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post #1 of 73
6/25/11 at 5:38pm

31,295 Posts. Joined 9/2008
Location: oklahoma
I could not was like seeing a puppy in the store window......LOL...(I think it is a GOOD thing I have no stores by me)
It eats from your hand too

Love a CAT
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post #2 of 73
6/25/11 at 5:57pm
Scott T
1,318 Posts. Joined 9/2009
Location: Upstate Central New York
Originally Posted by
I could not was like seeing a puppy in the store window......LOL...(I think it is a GOOD thing I have no stores by me)
It eats from your hand too

Very nice Meowzer what tank is it going to go into ??
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post #3 of 73
6/25/11 at 6:31pm

31,295 Posts. Joined 9/2008
Location: oklahoma
it's in the 54G right now...when it gets bigger I can move it to the 225G
Love a CAT
Today is a day for celebrating
Never dose for what you do not test for!!!
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post #4 of 73
6/25/11 at 7:07pm
53 Posts. Joined 6/2011
Location: southwestern Ohio
classic puffer look. gets me every time. which makes wanting to give mine to the LFS since i want to do some corals a very very very very tough choice. haven't decided yet.
it looks like a few of his spikes are up on the bottom...was he recently puffed up? or is it just something with the picture?
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post #5 of 73
6/25/11 at 7:10pm

31,295 Posts. Joined 9/2008
Location: oklahoma
I have no idea about the spikes.....what does that mean???
and he was in a tank full of corals
Love a CAT

Today is a day for celebrating
Never dose for what you do not test for!!!
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post #6 of 73
6/25/11 at 7:30pm
53 Posts. Joined 6/2011
Location: southwestern Ohio
well, when my puffer puffs up, he has a few spikes that dont go down for a few minutes. dont know if its a bad thing or if they just didn't go down due to some random thing, it looks funny. lol. my puffer gets a "bad hair day" going when his spikes right above his head stick up. happens if he has his back to the strong current. i just look at him/her and laugh.
pretty much anywhere i look, puffers "may" eat corals. so, i dont really want to spend X.XX dollars on corals just for them to be lunch.
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post #7 of 73
6/25/11 at 7:41pm
coral guy
CORAL are cool and fish are to
218 Posts. Joined 2/2011
Location: burbank ,IL
i think thats normal
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post #8 of 73
6/25/11 at 7:41pm

31,295 Posts. Joined 9/2008
Location: oklahoma
OK...I was worried for a minute.....LOL....he needs to get adjusted so hopefully tomorrow he will be better
Love a CAT
Today is a day for celebrating
Never dose for what you do not test for!!!
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post #9 of 73
6/25/11 at 7:44pm
53 Posts. Joined 6/2011
Location: southwestern Ohio
be prepared for ick! they are incredibly seciptible or however its spelled to it.
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post #10 of 73
6/25/11 at 7:50pm

31,295 Posts. Joined 9/2008
Location: oklahoma
Originally Posted by
be prepared for ick! they are incredibly seciptible or however its spelled to it.
WELL....I am happy to say I have not ever had ich in this tank....and I never will....LOL
Love a CAT 
Today is a day for celebrating
Never dose for what you do not test for!!!
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post #11 of 73
6/25/11 at 8:42pm
0px-LS-af8903b2_meowzer.htm" width="100" />
31,295 Posts. Joined 9/2008
Location: oklahoma
Hey DETH.....the guy who had this puffer has another one...3x the size (in a 54G with lots of corals)...he says as long as you keep them fed, you should not have a coral eating issue....he also trains his....he said if you see it go after a coral to tap it on the a dog...LOL.....and feed it a piece of shrimp.....I am gonna give mine some scallop tomorrow
Love a CAT 
Today is a day for celebrating
Never dose for what you do not test for!!!
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post #12 of 73
6/26/11 at 6:04am
reef junky
1,776 Posts. Joined 3/2011
Location: Wa, USA
hmmm k I know some sites sell SOME puffers as reef safe. I was at the not so LFS yesterday and they said puffers were not reef safe. So i think its kinda mixed mixed views on this. Personally i dont think ill be getting one for my 75 just cuz i love my coral!
Kool addition anywayz meowzer! o and never say
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post #13 of 73
6/26/11 at 6:56am

53 Posts. Joined 6/2011
Location: southwestern Ohio
Originally Posted by meowzer 
Hey DETH.....the guy who had this puffer has another one...3x the size (in a 54G with lots of corals)...he says as long as you keep them fed, you should not have a coral eating issue....he also trains his....he said if you see it go after a coral to tap it on the a dog...LOL.....and feed it a piece of shrimp.....I am gonna give mine some scallop tomorrow
well mine is well feed. he gets a cocktail shrimp (90% of it. the other 10% goes to my small green-spotted puffer) every day. so i wouldn't think he would be starving lol. and if i had coral in the tank and he went after it, it would be hard to bop him on the head cause i would have to run and get the step-ladder just to reach that far down in the tank.

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post #14 of 73
6/26/11 at 7:35am

31,295 Posts. Joined 9/2008
Location: oklahoma
LOL....well we shall see how it goes I guess
here he is this morning

Love a CAT
Today is a day for celebrating
Never dose for what you do not test for!!!
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post #15 of 73
6/26/11 at 7:43am
53 Posts. Joined 6/2011
Location: southwestern Ohio
he/she looks good. how big is he/she?
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post #16 of 73
6/26/11 at 8:04am

31,295 Posts. Joined 9/2008
Location: oklahoma
Close to 3"....I am about to feed her LOL
Love a CAT
Today is a day for celebrating
Never dose for what you do not test for!!!
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post #17 of 73
6/26/11 at 8:10am
Pawleys Girl
433 Posts. Joined 11/2006
Location: Fort Wayne, IN
My dad had one in his 180g for years. He was my favorite fish ever. He was an eating machine! He would eat anything and everything 24/7. He kept him until it was about 9" long and then gave it to the local zoo who had it several more years in their giant tank. I can't fathom being able to "train" them. I just think you are really lucky if you get one that doesn't touch your coral (or your arm when it gets bigger). I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, it is hard to make a decision--fish vs. corals. I am having that problem with my sailfin tang right now who has all of the sudden decided that corals are fun to play with, carries them around, picks them, tosses them. aaaggghhh..
We brought a spiney boxfish puffer home from the ocean last year because I couldn't resist him. He was sooo cute, about a 1/2" long. Big mistake! It was the beginning of an ick nightmare! At least yours is in the 54gal for now. Obviously, not good to get ick anywhere, but better than your big tank.
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post #18 of 73
6/26/11 at 8:26am" id="poster_3393338" rel="nofollow">dethsight
53 Posts. Joined 6/2011
Location: southwestern Ohio
Originally Posted by
My dad had one in his 180g for years. He was my favorite fish ever. He was an eating machine! He would eat anything and everything 24/7. He kept him until it was about 9" long and then gave it to the local zoo who had it several more years in their giant tank. I can't fathom being able to "train" them. I just think you are really lucky if you get one that doesn't touch your coral (or your arm when it gets bigger). I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, it is hard to make a decision--fish vs. corals. I am having that problem with my sailfin tang right now who has all of the sudden decided that corals are fun to play with, carries them around, picks them, tosses them. aaaggghhh..
We brought a spiney boxfish puffer home from the ocean last year because I couldn't resist him. He was sooo cute, about a 1/2" long. Big mistake! It was the beginning of an ick nightmare! At least yours is in the 54gal for now. Obviously, not good to get ick anywhere, but better than your big tank.
lol. the only time my puffer goes after my fingers is if i let him. i do it just to play around with him. his teeth are flat enough to were its just a bit of pressure IF he gets me the right way. most of the time he just kinda nibbles at me. but if i have most of my arm in the tank for w/e reason, he tends to hide a bit. and my puffer has been the only SW fish i have had to get ick (knock on friggin wood)
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post #19 of 73
6/26/11 at 8:29am

31,295 Posts. Joined 9/2008
Location: oklahoma
IT ATE FROM MY HAND!!!! LOL....well we shall see how it goes. The guy had one at his house that was about 8" (in a 54G) and his tank is FULL of corals
I don;t have a lot of high priced corals in the 54G.....a few zoas, shrooms, a torch..etc......if I start to see anything go missing....I could move some stuff to other tanks.....
HOW seems to come to me when I go by the tank...LOL
(do they have teeth??)
Love a CAT
Today is a day for celebrating
Never dose for what you do not test for!!!
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post #20 of 73
6/26/11 at 8:38am
Pawleys Girl
433 Posts. Joined 11/2006
Location: Fort Wayne, IN
Originally Posted by
lol. the only time my puffer goes after my fingers is if i let him. i do it just to play around with him. his teeth are flat enough to were its just a bit of pressure IF he gets me the right way. most of the time he just kinda nibbles at me. but if i have most of my arm in the tank for w/e reason, he tends to hide a bit. and my puffer has been the only SW fish i have had to get ick (knock on friggin wood)
His wasn't mean at all. Just curious but when he started getting big it hurt. Mostly he would just grab the hair on your arms. Sometimes though he would get skin and it would look like hickies on your arm.
He never hid, had to be in the center of everything. He was only about an inch long when he got him. We brought him home from the ocean too. I loved that little guy.....I would give up my corals for him anyday. He did remind me of a puppy. I am already telling myself that I can NOT bring one home from the ocean this year, just too tempting. The little one I brought home last year was in a saltwater creek, he swam right up to me and was picking on my leg, then he swam in my bucket. Hubbie kept saying NO....but I took it as a sign that he liked me. Should have listened to hubbie. He actually survived the ick but died from a bacterial infection on his skin where the ick fell off. Very sad.
Yours is very pretty Meowzer. whatcha going to name her??
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