My New 24 JBJ Nano Cube


Active Member
same as my thread as well. NO one comments. Only a couple of ppl. Wheres dat my grumpy newayz?
Start gettin some favias. Thy're my fav. Some many nice colors u can get. Soon as get 2 more tanks set up Ill have a lot of them lol


Active Member
New pictures look great
Your tank is exploding with color, that is really why I love saltwater, the color is brilliant! Nice job


Active Member
Does the frags in the suction cup get good flow? Might go buy one as well to stick in the 30 gal for extra holding space... What section in wal mart can I find it?


Active Member
Thanks again rebelprettyboy and Subielover. Yeah i love saltwater now. I have only been in this almost about 11 months now almost and i have loved every minute of it. :) I am having a great time keeping up with everything.


Active Member
I hate to keep saying the same ol ' s(*t but pic's are
I did water changes today , then the ex stopped by to p/u some stuff so i had no chance to frag yet. Hope to get some fraggin done later so I can have some new pic's to show you guys. Well it's off to the pet shop to get a rat for Mr. Snake


Active Member
WOW NEW PEOPLE commenting :) Its wonderful. Thanks for the comments Clownfish11,NWDYR, and Allen7_7.
Clownfish11 the bluez arent quite ready yet. Maybe another month and i can frag you off some :) and yes i am falling for the acans
they are very rare to come by down here and when i usually do they are outrageous prices. Just every now and then my lfs has a couple that are small and people seem to pass up on so they sit in their tanks and then finally i grab em when they give me a good price :)
NWDYR, thanks for the comments and yeah you need to hurry up and take some new pics before i start boycotting your thread. hehehe. I think i might even grab another acan frag tuesday when the lfs is open again. Its a dull looking brown and green color but hopefully once i put it in my tank it turns to a beautiful PINK or something.LOL. seems like everything changes colors when i put it in here. i love it
thanks for the comment Allen7_7. welcome to the boards and yeah the blenny is an awesome fish with lots of character. i like hey he just hovers in one spot and stares at ya. they are so cool.


Active Member
Sweeeeeeeet acans! I love it! WHAT COLDER THAN ICE? BLAZINS ACANS WHAT WHAT SUCKAH! heh heh gimme a new fts!


Active Member
Awesome of you to stop by and leave a comment. I feel almost special hehe. Considering how AMAZING your tank is and all. :) bUT YES These acans are awesome i think. I want to say they are lordhowensis but i dont know. Havent found any like it on any sites to compare it to so cant say for sure. But yeah i wanna call em Polar Ice Cap Acans or something if that hasnt been used.LOL


Active Member
I ma going to my fav. LFS tomorrow and if they don't have any acans
I will be road trippin to your LFS!!!! Gotta find me one of those soap dishes! I Feel soooo far behind when I look at your tank


Active Member
HA NWDYR, YOU SAY That about everyone's tank. Im starting to not feel your comments anymore. LOL. JK. Just a bit jealous cause i seen you saying you felt inspired to keep sw your hobby cause you seen someones tank.LOL. But thanks for the comments, It truly makes me feel great that i am doing something good. I just wish i could get my aquapod going like my nanocube. Maybe i need to get a light upgrade on that tank or something. I dunno. Seems it doesnt do as well as this nano cube :( But i love my fish in that tank and all the corals and inverts as much as i do my creatures in this nano cube. I feel bad for them cause there isnt that much coral in the tank but oh well i guess. tHANKS FOR THE COMMENTS. Always love to come and see comments and read em :)


Active Member
Ok here are some pics i took today along with a fts, hope everyone likes them. I am thinking more and more that these acans are lordhowensis. Anyone else agree ?

My clown playing in the palys. Dunno what they are doing but seems like chasing pods in and out of the palys lik some killer whales hunting seals. Its crazy to watch em do it.


ahh and look at my AOGs , they are starting to get skinny :( i had em in the soap dish but i moved em back down some so they arent that high in the light

i am hoping they will get healthy again cause i would hate to lose them :(


Active Member
OK bro I think you need to get a JOB
, you know what I say on other threads and then compare to what I say on yours ^^maybe just a tiny winey too much time on your hands! I was inspired by Kat and Demartini , at that time you really were not rolling like you are now , but if it makes you feel better I hate your tank it looks like h*&^. See now I said something diff