My Chickens :)


Moderator are my chicks......the small coop will eventually be outside of the large pen.....we are going to modify the pen....add a roof....chicken wire around it to prevent unwanted critters from getting in......and we will add more nesting areas.......then they will have A LOT of room to run around



Active Member
If you have weasel critters around there I'd dump large gravel or river rock around the base to keep them from digging under...


Active Member
The vermin are like mice, if they can fit their face through something their body will go though too. Our dog finally scrapped one that had been thinning our herd. We had the damn fence and wire buried about 6 inches and it was still getting in. Until the dog killed the thing we thought it was a cat climbing over the top but after the fact we found a small hole going under.


What kind of chickens are those. Growing up we had several breeds Reds, Austrolorps, Rocks, and Wyandotte's all great layers and meat chickens!
Sent From my Frontal Lobes via TapaTalk!!


Rhode Island Reds
The pen itself has 1/2 inch wire......the big pen will also have a roof...and I'm not sure what the plans are for the bottom


Active Member
i love the custom tie downs lol. i need to put a pic of of my coops.we have 3 coops.all are 8 by 10 with another 8 by 10 run .so so there is over 450 sq ft of coop. we also have a female turkey laying eggs we get maybe 6 eggs a day but 6 hens arent laying yet probably another month. as long as you spend time with them they are so friendly .we can pick up just about all of them easy.


Active Member
I am not sure of the spelling but some friend's of my sister gave us a couple of "Domenicker" hens that were the best layers we had. They were dark grey with white speckles on them. The RR Roosters we had always turned out to be mean SOB's. We had one that it didn't care who you were, if you turned your back on it it would spur you in the back of the leg. We let ours run loose part of the time we had him. My friends quit coming to our house LOL! After he went to the great frying pan in the sky my mom would only allow us to have banty roosters.


Active Member
hell with that .we have 2 roosters if one of them came at me i would ring thier way i will walk into my coops and have to worry about getting pecked.


Originally Posted by reefraff http:///t/395185/my-chickens#post_3517942
We kept one around for protection. They will kick the pewallerin crap out of a cat.
LOL....That's a good selling point for me

My biggest threat are raccoons .(and coyotes)......we do have opossums and armadillos.....But all they do is ruin my yard GRRRRRRRRRRRRR


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I actually like roosters. Nothing,... and I mean nothing, makes a homestead more "homey" than a rooster crowing in the morning. :D Roosters can also kick the crap out of animals that get in the coop. Gotta love em'. Besides, breeding isn't that bad... at least you would always have chicken for dinner... and extra eggs if necessary.
What are you feeding your chickens?


Right now they are still getting chicken scratch....NO CLUE what that is....LOL...they sell it for baby chicks HAHA Next week I will go buy some feed...IDK what yet...something for medium chicks I guess LOL


Active Member
Looks great meowzer, I usually after they are about 20 weeks switch to a grow pellet, then once they start laying or just a bit before 52 weeks a layers pellet. Good luck with them they are a lot of fun, I have 6 Plymouths and get about 5 to 6 eggs a day. Just watch critters getting through the bottom, my last one's last summer were killed by a wild mink. He is not around anymore.
Good luck.


Thanks.....I keep checking them....LOL
HOPING we have it secure enough for now...and when Danny is off again, he will secure it even better


Active Member
The chicks look great!! I have had 8 tie-dyed chicks abandoned at my store this week. :(