Nano Reefers! Info and Tank Photos!

aquapod 24

you could try vacuming it out. when i had the stuff i used this powder stuff called red slime remover and within a day it was gone and never came back. it was kinda expensive but it worked


Hey all!!! i have spent the couple weeks reworking my tanks rockwork, adding some new additions, and taking pics. Hope you enjoy!!!!!!!1 for more pics check out my thread at:



what are you feeding the mandarin ? i got one from my GF ... it died in a few days... how do you establish pods? in a 29g


it is really hard to be perfectly honest with you. i built a custom refugium in the back compartment of my 24gal aquapod with LS, LRR, and chaeto. i do a water change a week but every 3-4wc's (1/month) i add bottle tigger pods to the refugium to make sure the population stays up. i have no idea how to tell if the population is established or not so i dose just to make sure. i have had mine for 5mos and shes lookin good!
another good idea is to dose new LR. i havent heard or read of anyone doing this but every now and then i add a new piece of LR to my tank, usually to an empty area. my mand goes crazy. once the piece is picked dry i give it back to my LFS and pick up another one


lookin good soviet!!! i like the little muchroom colony at the top of your tank. mine has started to colonize and i love watching new buds pop up. what is that feathery thing at the bottom? its beautiful!!!!!!!! oh and good work!!!!!!!! mucho impressivo!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by asharp13
lookin good mech!!! i like the little muchroom colony at the top of your tank. mine has started to colonize and i love watching new buds pop up. what is that feathery thing at the bottom? its beautiful!!!!!!!! oh and good work!!!!!!!! mucho impressivo!!!!!!!!!
Thanks!!! Yeah that rock has had shrooms colonize all over it since I got it. The thing that sucks is that it dispersed some shrooms so I have them growing on other rocks. As for the "feathery thing" its a Feather Duster
I've never seen one thats purple and yellow so I had to get it. I want to get a pink one or two also.


soviet- can you break down the featherduster for me? what have you noticed? what do u feed? lighting? flow? general reccomendations?


Active Member
Sorry for the crappy phone pics. lawl Oh, and my friend Maddie names most of my fish. She's fixated on the mexican names for now I guess. lol Sorry a few of them are sideways
29 gallon w/ 20 gallon sump
-five m/o
-2 false percs (Bonnie and Clyde)
-1 royal gramma (Roscoe)
-1 yellowtail blue damsel (Dolche)
-1 sally lightfoot crab
-1 skunk cleaner shrimp (Hernando)
-1 peppermint shrimp (Javier)
-3 Narci Snails
-1 Turbo snail thingy
-15 or so hermits
-Candy Cane Coral
-Torch Coral
-3 Shrooms (purple, green, and red)
-Pipe Organ Coral
-Assorted Zoas



Active Member
Originally Posted by asharp13
soviet- can you break down the featherduster for me? what have you noticed? what do u feed? lighting? flow? general reccomendations?
Umm well I keep mine out of direct flow but it does have moderate to low flow to it so it can get its food, I feed my tank frozen cubed "Prime Reef" which is a mixture of stuff. I like to hold the block in front of my power head and let it break apart and fly around the tank that way the whole tank gets a blast of food. I also feed my tank flake food which I crumble up into littler pieces and let go of below the surface of the water that way it too is picked up by the flow instead of just floating on the surface. And finally I feed mysis shrimps, so far I have only seen the featherduster grab hold of flakes and the frozen particles and chunks, I have yet to see it eat any shrimp. I am thinking about getting some Marine Snow though. I don't think there is a requirement for lighting but I may be wrong, usually they are placed in the sand though, mine is. If your thinking about buying one I think it's all personal preference, I know there are cocos which are either brown, brown and yellow (or white) banded, I am not sure what mine is its definitely purple with some yellow. There is also the christmas tree variety which tears upwards like a christmas tree lol and are usually pink and yellowish. Then there are ones I think called Hawaiian Pinks which are well pink. Thats all I know about them. Best bet is to ask your LFS if you have one and if they usually carry them.