my new 24gal jbj nano


Active Member
Great looking Ric rock. Did you buy it like that or what ? It looks awesome. Great choice of colors as well. Lets see a FTS with em now :)


Active Member
thank's Bro!!!
I knew I could count on you for a comment! I just gto them today from that floridaric guy on here, they were on very small nad some on no piece of rock , so I searched thru my tank and found what I thought was the "perfect" ric roc, and went glue crazy
he actually picked the colors, did a nice job! some of them look like they are ready to split. It is a big chunk of money (fro me anyway) at one time , but totally worth it!!! with next day shipping it was 130.00 but I got like 9 of them so like I said soooo worth it. They are hard to find here in the LFS and when you do they are like 30 per head.


Active Member
How could I forget,
My pump stopped working yesterday...hummm... checked the the power...on....stuck my hand in the little pump compartment, felt something stuck in the intake. Got out the handy tweezers , plucked out the obstruction.. looked at it....I was starring in the face of NEMO
poor little nut case jumped over the wall, can't imagine why
well that was his last jump
He will be missed, he was my first living thing in this sad


rics look nice
sorry to here about Nemo. My clown is really agressive he attacks my hand every time I put it in the tank, the other day he followed my hand out of the tank. Dumb fish! I picked him up had a talk with him, put him back and he went right back to attacking my hand like nothing ever happened!
I am guessing hes what did in the dottie.


Active Member
both of my clowns do/did the same thing, they like to "bite" me every time i put my hand in the tank! Now I am a little afraid to put another one in there because this one is so aggressive. Well I have to get something in there it is looking a little bare in there because i sold my hammer and frogspawn, and now I am down 1 clown. I expect to see tumble weeds rolling by when I look in the tank


Active Member
Yeah here too as well. My lFS charges for those type of colors about 40 a Head and i have seen even some for 60. I bought a blue ricordea that had two mouth from my lfs and it was 50 dollars. LOL. it has now turned into 3 rics though so thats cool. And i did get that YUma rock for a steal at 38 since they thought they were just some wierd mushrooms.LOL. But yeah rics are crazy prices here also. and never any cool colors like FLRicordea has. I wonder if he goes into the ocean and steals them away. LOL. Dunno if they even actually come from florida. Anyways ima quit rambling. Just glad to finally talk to someone on here and have them actually comment back. You could always search for my threads and post a small comment. I have posted rece nt pics i believe and no one ever even said anything bout em . You might have though i think :)


Active Member
you gotta check you'r thread more often bro,
I think I post there more than you!!
I am doing some fraggin today then I think i might go to ths LFS and get another nemo or something for this tank. Like I said its a little barein there now...but I have my ric's
Hey Kim I did the same thing you did , I glued them too close together and some of them are ahving a hard time opening up all the way


that blueberry gorgonian is so cute! i had never seen one before, they look like little smurf hands!! The rics look great too! i just got some as well :)


Heyyyy Mark!!

Sorry I have been a little MIA the last couple of days. I reverted back to my childhood for a little bit with this whole New Kids on the Block reunion and got all excited and bought a darn 5* VIP package for their concert here in Atlanta.
That got me a ticket up front and a Meet & Greet.
ahhhh... I feel 15 again.

Anyway, LOOOOOVE the rics you got from Flricordia!!
He picked some nice ones out for you! I bet they're covering your entire rock by now. With mine, they're all so close together that you cannot see any rock between them. You said you did the same, so I wanna see updated pics, mister!

I am so, so sorry to hear about your sweet little Nemo. Poor baby.
I do hope that you get another to replace him. They are such sweet little fish.
How's the candy cane with the flesh wound doing?


Active Member
Sorry about the clown, i just now read that you lost yours, My black ones jump into the back sometimes at night. For some strange reason both my pairs seem to swim sideways and at the top of the water everynight when i turn out the lights. Is this with all clowns ? Cuz i mean i got 2 pair in 2 different tanks, And all do it. But only the black ones i have noticed jumping into back chambers. I always just fish em out in time and cut off my pump.


Active Member
thanks Blazin1
Well I got a new misbar clown today
but the little guy wont stay still
tried for like 1hr to get a good pic
sorry Kim this is all i could come up with, he has really cool black lines along all his fins, you cant really see it in the pic's sorry!

new ric pic's



Cute little clown!
How's your other clown getting along with it?
LOOOOOOVE the rics!!~
Mike is probably responsible for over half of the rics that everyone on this board has!

Are you going to move the brain back into this tank, or are you gonna keep it in the frag tank?


Active Member
Thanks Kim!
I am going to have to do some re-scaping soon in the frag tank. More egg crate and I need more room. I have a huge order coming in on Monday, So I will be a fraggin fool next week!!! Its funny since nemo went over the wall
the other clown has been hiding, but as soon as I put this guy in today (no name yet) he came back out and they are like long lost friends

On another note, I am going in for yet another surgery
yep, it seems there is another prob!!! long story but the end result is they have to replace the bottom portion of the implant and the bad news is I will have a limp for life and a few restrictions on future activities . Sucks but we are all out of options. my Ins. co. will ask for another opinion but it is what it is
SO I hope my little fraggin biz will take off b/c it looks like I am going to have to learn how to make a living on my a%$ . ou guys and girls are going to get real tired of me, because I will have allot more time to be here
It will prob. take 6-8 weeks to get the 2nd opinion and the reports blah,blah blah
and in the mean time my knee actually dis-locates every time I bend it! ouch
pretty gross huh? you can even hear it "clunk" OK now that I have grossed you all out
i gotta go....I will keep you "posted"
I kill me !!
got carried away and never answered your question!! I think the brain may have to go back to make room.


Active Member
Hey i know the feeling with your knee. When i was a child and played football i had gotten tackled from front and back and they both hit one knee and tore abunch of ligaments and cartilage and to this day if i sit wrong way or bend it weird it will lock up and is very painful for me to pop it back into place. And you cant hear it pop back , its very loud and painful feeling. But anyways. Hope everything goes ok with ya. And nice clown btw. Not as pretty as mine but nice nonetheless. LOL. Jk. my female one has been crazy as of late. The b/w ones. It has been eating these mysid shrimp i have going wild crazy in my tank. Dunno where they came from but there are literally hundreds of them swimming in and out of the LRs. My hectors goby has been having a great time hunting them as well and picking em off. Hes kinda like a mandarin in a way by only eating pods and live food. Well im going to watch EURO 2008. And play GTA4 on pS3.


WOW, so sorry to hear that you are going to have to undergo another surgery. That's awful!
Must be very painful for you and I hate that!

My ex had to have back-to-back surgeries like that, but on his right hip. He injured his hip after years of doing those crazy bike stunts and had to have surgery on his hip when he was 28 years old because it was popping out of the joint all the time, and he was always in pain. After the first surgery, the Dr.'s had to go back in to remove scar tissue and reshave the bone or something. It was awful. He would walk with a limp. Then, because it affected his walking, his back began hurting and then his left hip, because it was compensating for the right hip began to give him problems, and ugh, it was just awful. But despite the pain, he still found a way to cheat, so I really don't know what happened after that or how he's getting along and frankly, could care less...
but anyway... I know what you must be going through, and I'm sorry. *hugs*
You'll stay on my prayer list for awhile.


Active Member
Thank's for the thought's Kim and iyac!!
You know what they say, It's hard to keep a good man down...and me too
Well i got to the lFS today to get my little clown and yepper they decided to change the price to 40.00
You know if it was 40.00 from the beginning i may have paid it because he was just the cutest little clown, but I really felt like they tried to stick it to me because they knew how much I loved that fish. So being the pig headed guy I am I left without the fish!! and they had a attitude about it to boot!!! I don't know what happened to the customer always being right
They told me it was 18.00 I didn't make up the price!!! Like my Mom always says, what goes around comes around!!! Karma is a b&^%$


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
Hey i know the feeling with your knee. When i was a child and played football i had gotten tackled from front and back and they both hit one knee and tore abunch of ligaments and cartilage and to this day if i sit wrong way or bend it weird it will lock up and is very painful for me to pop it back into place. And you cant hear it pop back , its very loud and painful feeling. But anyways. Hope everything goes ok with ya. And nice clown btw. Not as pretty as mine but nice nonetheless. LOL. Jk. my female one has been crazy as of late. The b/w ones. It has been eating these mysid shrimp i have going wild crazy in my tank. Dunno where they came from but there are literally hundreds of them swimming in and out of the LRs. My hectors goby has been having a great time hunting them as well and picking em off. Hes kinda like a mandarin in a way by only eating pods and live food. Well im going to watch EURO 2008. And play GTA4 on pS3.
I know what you mean about that "popping" noise!!! I hear it all day, it sucks!


Active Member
I give ya hi 5 on that not getting tha fish for 40 bucks after they told you 18. I am the same way at my lfs. Like 1 guy will say one price and i am like um.. thats too high and come back another day and another worker will give me a totally different price and im like ok ill take it. But yeah 22 more than what they said is ridiculous and i woulda been like um.... guess yall dont want my business anymore. and go to another lfs from now on. their loss. AND WOW DID YOU SEE THE NETHERLANDS beat ITALY TODAY in EURO 2008 ? OH IT WAS AMAZING HOW THEY DESTROYED ITALY. Anyways. im sure youll find another clown. go for a b/w for 40 dollars. mine were 38 each