My New 24 JBJ Nano Cube


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They loook really good. I dont feel like lookin up names lol im to tired tonight for some strange reason. The oranges ones are Bam Bam zoas though


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thanks for the comment Rebelprettyboy and nwdyr. I am not every really concerned about the names to be honest. I think all that is just kind of a bit LAME. And folks just try to MAKE money off something they probably didnt even pay much for. This frag of so called Orange Bam Bams i got for 20. Has around 20 polyps on it. Probably someone on here would sell it for 60 dollars or something. All this price gouging however you spell is silly. Wish just everything was all a certain price and not no 50 dollar and 100 dollar polyps i mean thats RIDICULOUS. Ok sorry i am complaining and stuff. Ill be quiet now.


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WoW I am so excited, I finally seen my Hectors goby Actually go after some food. Well wasnt really food but i guess it was for him. I was cleaning the algae off the glass with the magnet and a few nice size strands of the brownish red algae went floating through the tank and it attacked em like crazy and was eating all of it. First time i ever seen it eating anything except sifting sand. Maybe i should find him some type of algae food ? Anyone know if there is such a thing? Or does anyone know much about Hectors Gobies ? I dont believe i have seen anyone on here have one.


Active Member
Dunno what they are. I look up something called Colony Anemone and i get that. They dont sting anything or seem to bother any of my fish. Dunno what they are really but as long as they not hurting nothing they nice to look at and watch so i have left em alone. But thanks for the concern.


Active Member
Don't know about the hectors eating algae
but if they do let me know b/c I ahve allot of algae lately. Don't know whats up, I cut down feeding and light time, did water changes and clean out the filter sponge but it keep coming back, really startin to piss me off!


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Man yeah my Hectors Goby is AWESOME. Pretty fish indeed with his spike fin he pops up sometimes with the red dot in it. Awesome. And he eats hair algae some wierd red plant i have growing looks like some kind of algae. its fuzzy like some wierd type of coral i dunno what its but he eats at that sumtimes. Eats that cyano type of algae. AND CONSTANTLY IS SIFTING SAND ! So he is a pretty cool fish. I seen him today try to eat some flake food but he spat it back out. Guess ima have to try to find him some type of algae food i can buy i dunno if theres such a thing.


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OK So i found out what has gathered these snail shells around and like glued them together or something. Dunno what it uses but it has all kind of pieces of sand shells and other things all attached to each other and made some sort of burrow. Some weird worm. Any ideas ?

Best pics i could get of it.
Here are more pics of the tanks , hope you all like :)



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Ok so i got me some Sexy Shrimp. Here is the best pic i could get so far. As soon as i put em in guess what happens, My clowns go after them like they are some type of food. AND My hectors goby was very interested as well.

Ok more just random shots
Orange Bam Bams. SUCH BRIGHT orange. Luv em.

Anyone know what this is. A type of coral or just some wierd macro algae ?
The red bushy looking thing in this pic



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Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
ok latest FTS. sorry for such a big pic update

I think Im seeing a chiton in your tank. On the top part of the rocks, theres the 2 colonies of zoas, a gap, and then a colony of mushrooms. In between, I think I see the spine on the back of a chiton shell on the rock. Google chiton, and Ill go on paint and circle what Im talking about.


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Paintballer768, its good to hear from ya . You havent posted on my thread in ages. And what the heck is a chiton? I am about to google it now. Just got home from seeing my grandparents and just checking the threads. Thanks for posting.
MachInFRontofU, Thanks for your concern as well. In what photos did you see a bristleworm ? The one where i said seems like it has built a burrow of some sort ? I have many bristleworms if you are talking about those flat red looking worms with what looks like fiberglass coming out they sides. They dont seem to bother anything and only eat leftover foods and detritus from the sand. Seem to be beneficial creatures. Have em in both my tanks. I was just curious of what that one worm is specifically if anyone has a correct name for it. It has antennaes on its head as well. Looks kind of weird.


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Paintballer768, Doesnt look like a chiton to me. Looks more like a clam or some other sort of thing. It just sits in the same place ever since i have it. And opens it shell a tiny bit to i guess filterfeed ? I dunno. It has never eaten anything and i see it close and open its shell sometimes.


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OK knucklehead....I was here yesterday AND today and I still don't see any pic's of the sexy shrimp's


Active Member
06-15-2008, 09:31 AM posted on this time. On page 5. Just have to look towards the bottom. the Hectors Goby is staring it down like its a fresh meal or something. ARE YOU BLIND AS WELL CRIPPLED ? LOL JUS KIDDING. Sorry bout that. How are you feeling btw ? Any better ?
Found some weird white flat snail like thing on a zoo today. tried taking a pic but it was so tiny. when i pulled it out of tank it curled up like a rolleypolley. Guess how you spell it. And have found a bit of cyano or some type of algae growing on a few zoos :( been trying to get it off all day but not much luck.


Active Member
thanks allot
kick a man while he's down aaaa
ok I am over it
My algae prob. is gone already that Maracyn is good stuff!! Of course I will be carefull not to over feed any more and I did re-adjust my p/hs. If you can move the zoo rock to the p/h it will blow the algae off. I had to do that to mone when it was bad. And by the way those pic's of the shrimp suck some real ones.....
just playin wit ya