My New Refugium


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by baldeagle http:///t/349709/my-new-refugium/440#post_3505172
Snakeblitz32 or professor whichever you prefer,
I am writing this thread to you directly because I have seen some of your DIY projects and have been very impressed.
I would like to build a refugium that can also be used as part of the display of the fish tank as well. I have read enough to know it is possible, and has been done, but I have been unable to find any DIY building and set up information. I have a good set up on a 55 gal tank with about 100 lbs of both rock and sand, plus 2 mechanical filters and a protein scammer. I though some think that could help with the nitrites, give me more water capacity for the tank and maybe have a mangrove tree under a grow light etc.
Do you of a good place i can start with this project? As few other fact. 6 months old set up. Very stable 55 gal tank with 100lbs each of live rock from the Gulf and coral sand, 2 mechanical filters and a protein skimmer. 6 fish and lots of young coral.
I have seen some off your ideas on what I think was your web site but have misplaced the URL, could I have it again. via email would be
First, I'm honored. Thank you for seeking my help and advice. Although, there are many more knowledgeable people throughout the internet that can help you just as easily.
You will need to set up a sump on your 55g aquarium - a 20g long or even a 20g high would work. You are going to have to baffle it and use at least a mag drive 5 pump - which puts out approximately 500gph. Your side display tank can not be more than 20g of volume, if it is any more then your sump needs to be larger than 20g. If you can fit it in, a 30g long is a great sump to have, especially with a couple of tanks running off of the same sump. You would have to split your return pump between the display tank and the display refugium. Both of your tanks will have to be either drilled for an overflow or a properly sized external overflow has to fit on both of them. Or, you could fit an external overflow on your display tank since you already have it up and going, and order an internal overflow from glassholes and drill your display refugium yourself. If there is an external overflow in the works, you may need to upsize your return pump to a mag drive 7, and use a ball valve to fine tune it in. It's very simple... just have to do a little research.
Mangroves don't really do much in the way of nutrient removal. Many different types of caulerpas and red kelps and grascilleria would be better than growing mangroves.