New 0.75 gallon nano!


no problem, make sure you post pics when you get it set up - I can't wait to see it!


Ok,now that I'm soo freakin' excited,Jeo..if I add ls & water from my already established reef will I be able to add in a hermit & coral right away or do you think I may have a mini-cycle?
Also, can anyone think of a fish small enough for this or not?Thanks again.:) :p :D


Isn't it exciting? :D ;)
there sholdn't be any cycle and you can add stuff right away. I decided to mix new water though. It seemed worth starting fresh with totally pure water (I used Aquafina :D ). But if you have established sand there will be no cycle. I put 2 hermits in mine right away and it has been fine. I also put in a mushroom which opened up today but then got sucked partly into the filter so its shrivled back up now. I don't think putting a fish in this size aquarium would be a good idea though. I think that would just be too much bioload and it will be a lot more stable fish free.


Yeah you're right about not adding any fish.I'm gonna add 1 zebra hermit,1 red foot snail,1" green brain(for a bit) and a small frag of sun polyps since they will be in such a small space it'll be easier to feed them individually.Maybe 1 flourescent green striped shroom.


That's a really cool tank. I guess you couldn't put any fish in it but can you use it to grow pods? I have been needing a new desk lamp =)


sounds cool. I like the sun polyp idea. I am going to try to get corals that don't require much feeding though just because I want to be able to put as little food into the system as possible in order to keep the water params good. I am planning mostly on zoos and shrooms.
I bet this tank would be great for pods, I have some in mine rigt now.
Ive always wanted to try this but was curious on how you heat it.
How would you heat it or is the light and the pump in the filter enought to keep it at a good temp?


Dont waste your time on this thing!!!!!! I have had one set up for about a month and they are sooooooooooooooo hard to keep stable plus the light shines on the filter and you will have algae growing in the filter! They are a pain to keep looking good!


I was thinking more like:since it's so small even if I do a 4-6 oz water change every few days or so, how difficult could that be?Plus, I noticed how many tanks you have, no wonder this extra little one is just a pain.What do you have in yours?


Active Member
you couldnt leave it for more than a couple of days the evaporation on that would be hard to keep up with- Even a 1/4" of evaf would change the salinity significantly



Originally posted by j21kickster
you couldnt leave it for more than a couple of days the evaporation on that would be hard to keep up with- Even a 1/4" of evaf would change the salinity significantly

Ok, so when I take my glass of water up for the night I'll have to take an extra one up too.Still doesn't sound like too much work.Thanks for the info. though.


I have some Xenia in mine, that was also my biggest problem! If you dont top off EVERY SINGLE DAY then you sg goes through the roof. I had some shrooms in there and went of vacation for 4 days, I know this was very stupid on my part but it is still just a huge pain in the butt! And out of all my tanks the only 2 that require a lot of care are my 2 reef tanks.


I just seen that setup at my lfs! Hmm.. I think I have too get one too!


New Member
there is no lid how can you keep stuff from getting in the water? what if like a little kid spills something in it or something falls in the water?:confused:


I just saw the same set up but made by Red Sea, the box shows a picture of a betta so I am pretty sure they didnt intend it to be used as a little nano. The guy at my lfs wanted 49.99 for it though which means he probably got it for like 25 bucks!


New Member
Way to save me some money. They want $49-$59 around here.
A good dealer I know has one with the filter media taken out and flow turned down and has made a sand fuge out of it with caluerpa in it. Light grows it great and it looks good. No fish in the tank and only a tiny CBS and hermits to move about.
He said there is one problem, though. His tank runs in the 71-73F range and he is still working on heating it up. He said his corals (mostly) shrooms and a torch coral don't like it so cold. That has been my only block to getting one...........


Went back to the lfs yesterday. They have one set up on their counter with all of this! Mushrooms shrooms, blue leg hermit crab, peppermint shrimp, and a damsel! I asked them how long its been set up, and they said a few weeks. Hmm... wonder if they're doing 80% water changes a day!

nm reef

Active Member
Thats just too radically small for me...I prefer much more diversity than a little bitty nano could the water chemistry maintenance would require constant maintenance. I've seen some sweet lil nanos...but less than a gal is just too small least for me. I would be very interested in pics of these little dudes over time though. Best of luck with those little dudes.