem with kids NOT being allowed to play other contact sports in school. The last time I checked, kids on the playground or in gym class do not wear body armor to play these games.


Active Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
So getting hit in the head with a ball is ok ?
I really like this quote "It's too much agression for the children to be exposed to"

You going to compare the effect of being hit in the head with a dodge ball and being struck with a knee or elbow or hitting your head on a matt?

And the quote isn't mine but you already knew that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian

I noticed that about the Dodge ball/Kickball as well. It has been brought up before about those being removed from school because kids may get hurt. People on here were outraged by it. Most arguments for keeping it in school were that it is fun and promotes a sense of pride and skill, not to mention physical activity. Why is this then so bad?

WHo is saying this is so bad? Not me anyway. I just think it's pretty stupid not to use head gear.

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Are these MMA fighters such sissys that they can't hit as hard as boxers or wrestlers their age? Again, if wrestlers and boxers are required to use the gear there is no reason why these kids shouldn't. How is that taking away their sport?

Because it is neither BOXING or WRESTLING . What part of this do you not understand ?
I am sure I could knee somebody a lot hard then a ball hitting them but we are not talking about grown adults . We are talking about little kids .
How is a kid kicking a ball delivering less force to an opponent then kicking the opponent ? I know its not your quote . But you really should decide if you pro Aggressive sports or against them, before you go running around barking about the ammount off aggression a sport you have very little understanding of has . Maybe its because I am not so old that I can recall my childhood . But I remeber plenty of kids getting fat/ bloody lips playing dodge ball/kick ball . I also remember plenty of kids getting hit with a ball and inturn being knocked to the ground . How is getting hit with a ball and knocked to the ground less aggressive and less likely to cause injury . Or the kids "dodging" a ball and inadvertantly smacking heads or getting a stray elbow out of the mix of fly balls and dodging bodys ?

el guapo

Active Member
And please please explain it to me how WRESTLING head gear protects the kids in wrestling matches when they are slammed . Its not the head gear it the mat they rely on for protection .
I am also pretty sure the gloves these kids are wearing offer just as much cushion as your larger red rubber balls flying thru the air .


Active Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
Because it is neither BOXING or WRESTLING . What part of this do you not understand ?
I am sure I could knee somebody a lot hard then a ball hitting them but we are not talking about grown adults . We are talking about little kids .
How is a kid kicking a ball delivering less force to an opponent then kicking the opponent ? I know its not your quote . But you really should decide if you pro Aggressive sports or against them, before you go running around barking about the ammount off aggression a sport you have very little understanding of has . Maybe its because I am not so old that I can recall my childhood . But I remeber plenty of kids getting fat/ bloody lips playing dodge ball/kick ball . I also remember plenty of kids getting hit with a ball and inturn being knocked to the ground . How is getting hit with a ball and knocked to the ground less aggressive and less likely to cause injury . Or the kids "dodging" a ball and inadvertantly smacking heads or getting a stray elbow out of the mix of fly balls and dodging bodys ?
WHo in the hell is saying agressive sports are bad? Maybe I need to break out the crayons and draw you a picture
Boxing Punches to the head are legal and a part of the sport.
Wrestling opponents are thrown to the floor, occasionally a knee or elbow will be inadvetantly thrown
MMA punches to the head are part of the sport. So is throwing each other to the mat, kicking, kneeing etc.
So why in the world would headgear be fine for boxers but somehow ruin MMA? I just don't follow the thought process here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
And please please explain it to me how WRESTLING head gear protects the kids in wrestling matches when they are slammed . Its not the head gear it the mat they rely on for protection .
I am also pretty sure the gloves these kids are wearing offer just as much cushion as your larger red rubber balls flying thru the air .

Guess you should ask those who decided wrestlers have to wear headgear. Dunno about those martial arts gloves but I have been hit with a boxing glove which looks a lot larger and it was a lot more solid of a hit than I expected. And that was from a guy who wasn't all that great a boxer.

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
WHo in the hell is saying agressive sports are bad? Maybe I need to break out the crayons and draw you a picture
Boxing Punches to the head are legal and a part of the sport.
Wrestling opponents are thrown to the floor, occasionally a knee or elbow will be inadvetantly thrown
MMA punches to the head are part of the sport. So is throwing each other to the mat, kicking, kneeing etc.
So why in the world would headgear be fine for boxers but somehow ruin MMA? I just don't follow the thought process here.

OK brainiac take your colors and paper draw a stick figure . Now draw headgear on the stick figure no figure out how a rear

choke works on the stick figure with the giant head gear in the way . now draw another stick figure and put more head gear on it . Now look and see how easy it will be to trap the big giant bobble headed person in a triangle choke . If these simple moves are beyond your grasp I can walk you through what they involve .
So would you like me too keep going MR ART TEACHER ? Because I can keep giving exapmles of how your giant boxing head gear is not conducive to the sport of MMA via how it limits your manuverability allowing you to be trapped in submissions as well as taking away some of your options to end the match in a much less "bloody" manner than striking .