My New 24 JBJ Nano Cube


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Thank you all for the comments and yeah nwdyr i'd say or take more as well. Just think of it as a skittle. LOL. or a mint. lol. Well hopefully ill have my new frags in today so gonna post more pics later. I havent decided if i am putting them in here or my aquapod as its declining on the coral side and should add more to it. The aquapod is like an algae tank or something. I need a tang in there but i know i couldnt have it hehe. I am tempted at buying a baby one though. Are there miniature tangs that are reef safe ? I say we should like create one like these scientists and these cloned humans.


Scientists cloned humans? next your gonna tell me the world isnt flat and we have been to outerspace

And what about santa........



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Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
Yep RebelPrettyBoy, I have always had it well no take that back, Ive had it for like 3 weeks or a month. Look at pic 3 at the top in bottom left corner. its in that shot. lol. I am always busy staring at the zoos as well but yesterday it was looking pretty so i thought i'd take a pic :) It grows very fast. it was just 1 tiny stalk and now its 3.
iyachtuxivm, thanks for the comments, and yes i know ima have to stop doing that but it seems to always get your attention so i'm gonna keep on until then. Also why is it seeming like its only 4 us ever commenting on my page ? LOL. I aint tripping though. We gonna all ride or die like 2 pac says.
More pics later when i get more frags i ordered come in today :)
Where's the pics??????????


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iyachtuxivm,ONCE WHEN I WAS ABOUT 12 I SEEN SANTA. NO LIE. He was on my neighbors house across the street then i seen him fly away with he sleigh. LOL. I aint kidding neither.
Rebelprettyboy pics coming soon
converting them to right size now
hey anyone ever heard of porcelain crabs in Acans ? LOL. This acan i have has some type of crab inside it. Dunno what it is cause its actually buried into a head of one and i cant see it. It pulls food though in with its claws. The claws are like they have feathers on the end and they have some white striping markings on it. Any clue as to what these are and if they are bad or not ? I cant get a pic of it :(


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ok so here are the pics.
Awesome new Alien Eye Palythoa,gonna have to find better spot for them though. they pretty much on the sand.

Blastomussa Merletti, It'll look better in 2 days watch

Orange Crush Acan

And my acan that i already have. He is gonna explode huh ? LOL.


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yEAH Man that thing looks like it is about to explode. How many mysis did it eat ? I dont know,maybe 4 ? hehe. Wow that sure is alot seems like. Yeah and i fed it last night also. It seems like it is growing like mad crazy. I wish i could be able to show it when i got it 3 weeks ago and pic of it now but i cant get good shots to do that. And that crab thing in the new acan, i dunno what that could be.


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Love the acans. The merlettis look pissed off at whoever handled the package in shipping LOL. Yea give them a few days and if they dont get better, then Id be tempted to trash em.


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Thanks for the comments RebelPrettyBoy and Paintballer768, i appreciate it alot. I am just so happy that you all are starting to look at my threads alot and comment :) woot woot. And yeah those merlettis hehe are looking kinda sad but they did eat tonight so i hope they will come back ok in a couple days. I dont know anything about blastos so any advice would be helpful. I mean i know the minimum about them to be able to keep em alive but i havent ever had any. And yeah these new acans rock i think. My others are growing like crazy but i feed them like every night or every other night and i am so happy with the growth of them. grown at least 1/4th more than how they were when i got em :) And my Micromussas have a couple baby polyps that are starting to grow more also and get color to them :) Going to LFS tomorrow so maybe more stuff soon and im also gonna order more things soon too from you all on here! Better doing it here than at the lfs sometimes seems like.


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It took a long a55 time for my blastos to start lookin up to par. I mean a long time! Like 2 weeks prolly, but n ow they are very nice looking!


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Wow rebelprettyboy, thats is a long time. These still havent showed any signs of coloring up yet at all. LOL. just look like a white skeleton around a green mouth. Hopefully though they will be ok. :) Thanks for the comments as always


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Yep I agree with Rebel. Blazin, you got your orange crush and blastos from MR_X right? I did too, my blastos are opening a little more every day but for one solid week now they have not fully opened. In fact there is no visible red showing yet, but the green is inflated. As long as they are progressively getting better I am happy... You can see my blastos in my thread, they look identical to yours just a bit fuller.


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yah PerfectDark, i am thinking they are just poor shippers or something and just stressed out real bad. Well here are some pics of my original Acan that i got from the LFS after eating good last night. Isnt it fat ?

And here is the orange crush acan that i got from Mr X. Great seller
It is looking happy today after it ate a little last night


Wow nice stuff! I pmed Mrx about some stuff but no answer
Looks great sounds like the crab is a porcelain if it has feathers, it shouldnt bother anything I have had one since my tank started. Never see mine but its there somewhere. I really wanted some of those alien eyes so if X doesnt get back to me i'll need some when your are ready to frag


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I like the orange crush , I actually was gonning to get that one from Mr.X Myself....guess you beat me to it
that acan is cool too!! I will post some pic's soon of my Lobo after he eats , he also gets all puffy! It's pretty funny , looks like he is flexin
do those Alien eyes open any farther? I know they are not all open , but the ones that are open I mean. Cools pic's


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iyachtuxivm, thanks and yeah when they grow ill be glad to frag em off and trade for something. I am just trying to find them a suitable spot right now. When they were low to the sand it seemed like they werent getting enough light so i moved em up closer to my other palys and now they have my pink palys all closed up. Hope they aint beefing or nothing. LOL. Thanks
NWDYR, Thanks for your comments also. Nah i dont think the alien eyes were all the way open. They seem to be like some quiet big palys. A few look a little under the weather but hopefully they will pull through. I placed em up a little higher in thetank today but they are in the back near the wall but hopefully get enough and more light than what they were getting and will open more wider and color up more. This spot as seemed to make my other palys GROW AND SPREAD like aiptasias so i am hoping the same with these new palys :)


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Hey, Just got me some more zoa frags from the lfs. So nice pink ones and red center ones and some that i already got but its all good. Got me 2 mystery polyps , maybe rainbow palys. They were beautiful in there tank but i dont know if they made it cause i think i might have gotten super glue on em when i tried glueing to rock. LOL.


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Just took this pic a moment ago of the Blue Zoanthid. Wow it is looking so much more prettier everyday. Opening more and more :) I am so happy about it.

What are these called ? They starting to get the more blacker centers like they had at the LFS :
)) So happy now about em. They are beautiful.

My blastos after a day. Looking so much better already !!!!


Active Member
WoW those blastos sure do have a nice looking green color to them. Starting to look great. The Blue Zoa is magnificent. Might be a caribbean blue. But i am not positive on it. Great looking though :) Gnite


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Hey , I looked at a really cool Blasto today at my LFS. But it is huge and really nice green color but they want 90.00 for it!!! they never have small ones , it's like I gotta get a huge one frag off some pieces and sell em so I can afford it
How are those "heads" ? can you cut them like each one? are they hard at the bottom or are they fleshy all the way down? well maybe I will p/u tomorrow. I will post more pic's tomorrow nite I got my kid now we a watchin "Happy Gilmore" right now so I guess I should get off the puter
Later Bro!