My New 24 JBJ Nano Cube

Every week I usually change my background on my PC. Last week it was KAT's 14g, this weeks its yours lol...I just love the zoo crazy :) it all flows and looks beautiful man, nice work. I plan to slowly cover my 28g, with all types of coral..hope it looks nice like everyones on here.


Active Member
thanks ChronicCoral35 for the comments. Glad that you chose my pic as your background. thats good news to always hear :) and yeah i am sure your tank will look as good as ours. I was a beginner when i started this last year so :) It is just a matter of patience, thats really all. and alot of studying which i mostly did on here and trial and error.
rebelprettyboy ill have some pics of the frags tomorrow. Got another zoa frag today. looks like i could call it Boston Celtics.LOL. it has a green ring to it brown skirts and yellow mouth. its awesome looking. was very dull in the store but it colored up nice in my tank :)


Active Member
thanks SilverDak and iyachtuxivm for the comments. I appreciate it alot. Yeah the Hectors Goby is awesome fish. It is actually very very pretty and sometimes it stands still with its fins completely erect like in the picture i snapped. he stood in that same spot for like 5 seconds or 10 seconds. they are awesome creatures :) i love it. i think you should get that fish for your 3rd fish. hehe. well see you all tomorrow and ill have new pics too so check it out


Active Member
Ok here are some new pics as i promised.
This frag will be one that will be for sale. Is it good enough for someone to want ? i attached to a nice piece of lr rubble.

My bi color blenny looking curious as always.

The green centered zoos are the new ones i got yesterday. Anyone like ?


Active Member
thanks for the comment. Yeah i am hoping so. i dont want to be making all these frags and no one wants em. but if that happens ill just take to my lfs for credit :)


Active Member
thanks iyachtuxivm for the comment.
i have a quick question if anyone can answer it. i had to move some corals around cause they kept falling over. well i had to put some giant palys next to my micromussa and acan echinata. does anyone know if the palys will harm the lps corals or if the lps coral will bother my palys ? Thanks if someone can answer. PLEASE HELP


Yes If your LPS get a hold of your palys they are gone. Your palys that is. I just had my duncan eat a small piece of zoo that came unglued from a rock
! And Acans will eat anything! Hope that helps


Active Member
Well I dont know the answer to that question but it sounds like Iyachtuxivm does!!! I am tryin to up laod new pic's but my puter is not letting me down load the pic's
You'r new pic's are great as always.


Active Member
thanks Iyachtuxivm for the advice. i guess i will have to move them pretty soon then. Because the palys are almost touching the micros and the acan. Wouldnt want my giant green palys to disappear on me. They seem to love this spot they are in though and got more neon green when i placed em there :( Guess thats that though.
thanks nwdyr for trying. i know you are about as new to this as i am or at least with the nano tanks. so we all learn from each other. any of you ever put a soap dish in your tank that suctions to the glass to hold frags in ? i heard from my lfs that i could get some at walmart that suction to the glass that i can hold my frags in , instead of the eggcrate stuff. but it seemed so small like it would only hold 3 frags if that. well thanks for the comments guys. new pics later but my batteries are dead right now:(


Active Member
I have heard of the soap dish thing b4 , It works , I have been looking for one in the stores for like a month now so i can do the same thing! It seems now that I am looking for one i can't find them anywhere
It also works to put Cheato in , I have seen them where they look like little "cups" I saw a guy use a little basket from his dishwasher , it holds silverware in the DW.Then he just put suction cups on it and wahla!


Active Member
Nice, i think i will get 1 then. I seen some at wal mart for 4.57 and 2.57 for a small one, but the small one seemed like it could only hold maybe 3 small frags. Ill just go and buy the 4 dollar one and cut off the front of it. it appears to look like a dishrack also with sides and everything but its clear and its plastic and it even has holes in them on the sides and bottom of it for aeration or i guess water to go through. So i am gonna see how them things work. Ill have pictures posted later today maybe. thanks for the info NWDYR


Active Member
Well never got the soap dishes yet because just havent had time to stop by there but i am picking up a new Micromussa today. A Purple one :) Woo...... cant wait to get it. been having it on hold at the lfs for awhile now so i can afford it. Got new batteries for the camera. will post pics later around 4 or 5


Active Member
lookin forward to the pic's.
new stuff , love new stuff

I still can't find those soap dish things ANYWHERE!
Its one of those stupid things that I know I have seen in the store b4 but now because I want on I can't find them!!! rainy ugly day , maybe I will frag my leather today. ck in on ya later for the pic's


Active Member
Yeah well here is some pics of the soap dish experiment i said i was gonna try out. Got a few frags up in here that were taking up alot of room especially the giant palys so i needed to move them. Well sorry the pics arent that great and all the corals arent even opened yet cause i had literally just moved em but here ya go.
