my new 24gal jbj nano


Active Member
It all started when i was a small child........... I think i suffered from seperation anxiety, Yes I was violent and mis-understood, until I watched the move "Godfather" then I realized ........... oo Hi there, This is my "fish"thread as opposed to my "sleep with the fish" thread! I was daydreaming a little there, it was getting lonley in here!


Active Member
Well it's been fun good luck to all of you! I have found another site with a little more action. Thanks for the help getting started


Active Member
Cool photos. You have a nice camera i guess. Well your tank is looking great. Nice work you have done in such short time. Take it easy bro. Not everyone responds like instantly. I hardly ever have anyone post on my thread but i still post updated pics all the time.


Active Member
THANK YOU!!!! its nice to hear from somebody finally, yes my first pic's were taken with a cheap digital camera. I just got a new one a Panasonic "lumix" and the close-ups are really nice. What I learned was the higher the zoom the better the pic's. this one is a 6x zoom


Active Member
I lost a clow! I don't mean lost as in dead... but lost as in.....lost!? Yesterday I was cleaning out the filter sponge... all the fish were hiding, I guess I was a little disruptive. And later everyone came out except one clown. I looked and looked, even rearranged some rock's and I even looked in the filter! but no clown! it's driving me crazy
no fish, no body, Nobody is admitting anything, its all VERY strange


Active Member
Well its nice that you found a place with a little more action. I might need to know about that place as well because it is pretty difficult to get some help here sometimes. I mean i have been trying to get help with getting my pictures to show up for 2 days on 2 of my threads and no one responds. Dunno why all of a sudden they wont work :( Ah i am just so frustrated. But i like how your tank is looking. Its beautiful. I am thinking of putting some nice looking Wrasse in my new 24 nano. Possibly a Mccoskers Flasher Wrasse, Bluestar Leopard, OR A lineatus, what ya think about any of those ? Well keep the tanking going strong and looking wonderful. Loving the zoas you starting to collect. I have got over 20 different morphs i think.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blazin2k6
Well its nice that you found a place with a little more action. I might need to know about that place as well because it is pretty difficult to get some help here sometimes. I mean i have been trying to get help with getting my pictures to show up for 2 days on 2 of my threads and no one responds. Dunno why all of a sudden they wont work :( Ah i am just so frustrated. But i like how your tank is looking. Its beautiful. I am thinking of putting some nice looking Wrasse in my new 24 nano. Possibly a Mccoskers Flasher Wrasse, Bluestar Leopard, OR A lineatus, what ya think about any of those ? Well keep the tanking going strong and looking wonderful. Loving the zoas you starting to collect. I have got over 20 different morphs i think.
My choice would be a Wrasse, love them! for pic's I use you down load your pic's there and then you copy it from there and paste them here, that was the only way I could get pic's on here. Actually never found a place with "more action" I was just trying to get a responce here
I dont know what happens here it seems like when you are new everybody chimes in....then they get bored of you. I gotta tell you you'r thread was like an insperation to me! you'r tank is great
I am a big fan of zoo's! today I am picking up my son and I think our 1st stop will be the LFS. I want to let him pick out the next piece, I try to wait for him so he feels more "involved" but I am like a big kid... I cant wait all the time
I also find it hard here to find the same threads all the time, trying to figure how to "save" your thread so I dont have to look thru like 1000 diff. threads. I will post new pic's later if we get a new piece, talk to ya soon... this is becoming "our" site.. o well


Active Member
forgot to ask... did you ever "loose" a fish??? like I said above my Clown never came back, its body and I looked EVERYWHERE!!!

ric maniac

Active Member
Yep, I have lost fish and never found them. Usually your cleanup crew will take care of the dead fish over night. And you have your green brain in the EXACT same spot that I do in my 24g nanocube!


Your tank is coming along nicely. I have the same tank coming sometime this weel along with 35lbs of LR and 60lbs of LS. This will be my first real attempt at SW. How do you put the zoos, or any coral for that matter, on the LR? Do you have to glue them on?


Active Member
there is "safe glue" to use, I dont know what kind. I just play with them until they "fit" like a big puzzle. Where is your tank comming from? what type is it? setting up the tank is the most fun for me! good luck with it and start a tthread here, and post pictures. There are allot of people here that can help!


I believe I ordered the 24g Deluxe Nano Cube w/S-stand. That should arrive Monday or Tuesday. The LR and LS should arrive sometime later in the week. I picked up salt mix and a 5g bucket the other day.
Ive been on this site for I think 1.5-2yrs and have meant to setup something during that time but wasnt able to so I have done extensive research this entire time and feel very prepared for this..
Im wondering if I want to add fish first or coral.


Active Member
I would suggest a cleaning crew first, thats what I did and I had good luck. Then I added 2 clowns shortly after that. The nano's are great, my cycle was really fast! I dont know about LR from the internet, I know its cheaper,however you dont know what your getting and if its "cured" or not. I paid 10.00 per pound for my LR thats allot but it came from a great LFS in Orland park called "go fish" by orland mall. if you can get there it is well worth the drive!! great stuff and really good guys working there.Thjey all know me by name already and are very helpfull with questions. I even have called them on the phone and they answer questions for me! be careful here because allot of people want to tell you to "customize" your filter, I trust the guys who built it. I have had no problems so far with a "stock" jbj. I guess it also depends on what type of corals you want too. Keep me posted on your progress and let me know when you satrt a thread and post some pic's! I look forward to seeing it


Thanks for the reply. I always hear about people putting in a new pump in this cube stating there isnt enough flow. Does the stock one seem fine to you? Are you or did you add a powerhead? I dont plan on keeping any SPS so Im hoping Ill be ok with the lights the tank comes with.
I forgot about the cleanup crew in my post. I will get a CUC but $90 for a CUC seems a but steep for a 24g. I may just buy them in person at a LFS.
Living Sea Aquarium in Park Ridge is pretty decent. 1st Ave & Devon (near O'Hare).


Active Member
I did add a Koralia power head, I got it on line. The "up-grade" pump is not worth the money, The ghp increase is not as much as the power head and the power head is cheaper. And yes 90 fro a cuc is crazy! I also found that live stock is cheaper at you lfs. and again at least you see what you'r getting! If the price is good on line by the time you add shipping forget about it. I got a nice piece of leather coral today I will try to post a pic a little later tonite