scott t
Active Member
Originally Posted by Gemmy http:///forum/thread/382201/my-tank-is-mad/100#post_3335678
OMG...I think the parents have issues as well. My dog was laying next to me when the video started, but then she ran to hide in my bedroom.
HA HA Gemmy My Artic ( my dog) did the same thing he was laying behind me on my bed and when it started playing he got up and went out of the room.....
Originally Posted by Gemmy http:///forum/thread/382201/my-tank-is-mad/100#post_3335678
OMG...I think the parents have issues as well. My dog was laying next to me when the video started, but then she ran to hide in my bedroom.

HA HA Gemmy My Artic ( my dog) did the same thing he was laying behind me on my bed and when it started playing he got up and went out of the room.....