My FOWLR 55 gallon tank diary, first saltwater tank.


The tank has been running for about 5 to 6 weeks. So im not shure. I need to do the shrimp thing. So i will answer my own question........ No.......... or probly not..... IDK?? What about a CUC? i have heard about people adding a cuc after ammonia spikes.


Active Member
DID the ammonia already spike? what about trates and trites? If so, then your tank is cycled. And then you'll get a small cuc, and then finally fish and then corals.


im not shure if it has... everytime i test it it said zero...... there where times i would not test it. so maby i missed the spike? How long does an ammonia spike take to happen?


Somebody explain to me how the cycle process work pleeaassee. So that i know what im looking for. I think i might already know but want to make shure.


When my cycle is done i thought of getting a few hermet crabs and a few turbo snails or something along those lines....... Also 2 baby occ clowns. The bio load from all this would be small right? Good starting point maby?


Active Member
no, first a couple of crabs/snails and then you wait at least a week if not 2 and then you get the clowns (if you want them) .


Just got back from the LFS store, the one thats like, an hour away
got lots of ro/di water and some saltwater and talked to them about my first order for the tank. On thursday they are going to order 2 snails, 2 blue legg hermits, a coral branded shrimp (love those) and (dont get mad everyone) 2 clowns. They are going to QT them all for 2 weeks and i will probly be adding the CUC before the clowns. I will get my first additions 3 weeks from now. More time for the water quality to get even better!! Also, i have decided to go with t5s for my light upgraid, soooo much cheapeeerrrrr


And MABY they can find me someone to sell the artificial instant reef decorations that i spent 280 dollars on and ended up taking it all out and putting in all live rock(could have bought those t5s instead)
they said there might be someone interested, Also said that these are used often in places like dentist offices, ecs but nothing beats the real thing!!!!! (thats why i switched) Has anyone ever seen there website? some 6 foot structers cost 800+