my house build thread


Active Member
Originally Posted by slackjawed
no floor bridging either ,any span over 8 ' we gotta
par blocks :where 2 walls meet (intsted of 2 studs 3 1/2 "apart)what do u do on outter walls?cold spots?looks good.rather werk union 8 and skate +insurance+bennezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

have your inspector show u the 8' rule in the national code(cabo and boca dont require it and they are the 2 major national codes)(it doesnt exist in it). unless the engineer and or architect puts it in the plans it isnt needed. the corner is solid with foam for spacing. not ideal but with most window having an r value of 1-9(9 being tripple pain) its better than that. unless i travel from comercial to comercial jobs mostly near ny or philly nothings union around hear (all ac casinos are on hold but they are mostly concrete anyway). there is no residential union work around here and most of the chain resteraunts, banks, etc arent even union built here. they take 10 bucks an hour out of union pay here for insurance and i pay 175 a month for my own coverage and its a tax rightoff for state and federal, but the pension is sweet for u guys.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by slackjawed
nice ours is 37.77
How is work up there for you guys? We are slow but its starting to pick up some.Last time i checked there where 50 something tower cranes Downtown Chicago but all of us residential guys filled up all the available commercial jobs so we still have a lot of guys looking.I was thinking about taking on a scaffold job at this local refinery but it fell through.They are working 7 /12's
.Their is also another add in our carpenter mag for Hawaii.Apparently Hawaii needs carpenters in a bad way.


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
How is work up there for you guys? We are slow but its starting to pick up some.Last time i checked there where 50 something tower cranes Downtown Chicago but all of us residential guys filled up all the available commercial jobs so we still have a lot of guys looking.I was thinking about taking on a scaffold job at this local refinery but it fell through.They are working 7 /12's
.Their is also another add in our carpenter mag for Hawaii.Apparently Hawaii needs carpenters in a bad way.
bad kind of up for a while but doin lotz of side werk have 2 houses to build this month though .will start on the 15th be done by the 30th with both(smaller ranches).like 4 day houses
we need more!!!

small triggers

Active Member
so Chill, whats the code there on concrete coverage, we can't build any extra buildings, if the main house has 2500sq ft. of concrete (incl. garage) I think thats why lots of people out here build 2 and 3 stories even on huge lots. If you are lucky enough and have enough land you can build a retention pond. But, if you are within 1 mi. of any waterway you can't do anything. Kinda sucks. BUT your house is coming along very nicely.


Active Member
we can only cover a certain % of the ground with impermeable structure which includes the overhang of your house on top of the foundation along with driveways, walkways, etc. on the mainland where i am i think its around 75% but it changes from town to town. i know on lbi (a barrier island) they drop it closer to 50% because runoff flooding is a major issue.
yeah thats pre deductions for that rate. you dont want to do residential carpentry around here in developments pay is garbage and pretty dead. work on lbi has slowed a bit but we have to hire a framing crew this year for a house that we wont have time for(and have a bid starting for the following fall start already). a small house for us takes about 6-8 weeks to frame with a large one taking 3 to 4 months. we have to put so much metal now for huricanes it takes 2 or 3 laborers a few weaks in total time to do it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
I dont think that goes on the paycheck though ,some goes into the health and welfare fund as well as retirement fund.

thanks wish i had more time to work on it.
yeah they pay 10 an hour alone to insurance hear in nj. i think its around 35 after all deductions then the feds get there hands on it. i run my own business and work mostly as a sub for a gc. gotta work my way up a little more to get to be the hnic totally but that brings in around 90g a house if you bid it right.


Originally Posted by slackjawed
t&g on the roof ?3/4 to?hate to put that bowed stuff upmabey on a 6 pitch but not a 10 pitch 1 /2 osb is finemabey 5/8 but 3/4 you are wastin $$(unless it a tile roof)!!!!!!!!
No lol, not 3/4 on the roof I was refferring to his subfloor where he was using actual plywood. We use 7/16 on all our roofs round here. 5/8 is used in commercial applications, but I have never seen 3/4 on a roof...that is way overkill.