Mods post your pics!!!


Active Member
i have never seen any mods pics or have i just missed them. i want to see your tanks!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea

good luck............. ***)

what's that suppose to mean? :notsure: do they never post pics!!!!


I seen one picture of one mod, but I had to go to his websight to see it. I didn't go there for that reason, but his pic was there.
I don't know why they won't post their pics... Maybe they are just CHICKEN!!
Oh yeah, except for Ophi. She ain't a CHICKEN!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jr2857
what's that suppose to mean? :notsure: do they never post pics!!!!

you can double dog dare them and they (you know who you all are) won't budge.
I have heard some are in the wittness protection program.........but not sure though

bang guy

I've posted mine. You'll just have to search for them. :hilarious
In fact, my newest tank just won the RDO Nano tank buildoff. And YES, I have posted pictures of it here. All I had to do to win was follow my own advice (not as easy as it sounds).
Beth had to give up her tank when she moved into the witness protection program but it was awesome in its day. Thomas has an incredible reef. The mod's tanks are out there, you just have to look for them.


Active Member
this will make me seem like a jerk but IMO some of the most informative people and mods that I encounter on the message boards i go to always seem to have some of the worst tanks I have seen. heck some mods that i know of dont even have tanks anymore.
I guess they spend so much time helping others with there tank they never even bother to work on there own.
I am not saying that about any mod on this board or about any one specific. thats a very in general comment


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I've posted mine. You'll just have to search for them. :hilarious
In fact, my newest tank just won the RDO Nano tank buildoff. And YES, I have posted pictures of it here. All I had to do to win was follow my own advice (not as easy as it sounds).
Beth had to give up her tank when she moved into the witness protection program but it was awesome in its day. Thomas has an incredible reef. The mod's tanks are out there, you just have to look for them.
Got a fish list for your 900 gallon lagoon?
I expected all the mods to have huge tanks but if you look at the profiles they seem average (no offense) the only mod pic i ever saw was ophiura swimming with a sand tiger shark in a 200000 gallon. that was cool

37g joe

Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I've posted mine. You'll just have to search for them. :hilarious
In fact, my newest tank just won the RDO Nano tank buildoff. And YES, I have posted pictures of it here. All I had to do to win was follow my own advice (not as easy as it sounds).
Beth had to give up her tank when she moved into the witness protection program but it was awesome in its day. Thomas has an incredible reef. The mod's tanks are out there, you just have to look for them.
you have near to 19,000 posts If I looked at 50 of your posts a day to look at all your posts it would take over a year and by then you would probably have 5000 more posts. or say I looked at all your posts in one sitting i spent 30 seconds on each one it would still take me over 6 1/2 days to look at all of them

bang guy

Originally Posted by jr2857
Got a fish list for your 900 gallon lagoon?
8 Banggai
3 gold Stripe Maroon
12 or so Ocellaris Clownfish
4 Engineer Gobies
5 Lyretail Anthias
2 PJ Cardinalfish
Hippo Tang
Neon Gobies
Clown Gobies
Sleeper Gobie
Some kind of Chalk Bass??


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
8 Banggai
3 gold Stripe Maroon
12 or so Ocellaris Clownfish
4 Engineer Gobies
5 Lyretail Anthias
2 PJ Cardinalfish
Hippo Tang
Neon Gobies
Clown Gobies
Sleeper Gobie
Some kind of Chalk Bass??
What are Banggai? ha ha get it Bangai Bangguy :hilarious
ok it's not that funny