NaNo-NeWb1983's 24g Nano Cube thread!!


Active Member
checked everything and here they are:
Amm and trites have spiked and declined twice now
SG- 1.024
PH- 8.2
Ammonia- 0
Nitrite- 0
Nitrate- 20 (been that for 3 days)
Think its time for a water change to reduce nitrates? Also am i ready for a Clean up crew yet?


Active Member
Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
checked everything and here they are:
Amm and trites have spiked and declined twice now
SG- 1.024
PH- 8.2
Ammonia- 0
Nitrite- 0
Nitrate- 20 (been that for 3 days)
Think its time for a water change to reduce nitrates? Also am i ready for a Clean up crew yet?
yea you can get a CUC already. just try to get pep shrimp, nas snails and if you want hermits (but hermits knock down everything)
and you can do a water change but i recommend you wait.
love the fuge as well. remember just cause you put the fuge doesnt mean your water is gonna get perfect instant. give it atleast 5-7days. dont worry


Active Member
thanks man. I think for my CUC right now im just goin to get about 10 snails and when im in i will have my LFS get me some Shrimp..
Im off to the store
Finally will have some movement in my tank


Active Member
yep proper calcium level. and depends sometimes. you sometimes have to introduce coraline algea to your tank. by getting coraline shavings


Active Member
will it form from the alge i have on some of the rocks?
ALso how does this new stock list for fish sound:
2- green chromis
1- Six line wrasse
1- Bi color pesudochromis
1- Ocellaris Clown
That good or maybe one more? if anything 1 more clown


Active Member
well thats ok. but if you want 2 clowns then remove 1 chromis. (chromis are known to fight eachother if its under 3. just get one chromis and 2 clowns.
and yea it will form