my new 180 long build


Originally Posted by acrylic51
Don't listen to the manufacturer as far as pump recommendations....I ran 1 of these skimmers 8 years ago, and it ran like crap on recommended pump, but I played around and put a pressure rated Little Giant to it, and that thing skimmed....
yea I like the design of the skimmer, the pumps I knew were crap ,so like you said change the pump and it will work well.


30 gallon is 36x12x17
20 gallon is 24x12x17
the dual sump/refuge would be nice that way I can keep everything seperate
Thanks Greg


sold my 125 tank,stand,canopy

the cool thing is the guy want to set it up freshwater and does'nt want the sump
so that means I have my 55 gallon sump/fuge I can re-use.


my stand has 3 14" wide supports going across the back from top to bottom,
the reason I can't get the 55 under it is because the center brace is in the way. the question is, if I was to double up the other 2 supports and install a header from one end of the tank to the other and support that, could I remove that brace ???


Originally Posted by murph145
u could retrofit it for sure to make it accomidate a bigger sump or equipment
so then the answer is yes


Active Member
heres how i made my own stand worked good

i made it so i could remove all panels to slide everything in ok
i made my canopy too just a square box front removeable panel its really light and worked out good too makes the equipment fitting easier for sure


OK re-vamped the center brace, took it out and only had to move it 4 inches to one side and that gave me enough clearance to get the 55 in there
also beefed it up a little while I was right there, added a few 2x6 braces and some more screws to the other braces, I'm not real keen on just having the factory Staples hold up 2000+ lbs.

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by tropills
I'm not real keen on just having the factory Staples hold up 2000+ lbs.
your not alone. are you still plannin on the aqua c?


Originally Posted by sign guy
your not alone. are you still plannin on the aqua c?
I had one on order and was back ordered so I canceled it, so I have been researching a few others, like the new FISSION recirculating skimmer, or the
Turboflotor skimmer, just really don't know I will have alot of room in the 55 sump/fuge so I may just reorder the ASM G3 like I wanted to begin with.

how was your new year ??

sign guy

Active Member
eh it was OK just another day
Id go ahead and go for the asm. make shure that once the sump is in the stand that you can still get the colection cup off for cleanings. a 55 is tall. I had one for my 125 and could not get my hands in the sump


Originally Posted by sign guy
eh it was OK just another day
Id go ahead and go for the asm. make shure that once the sump is in the stand that you can still get the colection cup off for cleanings. a 55 is tall. I had one for my 125 and could not get my hands in the sump
my new years was just another day also,
the inside hight of my stand is 28 "so I have 4"s of room with the G3 model.


well just to update, I've received the plumbing fitting and pipe ,and plumbed both drain lines, and also the return manifold, MURPH145, I took your idea on splitting the return with a Y fitting and it looks as if it will work great, I will have a ball valve on the discharge side of the pump if by chance the mag 18 is to much, but I don't think I will need to mess with it. I also increased the dicharge and drain lines to 1.5 in pipe and fitting to also increase flow and eliminate as much back pressure as I could. I'll post so pics' as soon as I get another new battery for my camera. should have everthing else to finish the setup by next weekend, then I will start the transfer from the 125 over to the 180.


well finished the plumbing, received some base rock, 100lbs of tufa ,nice stuff real light and pores, and a couple other other types also, rest of the other equipment should be here this week, I hope, thought it over and decided on going with 2 plastic DIY sumps under the tank mainly to give me more room and versatility one is a 30 gallon that will house my skimmer and fuge where the tank will drain into first, then down into the lower tub where I will have the return pump, and reactor. also had to add a picture of my 7 month old golden retriever helper, she's not much help, just kinda lays there and supervises.
