No Darth, I live in a world of reality. The majority of these individuals who carry concealed weapons wouldn't have the slightest clue how to respond in a situation such as this. They talk the big talk as they brag about how they could've taken this guy down, but the reality of it is if they were in this situation, all they would've accomplished is getting themselves killed. You can go through all the classes you want that teach you what you SHOULD do when faced with the possibility of using your weapon. But when the time actually comes where you do have to draw upon an individual whose pointing a weapon at you, the majority of individuals will freeze. In the scenario of this theatre incident, I can guarantee you that not one untrained individual would've been capable of accessing the situation in the matter of SECONDS they would've had to respond or determine what to do. With this guy spraying an unlit movie theatre at anything that moved, you wouldn't have had the time to take off the safety, get in a position where you could get close to an accurate shot before 5 or 10 bullets came heading you way. When faced with the element of surprise, even a trained individual whose actually had to draw their weapon and shoot someone, is at a severe disadvantage and rarely has a positive outcome on their part. Many concealed carriers have this false sense of security with the mindset that just because they have this weapon on their side, they're invincible to any kind of attack or confrontation with an aggresive or violent individual. You have a better chance of getting killed when confronting an aggressor with a weapon than you are without. Take car jackings. You talk to any expert, and they will tell you that if someone comes up to you with a weapon wanting to steal your car, you back away, get out, and let them have the vehicle. There are very few situations where a concealed carrier would have the opportunity to access their weapon to deter this type of crime.
everything you wrote....did not refute my statement. you believ e people should not have the right, ability, or option to defend themselves if the y so choose.