my new 24gal jbj nano


Active Member
Thanks Bro,
Yea they really p&^% me off!!! but what really sucks id they have the best coral and the best prices also
it just sucks because they know it! usually the guys there are really nice and helpful and they know their stuff, I don't know what all the attitude was about today
and the owner is always complaining about the dude I like the most, weird this Kid knows whats what, and he is totally cool to all the customers and the owner don't like him. It don't make sense to me, but the the heck do I know


Active Member
Only two days
but thanks for askin, everything is going along. Just waiting for the ins. co. to say no to the surgery then ask for a 2nd opinion and more test blah,blah,blah
Well here is a new shroom rock that came in with my frag order, it is soo nice I may have to keep this one here in the 24gal !!



Active Member
Awesome photos of those shrooms. I LIKE EM, are they green or blue ? Nice colors. Well i say you should keep em in this tank if you like em or just keep em in the frag tank and grow em out :)


Active Member
If you are interested , I will be selling some soon! let me know b4 I list them and I will give you first picks!


Active Member
tank lights off for a couple days...ahving a red algae problem
I have done the water change,re directed the ph heavy vacc of the cc blah blah blah...anyway I think this last step will wipe it out for good!!! soooo no new pic's for a couple days


Active Member
I have been told doing that will only wipe it out for the number of days you have the light on. Cyano Bacteria is the oldest known bacteria to mankind. The lights for 2 days out , the bacteria will come back within 2 days time once you turn the lights back on. No way to really kill it unless you have something that eats it or you use some type of chemical but then it will mess up other things. So best thing is to find some snails or something that like it. Try a fighting conch or that goby i told you about. Mine has been keep my tank clear of it just perfectly :) Did have 1 rock full of it the other day and i have been noticing it nipping at it and now it only has a patch about size of a dime but it cant get to it really cuz the bicolor blenny seems to like perching on this spot. LOL. Well sorry i said alot. But hope everything goes well with ya. Also heard that ALGAE LOVES THOSE RACKS you got. my lfs has lot of algae on thier frag racks as well. I would have way more zoo frags than what i have but i am very picky try to find some with no algae on em. Its difficult


Active Member
I have read allot over the last couple days, and what I have learned from others anyway, is that the chemicals are bad because it only solves the prob temporarily and then it come back stronger because it builds up a immunity to it
I read about a few people that did what I did, the water changes and filter cleaning, I sucked out allot of sand from the frag tank that had allot of stuff on it. The lights out trick is the final step. It was not a really big problem yet so I hope this will be enough
if not I will treat the tank also. Funny you said that about the frag racks, because I noticed allot of it hanging on the racks so yesterday I took all the racks out and arranged all the corals on the sand bed. I figured that would help when I clean the sand be trying to get the red stuff out. Thanks and I am going to the lFS right now so I will look for some cuc like you said and see if that helps too. Thanks for the advice!!!!! good to see some people still care


Hey Mark,
I just posted on the frag tank, but cuc dont touch it. Fighting conch are real cool to have but they dont eat it either. Check your params its usually caused by too much phosphate or nitrate. Get those under control. You should try setting up a refugium under that fragg tank just look up DIY overflow pipe get a large rubber made container a couple of bulk heads a pump and a light. Throw some cheato in and if cyano wants to grow let it grow in there. That should keep it out of the frag tank. If you give it some place to grow it will leave the rest alone given it uses up the neutriants in there. Good luck once again hopfully that helps you out.


I always check out the threads with new pics...I'm just so inexperienced I don't have anything intelligent to add yet!
That starfish looks so neat...are there any stars that do well in our little tanks? :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by iyachtuxivm
Hey Mark,
I just posted on the frag tank, but cuc dont touch it. Fighting conch are real cool to have but they dont eat it either. Check your params its usually caused by too much phosphate or nitrate. Get those under control. You should try setting up a refugium under that fragg tank just look up DIY overflow pipe get a large rubber made container a couple of bulk heads a pump and a light. Throw some cheato in and if cyano wants to grow let it grow in there. That should keep it out of the frag tank. If you give it some place to grow it will leave the rest alone given it uses up the neutriants in there. Good luck once again hopfully that helps you out.

Strangely enough , I had just started a minifuge with my AQ 70 and put Cheato in there. Then the Cyrano started!!! could be a coincidence
anyway I went to the LFS and my buddy there also told me that nobody eats it,He also said that for the last 20yrs he has been treating it with Maracyn. Well I took the plunge and treated it yesterday and I gotta tell ya it was better today,so I will see if that combined with everything else works for the long haul!! I will keep everyone posted!!


Active Member
red stuff gone!!!! yea , I caved and used Maracyn . It seems to be working very well

new pic's tomorrow


Active Member
GLAD YOU GOT RID OF THE CYANO. My Hectors tries to get as much as he can but there are still patches he doesnt get that i have to try and rub off and hope he will catch it floating in the water. He actaully will chase the stuff down and eat whats floating. WONT EAT FISH FOOD BUT EATS THAT STUFF. CRAZY. It can kill and smother corals but fish can be ok eating it ? Would think it would kill em or something. i duno. Im happy for ya though. AND STOP NEGLECTING THIS TANK and take some photos and put some mo coral from yo frag tank into this one. MAAN.


Active Member
I hear ya! I have been neglecting this tank a little. I wil post some new pic's tomorrow for sure, thanks


Active Member
Thank's Lando!
Like my friend Blazin was so kind to point out (
) I have not been paying much attention to this tank, because I have been working on my frag tank. So I will start posting more pic's of this tank and do some re-arranging.