NaNo-NeWb1983's 24g Nano Cube thread!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by wilks
wow that sump is as big as my tank!
I'm finally up and running, waiting to cycle. I'm thinking I'll start my journal/diary/tall-tale thread later today (with photos).
LOL tall tale call it that, wilks 55 gallon tall-tale


oh you meant surface skimmer not protein skimmer, my bad, i misread. that makes a lot more sense now. Yea I am totally going to get one of those. I think this guy in my area can get one. have fun setting up the new tank when you have time.


Active Member
i dont have it in my middle anymore, i have a CPR fuge on the side of tank:(old pic)

Also might wanna make a media rack for your 1st chamber, made mine out of eggcrate, found in light section and home depot, lowes ect.



Thanks a lot for the pictures dude. I definitely think that I will look into that since I have heard a lot of people are doing it. What did you use as an adhesive? Forgive me if I have already asked but what return pump do you have. Have you had any experience with turbos or hermits knocking stuff over or any other negative behavior. I'm thinking of just getting Astrae and nassarius snails for my CUC for both tanks. Also do you have a cleaner shrimp in either of your tanks?


Active Member
I used zip ties to hold togeather.. I have stock pump, turbos will knock stuff over if not glued down. I have cleaner shrimp in both tanks