Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!


Active Member
Originally Posted by SOVIETTACO
I think I am now ready to join the NANO REFFERS!!!! So sign me up!
JBJ 24 gallon Nano-Cube, been up for 5 weeks or so.

This is what I have in it
3 nassarius snails
3 astrea snails
1 stometella snail (hitchhiker)
3 baby black shell hermits
3 medium blue leg hermits
2 scarlet hermits
1 emerald crab (hitchhiker)
2 ocellaris clowns
1 Okinawa Goby (sounds better then yellow clown goby hahaha)
1 Bangaii Cardinal
1 green torch coral with 4 heads
Red brain coral
piece of rock with a ton of purple/blue mushrooms and what looks to be some polyps
about 12 lbs LR
20 lbs LS
Six Line Wrasse
2 Pom Pom Crabs
Come swing by my thread and check it out!!
So am I in or is it no longer possible to join?


I just got back in the hobby after a 15 year absence. This is my newly setup 14, and my 90 gallon will be here shortly. It's a little cloudy as I just finished installing the large rock with the Coraline algae on the right side of the tank.
Question, do you all know what the "Lunar Blue-Moon-Glow LED" device does? I plugged it in and I don't notice any difference between having it plugged in and not. I checked the instructions and can't get a clear explanation. Thanks in advance.


the moon LED provides no benefit for your tank and will be overpowered by your pc's. the purpose of the moon LEDs is to provided minimal lighting during the night when your pc's go off. it is there solely to be able to view the tank at night.


I have no idea. Some sort of algae/seaweed. I just like the way it looked, plus they charged me the base rock rate for it as well. The place I got it from said they had the rock for quite a while now. I figure having about 18lbs+ in a 14 gallon micro reef is pretty good.


Active Member
I'm proud of my tank again! Everything is going well since the heat wave in August and subsequent power outage in September. Its fully stocked with fish again and looking awesome! Wanted to share a few pictures



lookin good social!!! its hard to keep urself in the game sometimes when ur tank falls apart. i feel ya. but if u keep at it and get your tank back it is the best feeling ever. plus you learn a thing or to so it doesnt happen again!!!!!!!!!!1


I feel that my tank is finally alright enough to want to join!

It is a 14g Biocube with the refugium mod. My stock list is:
1 yellow watchman
1 firefish
1 gold banded maroon clown
1 rose bubble tip anemone
2 emerald crabs
1 cleaner shrimp
2 peppermint shrimp
1 brittle star, I bought a lr with like 5 baby stars so they are in there somewhere
cleanup crew - snails, hermits, etc...
blue ricordea
hammer coral
torch coral
yellow polyps
candy cane coral


Active Member
social! its amazing!
great job!
NANO REEFERS! GREAT JOB! i wanna have a contest and give the winner a 25 dollar gift certificate for swf. any with ideals PM me!


looks good dude but i would seriously start attacking that algae. if u check out my diary, mine started like that too and completely overran my tank. it was a huge headache and took me like 3mos to clear up. i would cut back on feedings, check the water that you are using, and maybe black our tank out for a couple days. turning the lights out for 2 days did the most damage to my algae. if you need help just holler and get that crap out of there or else it will be everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!


The hair algae was every where! That is why I was ashamed to post pics. I started cutting light and feeding less and it is completely gone from my live rock. The rock it is on in front was man made and very porous so it has taken a strong hold on it. It is getting better though.
I think I am going to try a black out for 2 days but will that hurt my corals or my rose anem???


i am not sure about your rose anemone but in terms of your corals no. i blacked out my tank for 2.5 days and all my corals survived. i say go for it and check your phosphate levels...ive heard man made rock leaches phosphates so it might be a good idea to really cure that man made rock in an outside of tank bin and then put it back in there

nano wave 9

hi, amigos i just got new corals my 9gl nano wave is going well
still without any problems
, i have new pictures and do you know any good vitamins for fish and coral to bring their natural colors to the max.
i hope you like the new pics



Hey guys, is it to late to join your club? This is my first ever SWT so I think its going good so far. Been going a couple months and got my first fish today but have a couple corals. I have this red alge i havent seen before anyone know what it is or how to get rid of it? Ill post some pics lemme know if you see something i did wrong plz im still learning and dont know much just kinda winging it.



Active Member
i have that on my glass sometimes to just use a magfloat im prety sure its harmful it hasnt given me an problems