
Active Member
With the sun coral man, its really not all that difficult to keep. You don't have to feed EVERY polyp EVERY time. In fact it won't let you. I was trying this and it would hold on and then just spit it out. I feed every other day, and it takes like 15 minutes. I would say the hardest and most almost frustrating thing ( I say almost because I personally think it is fun) is fighting off my damn arrow crap and shrimp from stealing the food. But you can just give them a chunk of mysis and they go away. When you get yours let me know and I can tell you a cocktail of chemi's to put it to draw it out so he will eat. Mine didn't eat for almost 1 1/2 weeks. I was scared he was just dying.


the tank is gorgeous and the picturesa are phenomenal. May i ask what camera you are using?


what do you use for filtration, and what modifications if any did you make to the filtration?


Active Member
I did the basic alterations to the tank. I replaced the bio balls with LR rubble and run 2 carbon bags on top of the LR with Filter Floss to top it all off. I upgraded my stock pump to a rio 1100 and added a loc line splitter to the exhaust end. I also cut the opening from the first chamber to the middle chamber larger to increase the amount of flow to the middle chamber. Other than that every thing is stock.


sry i have not been on in a while but i can not get on at work anymore and by the way that did work and so far all three of the frags have their polyps out everyday. Love those full tank shots and as soon as i can get some pics on a CD then i will try to get some pics or a new tank diary for you to see. ttyl


So I have not been out to get a CD yet but probably will 2nite (hope) and the 3 frags are still doing great and I dont know if i told you but i found a gorilla crab a few weeks ago and just got him out today. I put him in the container that i used for my shroom to attach to a rock and kept him in the tank. Do you know anything about them?
In the process i kinda fraged my zoos so i will probably trade at my lfs so that was pretty neat.


Active Member
Hey good to hear.. No I dont know anything about gorilla crabs sorry, other than they are not good for your tank. Keep me posted.


Active Member
Hey PD,
So I broke down and bought myself a 150w MH upgrade hood for my cube with an arctic chiller. woof. I love it though its only day two. Picked up ricordias, hammer, and globophelia. check out my thread later today for the pics.


your photos are stunning! i hope my 12g will look somewhat like that at some point in life lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by peef
Hey PD,
So I broke down and bought myself a 150w MH upgrade hood for my cube with an arctic chiller. woof. I love it though its only day two. Picked up ricordias, hammer, and globophelia. check out my thread later today for the pics.

Hey Peef will do... I actually have my eyes on an all inclusive light kit for my 30 gal up in my living room. Nothing set up on it yet but for 380 total watts.. its 250wats of MH and 2 65 watt PC Actinics with moon glow leds, fans included too. The price is ridiculous I cant pass it up.. lets just say its under $200 and its brand new. But I dont want to put it on my cube I am going to put it on my std 30 gal and get that going as a reef tank real soon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by InnerDragon103
your photos are stunning! i hope my 12g will look somewhat like that at some point in life lol

Hey InnerDragon thanks for the coments. Im sure in time and alot of research yours will look as good as all of ours does. Make sure you post pics when you can.


Active Member
I am actually putting the following info up as reinforcment to all of us new guys that dont think a QT is necessary.
As of reciently I brought my 2 false perc's back to my LFS... I was able to capture these guys because I wanted to rearrange my LR in my tank so I had to empty it all out. Catching these guys wasnt easy but I did it.. I traded them in for a pair of true perc's with awesome colors. I introduced them to my tank with no issues and they seemed to be happy.
1 week later.. white spots on one.. 1 day after that white spots on both..
I thought NOO How can this happen to me.. So not knowing if this was sand or not on them, because my Gramma constantly gets small particles of what looks like ICH on her but in a day it is gone and she hides out in the LR all the time. I figured I would see if this manifested into something bad. Well it did.. in a matter of days both the percs were covered in white spots.
. Immediately I broke down my daughters 10 gal tank that was holding a betta fish. Cleaned it out washed everything off in hot water.. and filled it up with 7 gallons of my cube tank water.. already cycled I can immediately start hypo and treatment. I used the small filter I had on there for the fresh water tank but I cleaned that all out and took some LR Rubble out of my rear chamber and am using that for my biological filtration on the 10 gals filter.
Here is the bad part.. I have 2 other fish in that tank both are not obtainable.. one is a purple fire fish and the other is the Royal Gramma.. Unfortunatly they cannot be coaxed out of the LR for capture... I baited the 2 percs.. they were as easy as pie.. I put food in the net and they basically swam into the net themselves.. these other 2 are not that bold.. So my choice is made for me.. I either have to tear down my tank and get these 2 out.. or let nature take its course.. I am at an impass here but knowledge is power IMO even if its bad.. From here on out my advise is always QT your fish no matter what.. I have one more thing to try.. if I can sort of starve these guys for a couple of days maybe they will be forced to come out and take the food out of the net, not sure though.