
Active Member
Originally Posted by aquaguy24
how dow u keep ur tank so clean looking mine has lot of stuff floating around cuz of my inverts kickin up all the stuff up into the water...

Its all in the timing. You take the pictures when the tank looks best. LOL.
Seriously, I have a lot of current in my tank. Not alot of pressure in the current but alot of volume. The surface of my water aggrigates with the pump out of the back of the biocube. Along with that I angled it so that it pushes the current toward the curved corner of my tank. Then the current gets forced across the front of the glass and makes it to the power head thats on the right side of my tank. That one isnt is strong I tuned it down a bit but it pushes that same current toward the filter and the back of the tank. I dont have it blowing directly at the filter its main goal is to keep good flow behind the LR so I have no dead areas. I can only assume thats why my tank looks so clear. I created this constant current for the main purpose of good flow but if my inverts start to thrash my sand and kick up crap the way things are set up clears up all debris quickly.
The angles and positions of these nozzles took almost 2 weeks to get right. I was crazy trying to triangulate the correct position to make sure I got the best current and the most flow around most of my tank. Other than that, I scrub my glass every 3 days or so, wait about 2 hours then rinse off the sponges in the filter areas so that the algea I took off doesnt get back into the tank. When my big hermits or my flame scallop move they can make quite a large plume of tank debris. Eventually my sponges cant hold any more particulates and they make it through getting back into my tank. It makes it always look like theres a sand sifting monster in my tank. Thats when i know the sponge needs to be rinsed out too. In the begining of setting up my tank I was rinsing the media in the filter areas every day to 2 days because every thing was still so new and there was debris everywhere.
The pictures of your tank dont look bad, I also use a very very high end camera too.


Active Member
Well I added yet another coral to my tank. A red mushroom that is doing quite well. Looks very happy where it is too.

Heres a pic.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bonebrake
Looks like a great start.
The yellow gorgonia is dying though, I would take it out.
Hey Bone,
Just wanted to give you an update on the gorgonia. I relocated it and with the help of the new attachment to my power head it looks and responds much better. I think it looks healthier too, here is a pic after I fed everyone and it ate quite well.


Active Member
i will deffinetly add a powerhead soon..or maybe i should upgrade my camera used my canon sd500.. wit the flash its very clear but can't realy see all the colors of the tank..witout the flash its kinda blurry but the color is better..anyways hows the more pics mushroom..


Active Member
Tank is good, extra power head is always good. I will post more soon, well as soon as I put somthing new in. LOL
Midas Blenny is the next addition.


Active Member
Watch those new mushrooms! They spread like the plague! You'll have 50 of them in a month probably. Don't be afraid to trade them or take them to your LFS for store credit so you can buy new goodies; keep a couple for yourself of course.

The gorgonian does look better! As long as you provide strong flow and it continues to extend its polyps to feed it should hopefully make a full recovery and start to grow.


Tank looks good. I want a gorgonian. I got a new powerhead, well, ordered one. It's the power sweep that goes side to side. Can't wait to get it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bonebrake
Watch those new mushrooms! They spread like the plague! You'll have 50 of them in a month probably. Don't be afraid to trade them or take them to your LFS for store credit so you can buy new goodies; keep a couple for yourself of course.

The gorgonian does look better! As long as you provide strong flow and it continues to extend its polyps to feed it should hopefully make a full recovery and start to grow.
great news, I already was told by 2 of my LFS they will take some of my corals back when the spread, or frag or what ever it is they do.
I am going to get some reef putty and permently afix the goronian to my LR so I dont have to worry about it moving all the time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BamBam_250r
Tank looks good. I want a gorgonian. I got a new powerhead, well, ordered one. It's the power sweep that goes side to side. Can't wait to get it.

That sounds awesome, put some pics up when you get it. I am always looking for improvments to my tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
I think your tank looks spectacular!!!

Thanks for the props on my tank Adair. I hope yours gets better soon so you can continue stocking it and posting more pics.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Thanks for the props on my tank Adair. I hope yours gets better soon so you can continue stocking it and posting more pics. gonna freak out if one more thing dies...i mean i could understand if i was being a bad tankmom but I am all over it...
i need to stop going to bad LFS


Active Member
Yea its amazing how one little thing can throw everything off. And then you are stuck playing the waiting game in hopes that everything normalizes and you can return to enjoying the hobby. GOOD LUCK Keep us posted.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Yea its amazing how one little thing can throw everything off. And then you are stuck playing the waiting game in hopes that everything normalizes and you can return to enjoying the hobby. GOOD LUCK Keep us posted.
Thanks and again your tank rocks!!!!


Active Member
Well it so happens that i was once again led astray. But all is better now, i had a sps coral in my tank that i was misinformed about when i purchased it. Not having knowledge of all the avialable corals out there I was told by one of those fs that this coral would be ok in my tank. WRONG, aparently it was an acorapora of some type needing HQI lights, it was doomed in my tank. I returned it tonight (donated it is more like it) the fs i got it from wouldnt take it back. I brought to a friendlier place and gave it to them at least i know it will survive. They gave me a flouresent green and purple mushroom frag, for sympathy i guess. But I did buy a Xenia from them too. I will post pics when the are happy with their environment and open up to say hi.


New Member
:happyfish Took your advice and got the Formula One: Clownfish loves it! I was really getting worried about him not eating. The acquarium seems to be doing well: want to start adding some corals, an anemone: where did you get yours, what kind is it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by caribbeannie
:happyfish Took your advice and got the Formula One: Clownfish loves it! I was really getting worried about him not eating. The acquarium seems to be doing well: want to start adding some corals, an anemone: where did you get yours, what kind is it?
I had originally bought a Florida Condi Anenomie, it was very inexpensive and relativly hardy. After placing it in the tank I realized how big it actually was. My must have anenomie was a Green Bubble tip but at the time none of my LFS had any so I compromised. Then I saw one FS had 3 Bubble tips in so I bought the smallest one they had approx 1-1/2 dia of the foot. Funny thing about anenomies they are going to go where ever they are happy. You can try to pursuade them to go where you want but ultimatley hes gonna go where he wants. I had to get rid of the FL Condi it just made my tank look really small. So right now the bubble tip resides behind my LR in the shade and just sits there flowing in the current. He has the opportunity to sun himself in the light but chooses not to.
Happy to hear your clowns are eating again, to date I havent ordered anything live from a website. I have the privelage to have at least 6 salt water fish stores in my area. I am hardly ever let down.
I have all soft corals in my tank, my lighting is stock so I cant do any hard corals. To date I have Red Mushrooms, Purple and Green Zoo's, Yellow Polyups, green star polyups, xenia, 2 feather dusters (not a coral but very cool), a single Green Mushroom, Torch Coral and a plate coral. No pictures of the Xenia, plate coral, torch coral or green mushroom yet but I will get pics up of them soon.


Active Member
Alright, added some new stuff to the tank this weekend. Messed with my camera last night and I thought I would update this once again.
