My Queen Angel Just Arrived!!!


Active Member
Thanks Kirk. I am glad too. He rode first class all the way home :)
The clown is not nasty so much as he is growing at an alarming rate and he does not back down from anyone. I fear that one day he will be 8" and just kill everything. He looks like one of those people on death row. You just never know when he may strike.
I figure I can get $65-80 for him since he is almost 5.5" now and beautiful coloration.
I hate to get rid of him, but I am sure that a local reefer will take good care of him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Thanks Kirk. I am glad too. He rode first class all the way home :)
The clown is not nasty so much as he is growing at an alarming rate and he does not back down from anyone. I fear that one day he will be 8" and just kill everything. He looks like one of those people on death row. You just never know when he may strike.
I figure I can get $65-80 for him since he is almost 5.5" now and beautiful coloration.
I hate to get rid of him, but I am sure that a local reefer will take good care of him.

I'd love to see a reefer
throw a clown trigger in a reef...


Great catch Chris ! Good luck. I can't wait to see more pics !


Amazing pics Chris ! Its a good idea you didn't QT it,you don't wanna stress him out


Active Member
Streb - I didn't QT him because of what happened to my goldflake in QT a few weeks back. I figured, I wanted to give him the exact environment that he would be in and I wanted it perfect. If he had some issue, the QT is available and I was not worried about getting ich because I have fought it many times previously.
So far he is already making friends with the blueface and is already eating Mysis and spectrum pellets!!!! He also is grazing on the liverocks like the rest of the crew.


Active Member
Thanks for the new tank pics! Looks like you've reaquaspaced a time or two?
See what I meant about the rocks 'coloring in' though?
I might have to send my Blueface to you for personaility training. At 4.5" mine seems like a grumpy old man... Wouldn't have guessed the Blueface was the first one that accepted the Bandit.
BTW, that's another question. how do the locals refer to the Angel, Bandit or Banded?


Active Member
Well the plan is to have it in by March. I will have the tank start production around December and I will be buying pieces for it through the next few months.
I may be buying the T5's soon! It will be a total of almost 1000g system when I am done!


New rock work!!! Very nice! I love the bandit. It is such a beautiful fish.

EDIT: Can I see a picture of the whole tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Thanks for the new tank pics! Looks like you've reaquaspaced a time or two?
See what I meant about the rocks 'coloring in' though?
I might have to send my Blueface to you for personaility training. At 4.5" mine seems like a grumpy old man... Wouldn't have guessed the Blueface was the first one that accepted the Bandit.
BTW, that's another question. how do the locals refer to the Angel, Bandit or Banded?
Reaquascaped a time or two or three or four. I am constantly tweaking the rocks. Yeah the rocks have definitely purpled up lately. I had the toughest time getting the coraline to grow with the UV sterilizer and the tangs going to town on it.
I now have deep red coraline as well as pink and green.
The locals call the Angel a Bandit. Funny about the angels accepting the Bandit. The emperor just ignores him. The blueface has accepted him. And the queen is trying to tell him that it is her tank!


I read the story about the fish on --! What a great way to get a fish!