My Queen Angel Just Arrived!!!


I truly love all of your fish... Your stocklist looks pretty close to mine, but your hippo and emperor angel are way bigger than mine. And I thought my blue hippo was big at 5-6"....


Active Member
Thanks Bioneck. I would love to have the golden puffer you have in your system. LOL about the size of the fish. They are growing like weeds. Their bellies are just round and are all sweet as can be.
Any updates on your tank? Any additions?


That's good to hear, glad your fishies are doing good. I actually just ordered a crosshatch trig., queen, and a juvi. african mappa puffer! I'll get the queen and puffer on friday and the crosshatch the week after. I'm so excited, here's a recent pic of my tank... It's kinda empty right now cause I had an ich outbreak and I'm just now starting to add my fish back in.
Attachment 202754
Attachment 202755



Oh and did you have any conflicts between your angels? I've actually never kept any angels together and has that scary ALERT on how to never combine angels. Pretty sure I'll be O.K. but just wanted to make sure


Active Member
I have not had any bad conflicts between the angels. The blueface and the emperor had a little squabble when the blueface was first added. I added the blueface in at around 5.5" and the emperor was about the size of my bandit (3"+). By the time I added the Queen, the emperor was well over 8" and the blueface was around 9". Since adding the queen, the emperor has growen at an alarming rate and his color is unreal.
You should be fine with the juvi queen. Just keep an eye on her.


I tried to look up your thread on the bandit on --, but since i am not a premium member I couldn't search for your thread. Can you give me an idea of how to look for it :)


Hey Camp ! That Bandit, has to be your most prized possession.
Good luck with it
. How is the new tank coming along-?


Active Member
Yeah the Bandit is my MOST expensive fish by far! He is still not my favorite (my emperor is). He is however the fish that means the most because he came from the ocean to my bucket to my hands to my tank.
As for the big tank, I just ordered the 120Lx36Dx30H from Tenecor yesterday.
I will be putting up a thread on it soon.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Yeah the Bandit is my MOST expensive fish by far! He is still not my favorite (my emperor is). He is however the fish that means the most because he came from the ocean to my bucket to my hands to my tank.
As for the big tank, I just ordered the 120Lx36Dx30H from Tenecor yesterday.
I will be putting up a thread on it soon.

500 gallons on the nose right? When is delivery? How thick are you going on the acrylic? Is Tenecor doing the stand, or are you doing "in-wall" like you talked about? Sooooo many questions.


Active Member
500g exactly. I am doing an in-wall tank. So the front will be acrylic and the sides and back will be cobalt blue. I will have 18" external drain boxes on either end of the tank and will have four returns spread throughout the back of the tank. I did not want to sacrifice space in the tank for the drains. THis way I will have a TON of drainage and a lot of space for returns throughout the tank for proper flow.
I actually just got off the phone with Dennis from Tenecor and am finalizing the deal by this weekend. The ship date will be in October some time (way earlier than I wanted, but I had to take advantage of the 25% deal he was giving me)
SO EXCITED!!!! Kirk, you should make a trip up to Colorado so you can help move the tank during my "Tank Moving Party" with Crash and others :)


Active Member
Semi-aggressive. I will have the following stocklist:
Bandit Angel
Emperor Angel
Blueface Angel
Queen Angel
Scribbled Angel
Personifer Angel
Pair of Potters angels
Male Blonde
Black Tang
Pair of Crosshatches
Niger Trigger
6 Female Flame Wrasse
2 Male Flame Wrasse


Hey cc, what kind of copper did you use to treat your display?Cupramine? Your fish look really good and I'm really considering doing the same to my tank. Unfortunately I have Ich in my DT again. It's actually easier to remove all of my live rock than all of my fish, but is it O.k. to leave the sand in? Sorry, not trying to hijack this thread or anything...


Active Member
I coppered the DT with Cupramine. That worked really well, but the angels didnt like it too much. The blueface still has a little scar on the top left of his head from the copper. They reacted a LOT better to the hyposalinity in the DT. The live rock is removed an put into my 100g plastic container with water and powerheads and a heater during it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Semi-aggressive. I will have the following stocklist:
Bandit Angel
Emperor Angel
Blueface Angel
Queen Angel
Scribbled Angel
Personifer Angel
Pair of Potters angels
Male Blonde
Black Tang
Pair of Crosshatches
Niger Trigger
6 Female Flame Wrasse
2 Male Flame Wrasse
I have a suggestion if you have room for one more?



Active Member
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I love it Kirk! That is awesome!
I will take the Velvet under my "on deck" list. I really liked yours a lot. It may make it onto the starting team by March :)