For whatever reason you wish to believe, Bush's presidency ended rather badly, with more Americans not liking him (or his policies) than those who supported him. He left very unpopular, and it stands to reason that many would equate Bush with conservatives, and may even want to blame conservatives overall.
This country's majority is not conservative or liberal, but, mostly somewhere in the middle. However, enough people are hurting right now due to the economy, that many will gravitate toward the more social-minded policies (Obama). Yes, because of the failures of the Republicans as well.
In my view, harping about what a lier Obama was during the campaign is mute. If conservatives want to make a comeback, they need to clean up their act, define their principals and stick to them, and stop scraping up every same old, same olé, codger from the tired Republican pool, and trying to get Americans to vote for them.
I see few, if any, real winners among the, instead of throwing stones, clean house.
It may be a very long time before the political tide will switch back toward conservatism, but it won't happen as long as conservatives are looking backward, rather than forward.
Yes, Hannity's rudeness, and cutting people off, and trying to pawn off morons his staff dredge up during happy hour as being representative of "the other side" is annoying and ridiculous. Anybody with any intelligence can see through these cheap media ploys. As long as you have wanna-be's such as Beck, Hannity, and Levin around, there will always be fuel for the other side to point and say, "Look at the mouthpieces of the conservatives!). All these are running on Rush's thunder. Rush should just distance himself, rather than suck up all their backslapping praise.
But, that's just my view on things.
This country's majority is not conservative or liberal, but, mostly somewhere in the middle. However, enough people are hurting right now due to the economy, that many will gravitate toward the more social-minded policies (Obama). Yes, because of the failures of the Republicans as well.
In my view, harping about what a lier Obama was during the campaign is mute. If conservatives want to make a comeback, they need to clean up their act, define their principals and stick to them, and stop scraping up every same old, same olé, codger from the tired Republican pool, and trying to get Americans to vote for them.
I see few, if any, real winners among the, instead of throwing stones, clean house.
It may be a very long time before the political tide will switch back toward conservatism, but it won't happen as long as conservatives are looking backward, rather than forward.
Yes, Hannity's rudeness, and cutting people off, and trying to pawn off morons his staff dredge up during happy hour as being representative of "the other side" is annoying and ridiculous. Anybody with any intelligence can see through these cheap media ploys. As long as you have wanna-be's such as Beck, Hannity, and Levin around, there will always be fuel for the other side to point and say, "Look at the mouthpieces of the conservatives!). All these are running on Rush's thunder. Rush should just distance himself, rather than suck up all their backslapping praise.
But, that's just my view on things.