My New 24 JBJ Nano Cube


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Ahhhh. The blastos, They are cool corals but they are hard type of coral and the skeleton is very brittle. I think i might have lost 3 or 4 heads just a moment ago because my emerald crab was picking at the rock i had them wedged into and i was trying to grab a zoa frag off of it and managed to hit the blastos on accident and they fell to the sand. Well as i was trying to wedge them back into the rock i think i was crushing some of the heads that were on the side and top :( I didnt mean to. My fingers were feeling all slimy afterwards and i felt so bad cause i might have killed a few :( I am hoping all will be ok and they are not dead but they probably are. AHHH. They are so tiny also. tHe ones my lfs has. 4 HEADS $70.00. But the heads are like twice the size of the ones i have now. and they are blasto merlettis too i beleive. Look identical to the ones i have just a bit bigger. Maybe these get bigger as well i dont know yet. But wow 90 bucks is high also. Your a big baller though nwydr so i am sure you can do it. And as for cutting each head. I dunno. I would imagine you could but seems like it would be a risky move as how brittle they are. I knew i should have glued em to a piece of rubble and placed em into a better place than where i have em :(. I pray tonight they will be ok tomrrow.


Active Member
Mines is always falling over... Never dies though.. It actually gre a new head when it was layin in the sand bed side ways for a while lol


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Ok so here are some of the new zoos. Sorry the pics arent that great. One of the frags i lost due to a crab knocking it off and behind all my rocks :( Ahhh. At least it only cost 5 bucks. We here they are.
The reds in this pic are the new zoas.

With Flash

Yellow Center and the Red Skirts are 2 other new zoa frags

pink zoa frag here. Two polyps that i glued on that are not looking so good.

Hermit getting piggyback ride on the scarlet

Just thought was pretty picture of my hectors goby


Active Member
Hey clean that glass Bro!
JK Actually 90 is not a bad price B/c it is like 10x the size of that one you got , I think I will give it a try! that crab pic is funny


Active Member
LOL RebelPrettyboy, That is a yuma that attached to the shell while it was on the sandbed.LOL.
I mean come on hermit crab do you gotta choose the shell that a coral attached to. I mean maan. There were like 5 other shells he could have chosen instead of this one but i guess he wanted a designer shell or something so he is always going around my tank with this yuma on his back.LOL. He has pretty much killed the coral this way i think. But i dont. The coral looks pretty bleached. I mean it was pink to begin with but i dont think that light


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Oh and thanks for the comment NWDYR and rebelprettyboy. i appreciate it. Anyone like the new zoas i got ? guess not. oh well. i think they look nice. need a better camera is all. i think those red ones are something calle Safe Cracker or something like that


Active Member
ill definately keep you in mine Rebel, and thanks for the comment and thanks for the comment also Coral Keeper. I appreciate it.


Active Member
cool FTS much better w/o the flash! those acans are goin out grow ur tank with all that feeding
i want some of those in the last pic when they start growin
U still want some of those pink zoa's?? I still got allot left but let me know. That tank is lookin pretty full , I like the way you placed everything , there is a whole lot in there but it still don't look "crowded" nice work Bro


Active Member
Thanks thanks. I like the pic without flash as well. Brings the colors out more :) Yes that acan lovessss to eat. It even opened up today during the day for me to feeed him. he is becoming a beast. LOL. it is starting to lean over the sides of the rock it is so large now. Its starting to grow significantly i like it. Once i figure out and get enough courage to frag it i will do those pieces first since they arent on the lr. Should be easier i think. But i dunno. hehe. But yes i love the acan. and i got it for 40 :) WOOT WOOT. cant beat that. They have another nice one there also for 50 but i think it might be the same color so i didnt grab it and they had another peachy looking colored one for about 35 or 40 with about 6 heads. i think i am gonna grab it next time and throw it into my aquapod. Well thanks for the comments.


Active Member
FTS is amazing. Tank truely looks good. If you frag all those zoas about 5 polyps of all of them u could put topgether a nice frag pack adn make some mula for some new stuff!


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Great FTS! Glad to see the blastos eating, that about guarantees you that theyre doing ok, and still recovering from shipping. Acans are great too.


Active Member
wow rebelprettyboy, do you know how many different zoas and palys i have ? LOL. That would be like 20+ different frags. How much do you think i could get ? I mean i am not too sure how to do all that or even ship the things. Enlighten me on how to do all that ? I would seriously like to though so i can buy new and more rare things to be able to frag and help everyone out :) hehe. I am thinking highly about getting some darth mauls and some other rare ones.