My New Purchases


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Originally Posted by Snipe
Last year I took a doe but we searched for over half an hour and couldnt find her. She ran on some other neighbors land. There was more than 3 does in the bunch the one I hit went on there land with 3 or 4 others and they got the chance to down one. We were making our way on her trail and it ran into the fence well S***. We saw them up there and crossed the fence makeing our way over to see if we could have permision to finish following her on there land. We got about half way over there and she jumped up. I brought my gun up and was ready to shoot, my dad said take her. I said I cant I dont have permision so very angry and sad I had to let her go. We got up to them and they said yes and actually helped look for her. By that time she was barely dripping blood and had run into some of the thickest stuff were I couldnt go (I had just had surgery a week before). After the other kid about my age and my dad came out with no luck I said just have to try and get another one. I was very sad and agry that I didnt take her, but I didnt want to make them mad and not let me hunt on them again.
And yes I had surgery. I asked my doc how long he thought I would be out of it. He said about a week (gal-bladder remove). I was still very painfull and couldnt set on the ground for fear of not being able to get up and of course a tree stand was out of the question. We use climbing stands and that just wouldnt fly lol. Works the abs to mutch and I had 2 1"holes and 2 1/2 inches holes in my abdomen lol. So we took the base of a climbing stand out and put it on a tree and put some rocks up to make a platform for my feet (so they werent dangling). I set there very comfortable. But even after hunting just after surgery I still get the chance to bring a deer home.
Thats a heck of a story snipe! My first year bow hunting I lost 2. So, ya want to see the buck?


Active Member
Its a long one but the best one I have.
Later that year after the surgery pain was away. My uncle, cousin (his son), my dad and I went to what we call the Hog Ranch (not a hog on the place go figure lol). My uncle set about 50 to 75 yards back behind me. My cousin set with me (he was 7 at the time). And my dad was the deer driver (deer drive very fun). Well about an hour or so past and I heard deer or at least and animal. My cousin heard them eventually but I was waiting and ready and heard them right off. After lots of noise I saw some movement (in some super thick brush). I saw about 6 or 7 move through it and then start up a hill. There was a doe and a yearling (well old enough to be on its own). I had to shoot it they were almost gone. I shot once and they didnt move so I shot again and they bolted. We went up to inspect and bolth shots nailed a 3 inch tree. I was shooting a 22-250 with 50 grain ballistic tips (hand loaded) and it blew 2 2" holes in the tree all the way through ( I was impressed for such a small gun). My dad showed up and of course we didnt get them. He said when I shot there was a big flock of turkeys run back through and busted up about 30 deer he was heading my way. Oh didnt I feel sick!! They all scattered.
The next day my dad and I set in the same spot and one of the turkeys was makeing its way to us that had flown overhead the previous night. He was calling like mad and makeing his way right to us. You had better believe it if he came close enough he was gone. But then out of no were I saw something I had never seen up close before. Over the hill come bareling so loud I thought it was deer a red and greay fox. They ran about 20 yards from us and then stopped. They then took off again playing and run right up into the turkey shutting him up. Well that ruined that lol. Hunting you can see all kinds of things but you never know what you will.


you guys are mean... BAMBIIIIIIIII!!!
Wanna hear a funny story????
I have 2 younger sisters, one of which is 5 years younger than me (the youngest). Well, when she was little (like 5 or so), her fav. movie was bambi. One day, my mom was driving along, and ran out of gas. She was able to pull into this parking lot of this hunting store just before the car died. Well, this was before cell phones, so she took Erica (the sister) inside with her to use the phone. As soon as she walked inside, she saw deer heads all over the wall, and all of a sudden, Erica's eyes welled up and she started screaming like crazy "BAAAAMMMBBBIIIII, BAAMMMBBBIIIII!!!!" and crying her little eyes out. My mom couldn't even make the phone call, she had to take Erica outside, and walk across the street to the drug store to use the payphone... LMAO. I thought that was hilarious!
Well i'm out, not gonna sit around and listen to you guys kill poor poor little deers... I'll catch you around.


Active Member
You found your story funny and were do you think that all thoughs deer skins/horns come from?
And were just exchanging stories.


Well, i didn't mean to offend you. i was just saying i don't like reading stories about poor little deers being hunted. I don't use deer skins/horns, and i know where they come from. I realize you were just exchanging stories. Please don't be mad at me...



Active Member
Nope didnt offend me. Well kinda. Just that you were making fun of your sister becuase of all the dead deer and then dont want to hear about it lol.
But im not mad or anything.


no, i was laughing b/c of the bambiiiiiiii!!! lol. I don't like dead deer...


Active Member
Ok, so I got the 150 gal. rated sump/fuge w/skimmer today in the mail
:jumping: But wait, there of course is a problem. :mad: The skimmer they sent is super big. 21" tall. Rated for 200 gallon and up they tell me now. It can be mounted as a hang on or used in sump. Anyways, I call them to get it fixed (send me out the 17" one) and they told me to keep this one. They will send out my new one ASAP! :cheer: It will go to the highest bidder on trade of frags etc.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Snipe
If it would fit I would use the bigger one.
Well, thats the problem. It's 21 inches tall and my cabinet is 20" inside clearance. I do not want to cut it down, nor do I want it as a hang on back. This thing is massive.


Active Member
Search for a local reef forum. I have found one for missouri and have gotten alot of stuff through it. You could easily trade for it on something like that probly snatch it right up.


Active Member
I finally got the sump/refugium up and running. Here is just a couple of pics. on my newest new ones. Ha! The Purple shrooms I traded with "Farmboy". They are awesome. Thanks Matt.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Snipe
Looks really really good I wish it was mine

Thanks snipe. I would really hate to sit down and figure out what I have invested


Active Member
"The Purple shrooms I traded with "Farmboy". They are awesome. Thanks Matt."
They look better in your tank than they did in mine!!

I hope you enjoy them, Hot.


New Member
Hey hot, I was going to email this to you but it says you don't take emails so I'll just post it. lol
Anywho, I really like your tank and was looking at your equipment, would you mind posting what all your equipment is? I noticed your tank in the before and after pics and it looks really sweet. Just got me curious as to what your stuff is?


Active Member
Originally Posted by n0rthstar
Hey hot, I was going to email this to you but it says you don't take emails so I'll just post it. lol
Anywho, I really like your tank and was looking at your equipment, would you mind posting what all your equipment is? I noticed your tank in the before and after pics and it looks really sweet. Just got me curious as to what your stuff is?
Sure Star,
55 gallon tank (walmart $130)
150 gallon rated sump/refugium w/skimmer (auction site $274.99 w/shipping)
260w P.C.'s ($109 shipped from auction site)
3 power heads (walmart- 170 gph each)
changed out cc substrate and now have 40 live sand (Agralive)
pushing 90 lbs. or so of live rock
Hope this helps.
When I changed out my substarte, I tore apart my stand, placed sump/fuge below and took off my 2- 400 bio filters (don't need them now) they worked great though. Anything else I left out, you need answers to, just ask.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Farmboy
"Riccy" is in the house!
YGM THanks man!

Glad they finally got there Matt. The purple shrooms you sent are doing GREAT. Hope ya like the Lime green Ricordea. That shipping system worked ok then I guess. Anyway, thanks for the trade. I WANT MORE. ha!