Sorry for the crappy phone pics. lawl Oh, and my friend Maddie names most of my fish. She's fixated on the mexican names for now I guess. lol Sorry a few of them are sideways
29 gallon w/ 20 gallon sump
-five m/o
-2 false percs (Bonnie and Clyde)
-1 royal gramma (Roscoe)
-1 yellowtail blue damsel (Dolche)
-1 sally lightfoot crab
-1 skunk cleaner shrimp (Hernando)
-1 peppermint shrimp (Javier)
-3 Narci Snails
-1 Turbo snail thingy
-15 or so hermits
-Candy Cane Coral
-Torch Coral
-3 Shrooms (purple, green, and red)
-Pipe Organ Coral
-Assorted Zoas