Movie theater shooting


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Originally Posted by Jerth6932 http:///t/392376/movie-theater-shooting/80#post_3483847
The most "mass" killings the US soil has seen (other then the civial war or navtive wars) has not come at the hands of a "gun". no it came from 9/11 attack where rougly 2800 people lost their lives to somthing that was BANNED from them to use, an airplane. They got their hands on airplanes! How many minutes did that take?
The next I would like to point out is the Oklahoma Bombing: 168 killed and he used a bomb.... Yep that is banned too. How many minutes did this one take?
So I retract to my original position: banning a gun, would only take it out of responsible owners hands, not criminals. Bombs are banned, but a criminal used it. Airplanes are banned to general population to fly, but criminals used 4 of them. Take away guns, the criminals will still have them! You will punish no one but law abiding citizens.
One minute "responsible", the next minute opening up in a crowd of innocent people. This kid proves that even a normal individual who never posed any problems or had a history of violence is capable of doing so. Tell me why a reponsible gun owner needs a military-style weapon. "Just because" isn't the right answer. Using the rhetoric "First it's the military-style weapons, then it's all the weapons." doesn't wash. That's speculation and supposition that NO politician would ever attempt. The Brady Act was put in place, and everyone still have all the access the wanted to any non-assault weapon. Would banning these weapons deter or eliminate these types of tragedies? Hard to say. If someone wants mass destruction, history has shown that they can do it. But even if ONE life could be saved by keeping these types of weapons out of deranged hands, that's an inconvenience I'm willing to accept.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerth6932 http:///t/392376/movie-theater-shooting/80#post_3483844
Did anyone else read this, that was a lady named Jessica Ghawi
that had been involved in another shooting the month before, survived that one but was killed in this one? It is sad, very! I can't help think of Final Destination though...... This is way freaky to me!
Jessica was a San Antonio native that aspired to be a top sports news reporter. She worked here in SA as a news reporter on a couple of local stations. She just recently moved to Denver to pursue here sports analyst career. I actually met her once at one of our minor league hockey games. She was reporting the game for a local news shot, and a buddy of mine was being interviewed by her before the game. She had a smile a mile wide and a bright twinkle in her eye. Senseless violance snuffed out the life of a vivacious individual that will never be forgotten.


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Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/392376/movie-theater-shooting/80#post_3483849
We've beat that one to death. Depends on the mentality of your armed services. Do they uphold the oath they took when they joined, or do they follow their heart and logic and side with the people who are opposing the government? Would also depend on whether a majority of Americans agreed with the "cause". What would it take in the minds of ALL Americans that the government would do to force such a revolt? Your idea of "trampled rights" may not be the same as someone else. Just look at the caustic division you have between the Democrat and Republican Parties today. You have a "faction" of Americans that think Obamacare is likened to a Socialist takeover of this country. But you have the other side who see the benefits of that program. So whose right and whose wrong? The only way an "uprising" would succeed would be that at least 80% of ALL Americans would agree with the revolt. I don't ever see that happening.
Keep in mind the majority of the military are conservatives. Even half of the country rising up for the right cause and the military will at a minimum sit it out. I can't imagine that ever happening but then again I never thought we'd have a President willfully ignore law like 0bama is doing with the Welfare work requirements or issuing work permits to illegals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/392376/movie-theater-shooting/80#post_3483855
Jessica was a San Antonio native that aspired to be a top sports news reporter. She worked here in SA as a news reporter on a couple of local stations. She just recently moved to Denver to pursue here sports analyst career. I actually met her once at one of our minor league hockey games. She was reporting the game for a local news shot, and a buddy of mine was being interviewed by her before the game. She had a smile a mile wide and a bright twinkle in her eye. Senseless violance snuffed out the life of a vivacious individual that will never be forgotten.
In the short amount of time she was here she became pretty well known.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/392376/movie-theater-shooting/80#post_3483851
Wait till he doesn't have another election to worry about, his words, not mine.
Here's a partial list of the dubious crap he's pulled WITH another election to worry about
Dropped the Panther case they had already won a default judgment on for purely political reasons
Refused to defend the defense of marriage act
Ignored a legitimate congressional subpoena in the fast and furious case
Ordered immigration officials to ignore our immigration laws and illegally issuing work permits to certain illegal aliens
Ignoring federal drug laws
Engaged in military action without consulting Congress, let alone getting approval
Do you HONESTLY think 0bama will hesitate to pull the same kind of crap on gun owners if he doesn't have another election to worry about?
Originally Posted by reefraff
Wait till he doesn't have another election to worry about, his words, not mine.
Here's a partial list of the dubious crap he's pulled WITH another election to worry about
Dropped the Panther case they had already won a default judgment on for purely political reasons
Refused to defend the defense of marriage act
Ignored a legitimate congressional subpoena in the fast and furious c
Ordered immigration officials to ignore our immigration laws and illegally issuing work permits to certain illegal aliens
Ignoring federal drug laws
Engaged in military action without consulting Congress, let alone getting approval
Do you HONESTLY think 0bama will hesitate to pull the same kind of crap on gun owners if he doesn't have another election to worry about?
Overreaction, supposition, and speculation. What legislation in the last 4 years has Obama implemented against the 2nd Amendment? He's past MORE legislation SUPPORTING guns rights than deterrents. You have absolutely NO prrof he would do anything to repeal or change the rights of gun owners under the 2nd. He doesn't have that much power. CONGRESS would have to pass legislation in order for him to even sign it. ANY law that circumvents the 2nd to the nth degree would end up in frot of the SCOTUS. I don't care how they voted on Obamacre, they would NEVER side with any law that would remotely circumvent the 2nd. Your little conspiracy is about as lame as the Birther rhetoric.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/392376/movie-theater-shooting/80#post_3483856
Keep in mind the majority of the military are conservatives. Even half of the country rising up for the right cause and the military will at a minimum sit it out. I can't imagine that ever happening but then again I never thought we'd have a President willfully ignore law like 0bama is doing with the Welfare work requirements or issuing work permits to illegals.
More useless conspiracies. Heaven forbid we provide temporary work visas to people who do 70% of the manual labor in this country. Don't like the law? Quit drinking that milk, eating those eggs, beef, or virtually any vegatable you buy in the store. Those items were picked on the backs of these "illegals" you want to deny working menial and labor-intensive jobs no legal citizen is willing to do.


Active Member
Watch the news stories. See the faces, hear the life stories of the victims. Then go find one of their relatives and say "I'm deeply sorry for your loss. However, i want you to know that even if this individual didn't have access to all those weapons, he would've found another way to kill your daughter/son. Blaming the gun serves no purpose. Guns don't kill people. People kill people." See what kind of reception you get.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/392376/movie-theater-shooting/80#post_3483869
Overreaction, supposition, and speculation. What legislation in the last 4 years has Obama implemented against the 2nd Amendment? He's past MORE legislation SUPPORTING guns rights than deterrents. You have absolutely NO prrof he would do anything to repeal or change the rights of gun owners under the 2nd. He doesn't have that much power. CONGRESS would have to pass legislation in order for him to even sign it. ANY law that circumvents the 2nd to the nth degree would end up in frot of the SCOTUS. I don't care how they voted on Obamacre, they would NEVER side with any law that would remotely circumvent the 2nd. Your little conspiracy is about as lame as the Birther rhetoric.
Wait till he doesn't have another election to worry about. Just like he got caught saying to the Russians ON CAMERA. My proof is in his lies about his views of gun control in the past. When it was revealed that in 1996 he filled out a questionaire saying he supported a ban on the sale, manufacture and possession of all semi automatic weapons he FALSELY CLAIMED he never saw it and a staffer filled it out (despite all the answers being responded to in first person). A copy of the original then turned up with 0bama's handwritten notes on it and blew that lie out of the tub. The woman from project vote who later interviewed him about his answers says he never disputed or corrected any of the issues they discussed based on his answers. So did he lie then or now?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/392376/movie-theater-shooting/80#post_3483871
More useless conspiracies. Heaven forbid we provide temporary work visas to people who do 70% of the manual labor in this country. Don't like the law? Quit drinking that milk, eating those eggs, beef, or virtually any vegatable you buy in the store. Those items were picked on the backs of these "illegals" you want to deny working menial and labor-intensive jobs no legal citizen is willing to do.
I like the law. It says illegals don't get to work and live here. 0bama is ignoring it. We don't have an empirical presidency. He and his administration are supposed to follow the laws as passed


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/392376/movie-theater-shooting/80#post_3483873
Watch the news stories. See the faces, hear the life stories of the victims. Then go find one of their relatives and say "I'm deeply sorry for your loss. However, i want you to know that even if this individual didn't have access to all those weapons, he would've found another way to kill your daughter/son. Blaming the gun serves no purpose. Guns don't kill people. People kill people." See what kind of reception you get.
Only a liberal would be classless enough to try to use the tragedy to make a political point. The bodies weren't cold before the left wingers were filling the comment sections of the Denver post website with anti gun propaganda.


Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/392376/movie-theater-shooting/80#post_3483873
Watch the news stories. See the faces, hear the life stories of the victims. Then go find one of their relatives and say "I'm deeply sorry for your loss. However, i want you to know that even if this individual didn't have access to all those weapons, he would've found another way to kill your daughter/son. Blaming the gun serves no purpose. Guns don't kill people. People kill people." See what kind of reception you get.
is it wrong to tell the truth?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm http:///t/392376/movie-theater-shooting/80#post_3483873
Watch the news stories. See the faces, hear the life stories of the victims. Then go find one of their relatives and say "I'm deeply sorry for your loss. However, i want you to know that even if this individual didn't have access to all those weapons, he would've found another way to kill your daughter/son. Blaming the gun serves no purpose. Guns don't kill people. People kill people." See what kind of reception you get.
Bio..... Quit ignoring this request of you..... 9/11.... NO guns were used. 2800 individuals killed.
If guns were "mass murder" weapons as you portray them, why have terriorists not used them on american soil to kill, "mass" numbers of people?
A gun, with out a finger on the trigger, is not a threat. The gun didn't walk its self i there and cause this. A person did. A sick individual.
I would say say it to those families. A gun did not walk in there and kill them, A PERSON DID! I own several guns, does that mean I am capable of doing this? NO! I don;t see them putting the guns on trial, I don't think the guns will get the death penalty. Nope, they are incapable emotion and action. They only respond to human input. Those guns weren't sold loaded. He bought the guns, he loaded the guns and he fired the guns.


Active Member
Cold hard truth....... You CAN NOT take the guns away from the criminals, if you take them away, it will be from the law abiding citizens.
Anyone want to dispute this?


Well-Known Member
Typically, there are only between 12,000 to 14,000 gunshot related deaths in the US per year. Believe it or not, but most of these deaths are accidental or suicide and some are self defense. Not as many murder by guns as you would imagine. Should the actions of a few affect a nation as a whole?
There are many more ways to cause massive terror campaigns than by a gun. Explosives, airplanes, illegal immigration, etc etc. just to name a few. Lol


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Jerth6932 http:///t/392376/movie-theater-shooting/100#post_3483882
Cold hard truth....... You CAN NOT take the guns away from the criminals, if you take them away, it will be from the law abiding citizens.
Anyone want to dispute this?
Not when there are hundreds of thousands of fire arms smuggled into the United States every year. Take our gun rights away and I'm sure those numbers would shoot up a bit.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///t/392376/movie-theater-shooting/100#post_3483892
Not when there are hundreds of thousands of fire arms smuggled into the United States every year. Take our gun rights away and I'm sure those numbers would shoot up a bit.
Say what? Guns smuggled INTO the US? Try the other way around. Trust me, there's no need to smuggle guns into the US. Just look at the people on this forum who have a treasure trove of weapons in their possession as we speak.


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Originally Posted by Darthtang AW http:///t/392376/movie-theater-shooting/100#post_3483907
in bionics world people are not allowed to defend themselves. plain and simple.
No Darth, I live in a world of reality. The majority of these individuals who carry concealed weapons wouldn't have the slightest clue how to respond in a situation such as this. They talk the big talk as they brag about how they could've taken this guy down, but the reality of it is if they were in this situation, all they would've accomplished is getting themselves killed. You can go through all the classes you want that teach you what you SHOULD do when faced with the possibility of using your weapon. But when the time actually comes where you do have to draw upon an individual whose pointing a weapon at you, the majority of individuals will freeze. In the scenario of this theatre incident, I can guarantee you that not one untrained individual would've been capable of accessing the situation in the matter of SECONDS they would've had to respond or determine what to do. With this guy spraying an unlit movie theatre at anything that moved, you wouldn't have had the time to take off the safety, get in a position where you could get close to an accurate shot before 5 or 10 bullets came heading you way. When faced with the element of surprise, even a trained individual whose actually had to draw their weapon and shoot someone, is at a severe disadvantage and rarely has a positive outcome on their part. Many concealed carriers have this false sense of security with the mindset that just because they have this weapon on their side, they're invincible to any kind of attack or confrontation with an aggresive or violent individual. You have a better chance of getting killed when confronting an aggressor with a weapon than you are without. Take car jackings. You talk to any expert, and they will tell you that if someone comes up to you with a weapon wanting to steal your car, you back away, get out, and let them have the vehicle. There are very few situations where a concealed carrier would have the opportunity to access their weapon to deter this type of crime.