My New 10 Gal Reef!


my marine society had it's anual frag swap today! Unfortunately I didn't win anything in the raffle b/c I only had a little bit of money to spend there and i didn't want to spend it all on raffle tickets. But I did pic up some nice frags!
For my nano I got two zoa frags. I don't have a clue what they are called, but the ones that look kinda purple look exactly like the blue ones right behind them but different colors. I also got some more green ones that wont open up all the way right now b/c my scooter blenny keeps "walking" on top of them picking off food.
I also got two frags for my 90 but those will be posted in that thread.
Enjoy the pics! If anybody knows what these are called I would love to know!



Originally Posted by Markw

I wish I had a reef society near.
You don't have one? Have you done a search for in your area? It's really nice to have around, b/c the people are all close by and will stop by to help you with your problems. I had one guy come over and help me with my plumming the first day i had my 90! He even brought me pvc parts that I had never heard of! Nice people.


Nice adds.....I have nothing near me either....LOL...I looked up reef clubs once....I think they were all in Oklahoma City or Tulsa area....a little too far for me


Originally Posted by melypr1985
You don't have one?
I dont think so. I did a google search and called one of my LFSs and I cant find any info on any near me. I dont really know where else to search.



Well, I wouldn't call it a standard factory pump. I bought a HOB filter that is rated for a 20 gallon tank (this is a 10) and made a fuge that sits inside the tank in front of a Korillia nano powerhead. I also have a small no name power head in the back creating a circular flow around the tank. I plan on upgrading my entirely too small sump on my 90 gallon tank and using it on the nano soon. I just have to buy a few extra parts to make that come to fruition.
Thanks for stopping by! If you have any other questions let me know! Or if you have suggestions I'm always open to new ideas!


wow..i read all your progress and was really amazed...i just barely set-up a 10g going to get a bubble tip soon...what do you feed it? can you feed dried krill?


Originally Posted by ksh_cx
wow..i read all your progress and was really amazed...i just barely set-up a 10g going to get a bubble tip soon...what do you feed it? can you feed dried krill?
thanks. i dont have a bubble tipped anemone. I have a bubble coral. It catches whatever food lands on it. Sometimes I feed it directly, but not often. The major differences between the two (besides being a coral or a nem) is that the nem will tear your tank apart traveling around to find the perfect spot to stay. The coral will stay where you put it. They both sting others so keep them away from your other corals. if you want the nem I would wait a few months before adding it. but if you want the coral.... this was the first coral I added in my tank.
Thanks Mark! Woo hooo! 300 Posts!


oh yeah. I've seen his videos. The lafishguy is a big controversy on reefcentral. It's really funny to see what all these people have to say about his hipicritical videos.